Sunday, June 23, 2019

A note to those hitting plateaus early in their journey

Since joining this sub, I've seen many stories about stalling, temporary weight gain or lack of weight loss, and I wanted to briefly share my own experience in the hope that it answers at least one person’s concerns.

Back in 2015, I spent the first half of the year restricting calories to lose a little over 30lbs. Over the course of the next year I dropped another 6lbs, but as my body got used to its new composition I ended up leveling out to roughly my GW, and I’ve stayed close to that weight for the last 3 years.

I consider myself a success. I don’t have chiseled abs (a nice spare tire actually), but I’m remained steady. I run at least 40 miles a week, and since I started my journey, I’ve run 3 ultra-marathons, 7 marathons, 33 half marathons and more than 50 other races. I’ve found my zone and I’m comfortable in it.

The thing is – I still struggle with the number on the scale. Every. Single. Day. Especially this week when the scale keeps creeping up despite my cutting back on calories (or at least my attempt to). It’s frustrating, especially when I think I’m doing most things right. I don't want that number to define me, and it shouldn't but it sits there like a neon light that's screaming: Today you failed! Try again tomorrow!

The rational, educated side of my brain knows that weight fluctuation is perfectly normal, and yet the emotional side of my mind really doesn't care and just wants to see the numbers drop.

So what I want to say to all of you who hit plateaus and wonder if you’ll ever get through it – my own experience says yes. Yes you will. But know that it happens to all of us. That guy at the gym who tosses barbells like they’re inflatable toys, or that woman on the running trail who looks like a gazelle in motion both have their own insecurities, and despite what they look like on the outside, they’ve had their moments of struggle, self-doubt and immense frustration at missing a goal or thinking the scale is mocking them. We’ve all been there. We get through it or give up. Please don’t give up!

TL;DR: Relatively fit guy hates his scale his scale right now, but knows it’s temporary and will get better.

submitted by /u/TheHairyRunner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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