Friday, September 14, 2018

Binging and weight loss healthy snack advice. Are granola bars better than nuts?

I have struggled with binge eating for the past two years. It is mainly cause because I have created a habit loop with waking up-working, since I work from home, which leads to binging all day. I have a binge type behavior that has caused me to gain weight. I've recently started naltrexone for binging but I dont see it as being effective yet. It's been about a week now so maybe I have to give it more time.

I do crave and tend to binge on nuts and trail mix. I'll go through about 3 cups of raw nuts a day. This includes almonds, pecans, cashews and pistachios. My question is because I have a binge type personality in the mean time until I can completely control this behavior do you think I should replace the nuts for skinny pop popcorn?

There was a time where I went to different therapist and was "hypnotized" to stop the binge eating of nuts however that began my binge eating for sugary foods and sweets because that craving was still there.

I am wondering if snacking on popcorn or cereal is better than snacking on the nuts for weight loss purposes only*Once I start eating nuts I cant stop and sometime I eat half of a tub in one sitting. I'm thinking because I don't like popcorn as much I would hopefully stop after one bag. I dont trust myself with buying a box of cereal -I know it'll be gone by the end of the day.

Any advice would help! Preferably dry snacks like popcorn or cereal I know veggies are ideal but I'm thinking of something I can have in the car or at my desk where my triggers are. I know I should learn to kick the habit of eating at my desk completely but just something in the meantime.

Thank you

submitted by /u/beary2017
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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