Sunday, February 26, 2023

190 days, 100 pounds Gone.

Where do I even begin? Before this weight loss journey I had a weightloss journey back in 2017 where I lost 100 pounds I went from 398 to 245. I was 17 years old in the process and this was very eye-opening to me in many different ways from the way people treated me to the way people talk to me .. a year and a half later I got pregnant and gained back more than half of half of the weight so I was back to 300s and honestly I felt horrendous. I felt horrible and I was always tired and I never had the energy to do anything. I made this decision myself to lose weight yet again because I wanted to be happy in my body again I chose to do this weight loss journey yet again, because I wanted to be happy and live a longer life for my daughter and husband. I am very well aware of the diets, of the exercises of everything that is thrown at obese people and honestly I always fall back. I always fell back. I always chose to eat. I never counted calories. I just I wanted to eat I feel comfortable eating and that is why I ended up so big, and I’m not ashamed because I’m well aware of my actions. In August 2022 I chose to start again I chose to do what was best for me and that is veganism. I chose to go Vegan , count calories, I chose to do fasting from 12 PM to 8 PM. I did not eat over 1500 cal the most ever ate during this weight loss process was 3000 and that was a good day but It did not make me fall back into the binge eater I was. It was honestly hard in the beginning. It was very hard and the fact that I was so big because of nobody else but myself, I had to lose this myself I have very high motivation for myself this time around I have motivation to do things differently I do view things in life differently from the way I eat food to the way I see any people eating. yes it’s wrong of me that I was obese, still am but still in the process of weightloss and yet I will be here trying to explain to people how to eat, but me opening my eyes and seeing that the way food is revolving around many people is scary because I am one of those many people. I chose to walk/jog, 1.5 to 2 miles daily. I lifted weights, and I did my legs I chose to strive for the best possible that I could. I also had a high water intake. I drink at least 100 ounces a day if more, if possible, that’s perfect but I try not to be under 100 ounces of water a day. I feel like my water intake has helped me in this process as well. Another Big helper is the fasting I don’t eat before 12 PM and after 8 p.m. hits. I’ll fast all those hours and it has helped me realize how much I over ate out of boredom And back to veganism I have been vegan on and off in 2017 I chose to be vegan for the weight loss and that’s what helped me the most so that’s why I brought it back into my life. I also have became disgusted with eating meat and other products as such so I felt like it was my really in my advantage for me to be able to be vegan and want to be vegan and continue to through this diet because of how I viewed, the other foods around me. That being said I am now Many months into this journey , as I say it opened my eyes to the way food is perceived by many it as well has opened my eyes to the way People perceive those who are overweight. All my life I have been called names and I bet there isn’t a fat name that you can call me that I have not been called because my family themselves have called me names that are just engorged in my brain but the same people that have called me names while being extra big are the same people that still make fun of me for losing 100 pounds, yes I was big and I had huge back fat, but now that I have not as much back fat and it’s not as big but it’s now saggy, there’s other things that people can talk negative about me on and that’s now having loose skin. I have been told that I look better FAT, and Big instead of having loose skin and just looking the way I do , I have been told that my legs look so skinny now and that what am I doing to myself but when I was bigger I would be begged to lose weight. It just hurts in many different ways. I wanted to add that in because no matter what you do to better yourself there will always be negative found within the process from anybody and everybody. Today I sit at 225 pounds and this is the smallest I have ever been since middle school since elementary even I’m not sure because I was way over 195 in elementary. Seeing 225 on the scale and me being satisfied and happy with the way I feel in the motivation I have daily , it is very emotional, I feel like I cry to myself with no tears falling down of the successful, motivational feelings I just get upon myself. I know that this is only the beginning and I do have another goal weight and I will hit that weight. In this process since August 2022 I have reached three of my goals I wanted to go from 325 to 300 from 300 to 250 from 250 to 245 because that was the lowest weight i ever hit . from 245 I want to hit 200 and I will that’ll be my next goal and I will hit 200 and after I hit 200, I have one more goal and that’s it. The process will be done, and I’ll be able to be satisfied within myself and sit daily appreciating the hard work, I’ve done to myself better myself to feel healthier , be healthier to do better and stay better. I chose to say all of this, because I want people to know that it is mind over matter, and no matter what you think. Mind over matter, will always fall in place with the weight loss, with the weight gain, with the way you eat with the way you think of food and how you portray food. When you have the mindset of food being a friend instead of an enemy you’re able to enjoy the food that you make for yourself instead of wanting more when your plate is empty. I’m not saying more is bad because you need to learn how to limit yourself and when you do, you should be able to get more with limitations, but that being said you should know that there’s always a limit and that limit is 100% OK that limit is normal, it’s normal and should always be normal. You don’t need to exceed you don’t need so much to be satisfied with in your hunger feelings. I feel like I have said enough and I just want to thank you all for those who are taking the time to read this and thank myself most of all I thank myself plenty. It’s only the beginning.325 - 225

submitted by /u/fkknhigh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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