Thursday, June 20, 2019

My life changing weight loss journey *LONG READ*

As cliché as the title sounds, it is 100% true.

Around the beginning of January 2019 i started my weight loss journey but not officially seeing results since the beginning of March. I started at 230 pounds, never have i seen that number on the scale. I would look at myself in the mirror and be disappointed in myself. I always struggled with weight loss ever since high school. Having stages of “ill start now” and only going for a month and then stopping. Until i told myself enough is enough. I picked my ass up from the couch and i started my journey.

The one thing i would have to say was the most difficult was dieting. I never knew what diets were for me so i was doing IF, OMAD, and Etc. Never actually having a solid diet, i decided to start with a 5 day fast at the beginning of March. A lot of people will say this is unhealthy and can lead to more issues and i can say it kinda did kinda didn’t. I wasn’t doing it for the weight loss cause after all it was mainly water weight. I was doing it for mental strength, i was able to open my pantry stare down a bag of chips and confidently slam my pantry shut. I used this time to meditate and become more spiritual (this helped A LOT). I woke up everyday at 7 AM did a 2 mile run and meditated for 10 minutes everyday. This became my schedule and i made myself stick to it. I have changed as a person completely by doing this. I was so focused that i told myself i would not eat any beef or pork. Till this day i haven’t had any beef or pork, it’s really true, whatever you put your mind to, you will accomplish.

After my 5 day fast i semi developed an “eating disorder” that im basically coming to an agreement with as i type this. I used quotations because i don’t believe it was a full eating disorder. I would basically be scared of food, i would think everything was bad for me and everything would make me gain weight. So i had to educate myself, i had to do research and find out exactly the diet i wanted for myself. I’m eating more now, but in a clean and healthy way. Instead of being scared and over think of everything i would rather pick and choose what i wanted to eat and how i ate it. I would rather go to restaurants because often times they have a “healthy” section on the menu or even a vegan section.

As of this morning i weighed in at 201 pounds, i can’t remember the last time I’ve seen those numbers. I’m 1 pound away from losing 30 pounds and reaching my mid-goal of 200 pounds. At the beginning of March is when i started hitting the gym and doing a 2 mile run every day roughly. I can remember losing my breath and having to stop almost every 3 minutes. The last time i timed my 2 miles i was at 20 minutes, that was roughly a month and a half ago. As of today i timed my 2 miles at 13 minutes, without stopping at all. Words can’t explain how proud of myself i am.

Thank you for taking the time reading this.

Always wake up positive because we don’t know if we have tomorrow or not. Make everyday count. Peace and Love

submitted by /u/liluzilando
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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