Saturday, September 15, 2018

More like re-start

Hey my name is James. I'm 21. My top weight was 373 pounds and I currently hover around 330 and have for awhile. I've had some mental health issues in the past and had little interest in what tomorrow had to bring. Thanks to the kind folks around me and some positive life decisions that has turned around for me and I have a new reason for needing to drop the weight.

I want to join the Canadian Armed Forces, and I was told to submit my application for processing despite my recruiter knowing my current weight as 328. I haven't trained myself physically since my last phase of weight loss, so this has me in a bit of a rush to get into it. I think I'm kind of an extreme personality so I want to kick my training off with something hardcore so it makes the rest of it seem like a breeze. I'm used to a lot of the drastic changes I'll have to make because I've done them before, so I have high confidence when it comes to completing this "Challenge". It's definitely unhealthy, and I definitely can't afford to eat enough healthy foods to hit the amount of daily calories I should be eating to lose weight in a healthy manner (I have 35 dollars in the bank and haven't paid next month's rent yet).

I'll be training every day, eating mostly protein based meals 6 time a day. I put this here to serve primarily as an oath to myself to complete this next month of intensity. After that we'll be reeling in the extreme nature of the program and eating more carbs. I plan to begin running after this month so I want to lower the weight enough to reduce the stress on my joints enough to run every day. The plan after this will be less stressful because of several factors, the biggest probably being financial, next to reduced exhaustion because of my increased ability to recover (thanks to the increased food, from the financial situation improving.) My theory for the psychological side of this is that if you bend something, it will normally return to a resting position between where it was before and the position you bent it to. So my thoughts are that if I go too far, I'll still come back better than I was before. This was true last time, as I haven't put the weight back on over this last year despite not exercising or actively being aware of what I was eating.

If you have questions I'd love to answer them. I wasn't sure how long to make the post or how detailed I should be, some guidance would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/probablyextreme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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