Sunday, June 2, 2019

Getting Skinny-shamed constantly, comparison to fat-shaming, i was not once shamed for my eating habits, or my drinking habits when i was bigger. [RANT]

No one cared that i was at a 32 BMI when i was obese, i was 200+ lbs, and i was miserable. But as soon as i get to a good weight of 20.80-21 BMI, and at my current weight 136ish lbs people lose their shit. Telling me that i'm anorexic, unhealthy weight, sickly, and pale. Then urging me that i must gain weight because i'm anorexic.

I can only think of 3 people who have been supportive of my weight loss, 2 of my closest friends, and my father. The rest are constantly trying to push their messed up ideas that i looked great before all of this weight loss, when i had a high blood pressure and my doctor urging me to not go above 200 lbs, for my already high blood pressure.

I was beyond joy when i reached my goal, only to get put down that i'm mentally ill, and anorexic, and that i'm an idiot for believing the BMI scale.

I don't necessarily care too much on this as I've grown a lot as a person, i just don't really understand what the problem is for a lot of these people. Getting skinny shamed on a weekly basis does get onto my nerves eventually.

But i would like to thank this sub, although i haven't commented, or posted here, i have however read a lot of the things here when i was myself bigger and i'm thankful the community and how supportive the people are to others in here.

submitted by /u/GwenSkin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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