Sunday, June 9, 2019

A person trying to get healthy

i'm a college student. i have severe depression. i have intense anxiety around change. i have many sensory issues, 95% of them are based around food texture. i'm finally on a concoction on medication that's helping me to feel like a human again. i'm trudging through things that i couldn't before, like studying and homework and actually going outside to do fun things. i've started to sing and paint again. i'm very very slowly starting to get better. but i have one roadblock that i need advice to get over.

i am addicted to fast food. during my past years of being depressed i've built up such a dependency on processed food that i've gained 50 pounds and i can't keep up with my cloth sizes anymore. fast food is quick, pre-made, and perfect for when i'm feeling too drained (and when i was that deep in a depressive episode, being drained was a constant). i eat 2-3 fast food meals a day, and copious amounts of food. but i'm ready to start to eat healthy. before i started this binge-eating journey i was anorexic. i ate almost nothing for four years straight. the binge-eating didn't start until i started on med trials.

i don't know how to begin this kind of health journey and it is extremely triggering for me as the only way i know how to lose weight is starving myself. i really really really need some advice. googling healthy snacks and recipes aren't helpful. everything is really slimey or squishy and almost all healthy foods are loaded with rice, which i'm extremely allergic to. nutritionists are expensive and with the intense class loads i'm taking this upcoming semester, i'm afraid i'll find it easier to just stick to a diet of fast food.

people have suggested intense workouts and diet to me, but i'm just starting to feel better and i dont want to work so hard i'd push myself back into an episode. plus, i don't just care about the weight loss. i need direction to a lifestyle change. i need to start with finding foods and recipes that are healthy, but wouldn't trigger my sensory issues and are managable for a busy college student. i just need ideas. i'll do anything to get on the right track to doing better and healthier.

submitted by /u/Kevin_Mac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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