Friday, June 21, 2019

Every amount of weight loss is a journey, but they are also different. Be kind to yourself and others.

One thing I've thought about a lot in my time following this sub is the three very general groups of weightloss (especially for women) I see people setting out on, the perspectives they have on their bodies and weightloss, and the responses they get from other people. In reality it's a spectrum and every journey is unique, but I see these journeys as:

  1. I have always been thin but recently gained 10-20lbs and need to lose it IMMEDIATELY.

  2. I have 30-60lbs to lose, I'm a little overweight or obese and need to make a change.

  3. I have a significant amount of weight to loose (100+ lbs) and I need to change my life.

Every single one of these is a journey, is hard, takes effort and commitment, and requires support. And demands celebration when partaken healthily! But it also makes me sad when I see language from a 1 that maybe be a little humiliating for 2s or 3s.

For instance, I am more of a 2 who was bmi wise obese until a few years ago and then sat at the top of the overweight range until recently. Reading so many posts from women at my height and 130lbs (below my goal) talk about how they have gotten SO FAT recently often made me feel like maybe even achieving my goal wasn't good enough if people would still think I was SO FAT.

And, I have to remember that for some, getting down to Oneland is a HUGE achievement and amazing, even though that is higher than I started.

Not sure what I'm trying to say, other than be kind and conscious of other in the community on your journey. It can be so hard not to hyper focus on ourselves and our flaws while we lose or struggle to. But give yourself the same kindness, dignity and support you'd give others on their journey, and hopefully in turn not tear them down by tearing yourself down.

submitted by /u/ksdg13524
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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