Alright guys, so here we are again. Stuck on a plateau. Trying to push through. I need to be held to account and I need to re-focus. You ever get to that point, where everything has just become routine and normalized? I have been there for the past couple of months. I've lost 130 pounds at this point and become very physically active. But I got a little lazy with my pursuit of my goals. I no longer have clearly defined milestones. I'm feeling really re-energized today though, because I did two things that really pushed me outside my comfort zone this week. I ran a Spartan race on Sunday and I posted pictures of my weight loss on r/progresspics. There was some reasoning behind this. I've noticed in this journey of weight loss, that there is a strong correlation between accountability and success. I've made verbal contracts with the universe (I've found that speaking things out loud or writing them down really helps.) The universe, though, is oddly quiet when you do something that is not in alignment with your goals. I have, up to this point, had my family to hold me accountable. I state things to them and ask them to hold me to it. Family though, are the most forgiving of people. Especially when they are not on the journey with you. They are extra forgiving when they are not also interested in pursuing similar goals. When they want to eat cake, it's really easy for them to justify your eating cake as well. It just seems like, the closer that I get to my goals, the more I slip, the more I justify behavior that looks remarkably similar to the old me. The harder that I work in the gym, the easier it is to justify 2 cheats a week, then three, then every day. And so, I've become stagnant in my weight loss.
Several months ago I joined reddit, then I started following r/loseit, then I told all you good people about my weight loss. Then I got together with a group of guys and committed to doing a Spartan race. This held me accountable for some of my fitness goals. I've posted my weight loss picture to this point online (to be honest, a little bit for the back pats, a little to hold myself to account). Now, I am making a written declaration and asking for the good people of r/loseit to hold me accountable. I will reach my weight loss goals before December 31 of this year (2019). I will not have 3 cheat days a week. I will not have 2 cheat days a week. I will stay within 5% of my daily caloric goal of 1770 from now, until I reach my goal weight. If my finances and work will allow it, I would like to complete the other 2 spartan races that make up a trifecta. This means that I will have to train to run 8+ miles, then 13+ miles with obstacles. I will do cardio, not just lift weights. Someone, hold me to account...please?
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from loseit - Lose the Fat
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