Saturday, September 15, 2018

Down 60lbs. Here are my struggles. I need some advice again.

You guys were so supportive on my last post when I had lost about 30-35lbs and was very frustrated about still wearing the same size clothes. Well here are my new stats! F36 5'4" HW220 CW160 GW115

So here are my struggles and I could use some advice.

I broke through and finally made it down to smaller size clothes! Wahoo!! But . . . Just once. So I've only gone down to a size 14 and I started at a 16. I don't really understand, I'm over halfway there and only down one size. Will it really start dropping faster in my belly eventually? I think I'm about to go down again, but I'm really frustrated.

My hair! It's so thin!!! This makes my want to cry, like every day! I take vitamins, and biotin, but is there anything else I can do?

Random medical stuff that interferes (emotionally) with staying on track. So this one is kind of embarrassing. I'm currently experiencing some pretty bad hemorrhoids. They are partially thrombosed so it's been over 3 weeks and they aren't gone yet, no surgery because they aren't "bad enough" for that. I'm a wreck! Pain for hours (like upwards of 20 hours) which affects my sleep, my work and my ability to remember to do things. I'm emotional eater and some days, I just want to eat ice cream and cry even if it's a small bowl. My food days haven't actually been too bad, but I've gone over my calorie goal almost every day but not by a lot (which also sucks, because poop). I just don't think I can manage both things right now. Do any of you have this stuff come up where you just can't, but are able to get back on track when it's over? I'm so afraid that I'll have to start all over again!

Also I look in the mirror and I don't see weight loss. My belly is holding fast. My legs are definitely smaller and my arms are too. I can see my collar bones now. My face looks are weird. I think I've got a little dysmorphia. I don't like seeing myself in the mirror because I don't really recognize myself anymore. But I don't look all that much different from some I've seen, just thinner. I definitely prefer to see myself with clothes on, I hate my naked body. I will never have a bikini body even at my goal weight, I've been obese too long and I'll have too much lose skin. How do you love all that?

How do you take compliments? I just say thanks, but internally it's hard! I've had to confront what I've let myself become. Note, I was always overweight, obesity came with medication and I couldn't figure out how to fix that until now, 15 years later. People at work are very supportive and there are some on their own journeys, we have a great community! I have this weird combination between wanting to talk about weight loss all the time and not at all. Like if someone brings up how great I've been doing, I get super weird and awkward and make a fool of myself and just want it to stop, but if they want to talk about how it works for me I could talk all day! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME! Oh wait, have I always been this socially awkward . . .

If you've read this far, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Obligatory befores and current. The before has a terrible representation of what my face actually looked like, so I included a face before. And then the current. I wish my friend would have taken full body but alas, I think you get the idea.

submitted by /u/siralim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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