Monday, February 13, 2023

Torn on what to do: switch to maintenance despite not reaching my goals or power through?

I'll try to keep it short. I went from 155lbs to ~200lbs from late 2019 to 2021. Then for 1 year and 4 months now, I've been on a weight loss journey. It's been tough because I was fixing a million things in my life at the same time but through some ups and down I managed to get down to 165lbs now and packed on a fair bit of muscles. My routine generally consists of 15k steps/day, 1800 calories average (lower during weekdays so I can eat more on weekends), weight training 4-5 times/week.

After a pretty long journey, I'm very tired of being at a deficit especially that my routine consisted of 15k steps a day to supplement my loss and in very cold weather where I live it has been a challenge. My plan for winter 2023 was to aim to eat maintenance while continuing to work out so I can do a body recomposition. That changed when I did a dexa scan in early January when I was around 170lbs and it showed I'm at almost 28% body fat which meant I'd need to lose a lot more fat to get to where I want to be. I decided to power through and keep losing.

My goal based on what my body looks like now is 160lbs with 16-18% BF so I'll need to lose 10-15lbs of fat and put on more muscles.

Based on how much I slowed down the last 2-3 weeks. I believe to continue at a rate of 4lbs/month, I'd have to cut alcohol again and not eat out on weekends. Unfortunately, continuing that means I'm isolating myself quite a bit socially, much more importantly eating around 1600 cals and spending up to 3h a day walking + gym leaves almost no energy or time to devote to ramping up on my new job. So far I prioritized weight loss but with the pressure I started having anxiety issues again for the first time since 2021 and I think I might need to reconsider my approach.

At the same time, if I don't power through right now, I won't get to my goals before summer because I'll need at least 3 months of fat loss at 4lb/month to get to where I want to be.

Thank you for reading through all of this. Happy to hear any suggestions!

submitted by /u/unfitness_dude
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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