Saturday, September 15, 2018

32 [M] 6’2 and 190 lbs ~17% body fat. After years and year of trying, and failing, I lost 30 pounds with almost no effort.

Here I am at 220 lbs about a year ago. I’ve always exercised. I’m an avid runner, I lift weights, I’m active on the weekends. But about 5 years ago I got my first desk job and I almost immediately put on 40 pounds. Here and there, I’d lose weight and put it back on. But nothing substantial. The weird thing was, I never felt out of shape at any point, I never stopped exercising, but I didn’t make any real lifestyle choices. So, I dropped down to 190 lbs over the span of about 6 months. What changed? I got a new job. I don’t sit at a desk anymore and my job gives me the opportunity to pursue hobbies (such as my health) and exercise. I’d like to lose about 10 more lbs and drop down to 15% body fat, but it’s proving to be difficult. Weight loss is not easy and this weight loss happened when I stopped trying. I was busy training for my current job and had to set aside watching what I eat because I was always so busy studying and training. Then one day, my mom who I hadn’t seen in 6 months visited and said I lost a bunch of weight. I hadn’t even noticed. To be honest, I assumed I was putting on weight and was terrified of the scale. I stepped on and I was 198. I hadn’t been under 200 in 5 years. And that motivated the hell out of me. In about 3 more weeks I dropped to 190 and I’ve been hovering there for the last six months. It’s been disheartening seeing as I spend 3-4 hours at the gym doing weight lifting and cardio on my off days, but the days I work I run and do a CrossFit style workout. I’m not always the best about watching what I eat. The community loves to feed us junk food and sometimes it’s hard to turn down. But 75% of the time I maintain my diet and log my calories. It helps to look at this and see how far I’ve come when I get frustrated. Losing weight is not easy and I applaud anyone who can do it and those that are trying. Good luck to everyone out there!

submitted by /u/michaelscottspenis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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