Friday, September 14, 2018

Help! My husband's weight loss has plateaued and we can't figure out why!

Hi everyone! I've found this sub so helpful when trying to lose weight and get in shape. It worked for me, but I need help:

My husband recently joined me on my weight loss journey. He's 30, 5'11", and started at around 310lbs. After a few months of dieting, he's gone down to 280lbs from CICO alone. A month ago, we added exercise to his regime, but his weight seems to have plateaued and we're both really confused and a little frustrated about it.

I don't feel like I can help much because my need for weight loss was less urgent than his (I'm struggling to get rid of the last ~2 lbs after losing 20 which is its own battle) and a lot of the fitness material I read is aimed at women.

I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what's going wrong. Here's a quick overview:

  • Male/5'11/currently 280 lbs
  • Consuming roughly 1500-1700 cals per day. 1 cheat day a week with total for the day at ~2500 cal.
  • Food is 75% home made, lots of fresh veg and lean protein. We are luckily both good cooks.
  • Activity: 3 1-hour work outs per week. Reasonably high intensity, lots of circuits combining cardio and strength.
  • Day to day: runs a bar, so often on his feet or running errands. 1-2 times a week has 1 hour+ of deliveries so he's hauling 80 lb kegs of beer around.

TDEE calculators have all said his BMR is around 2000-2200 calories per day, and with light exercise he should be maintaining at almost 3000 calories per day. I feel like by adding the exercise 3 times a week we should have seen more progress than this, but his weight loss has basically stalled completely this last month.

My husband is a pretty big guy, even without the extra weight on him. He's built pretty broad and has been told by a few bodybuilder friends that he has the idea body type for putting on muscle. A physical he got last year told him that although his body fat percentage was obviously unhealthily high, he also had a fair amount of muscle underneath (by average/unfit person standards, not by fit people standards). I don't think he's eating enough protein to put muscle on, but again everything I know is based on my own fat-loss goals, I haven't really reached a stage where I want to bulk muscle myself.

I really can't figure it out, and he's getting understandably frustrated by his lack of progress. I'm making an appointment to see a dietician next week, but I was wondering if anyone has any insight? Thank you in advance, and please be kind.

Tl;dr: Husband is 30/5'11/280 lbs, exercising quite strenuously 3 times per week, eating 1700 per day on good days, and 2500 calories once a week on a cheat day (WEEKLY AVERAGE: 1900 per day). Zero scale results in a month. What's up?

submitted by /u/youdoublearewhy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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