Friday, June 21, 2019

Advice on how to gain muscle and maintaining weight loss.

So I started counting calories and exercising on January first, like I do every year...but this time it lasted for more than a week! I started seeing the number on the scale go down and it got me really motivated. So I have been counting calories, exercising, and meal prepping since the beginning of this year. In total I have lost 78 pounds and now I want to start to gain some muscle but have no idea what to do.

I need advise on how to gain muscle weight. Like the basics what I should eat and do. I’m a beginner, I haven’t lifted weights since high school and the only exercise I’ve done this year has been cardio (treadmill and elliptical). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Links to articles or YouTube videos would be helpful.

I also wanted to know if I should stop meal prepping and just start to eat “normally.” Or if I should just continue with the meal preps and just up the calories and protein intake. And once I reach my overall goal, what should I do to maintain it all. I really don’t want to gain all of it back. Throughout the years I would go on a diet lose 10-20 pounds just to gain it all back. I know that I have to continue eating healthy and continue to exercise. I think that I have more self control than before....I have only allowed myself to have one cheat meal a month and I haven’t even had one this month...that’s how I know I’ve changed cause usually i would count the day’s until the first of the month so I could have McDonald’s or in n out. Anyways, any information/advice would be helpful and if I can help you in anyway, please let me know.

Little bit more about me: I’m a 27 year old male, I’m 5’7” and my starting weight was 209 pounds and I’m currently 131. I still have some fat around my stomach, sides and lower back (love handles), and still have man boobs (although MUCH smaller than before ). And like I said, I have very little muscle.

Thanks in advance! I look forward to reading your suggestions.

submitted by /u/sdsteal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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