Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hard times a-comin'. Strength will be tested. Temptation is on the horizon...

September is the calm before the storm. In October, all aitch-ee-double-hockey-sticks breaks loose. I hope I can continue to maintain my progress, or at least not lose any.

On or around New Year's 2018, I promised myself, sick of labored breathing, daytime fatigue, perpetual discomfort, lethargy, and more-than-occasional pains in places from where no pain should regularly emanate, that I would drop some weight. Again. But this time, I had some extra motivation (in the form of a stick, not a carrot) - my blood pressure, which had been under control under a low-ish dose of medicine, starting to creep back up again, even with the medication.

On January 7, 2018, I weighed myself for the first time of the year: 281.8. Damn. Not my worst ever (296.0), but far worse than it should be. I'm not sure I'd been below 250 by more than a few pounds at any time over the previous 10 years. But when I got married in May of 2004, I was 223.2 -- I remember this, because I got my tux four or five months early, and I got it two sizes too small to FORCE myself to lose the weight before my wedding.

On January 7, 2018, I promised myself that come my next birthday (mid-late October), I would again be 223.2 -- just shy of 60 pounds to lose in 9 and a half months.

As of this morning, September 15th (a little under a month to go), I am 226.4 -- 55.4 pounds down, only 3.2 pounds left. I'm pretty sure I'm going to make it!!!


With October, comes the SUCK:

  • Early October - my daughter's birthday, my sister's birthday;
  • Mid-October - my birthday;
  • Late October - Halloween;
  • November - Thanksgiving + leftovers for days;
  • Early December - my son's birthday, Hanukkah;
  • Mid December - my dad's birthday;
  • Late December - Christmas (we do both), my wife's birthday, New Year's.

I'm of two minds about this. After I make my "wedding weight" goal of 223.2 by mid-October, then I think, TBH, I'd be pretty happy just not to gain anything between then and Jan. 1. On the other hand, part of me wants to continue pushing forward, and try to lose more, even through the festivities. I just wonder if by doing that, I will force myself to enjoy those special times so little that it will be counterproductive.

I have lost weight thus far by being more disciplined and doing stuff right, but also by NOT being an absolutist. I allow myself treats here and there and work them into my daily/weekly numbers so that they don't impact my weight loss that much. I believe that is a better way to go than an abstinence-type posture that makes every day feel like a punishment. But the temptations of October through December will be many, and I don't know if I after a time, denying myself too strictly will create a mindspace that will sabotage my progress.

Has anyone else "been there, done that?"

Thanks for listening. :-)

submitted by /u/askingquestionsblog
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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