Saturday, June 15, 2019

Need some feedback for a game I'm planning to do with my so

Hey all, So my girlfriend made some weight loss last year and it worked out pretty good, but since half a year or so she is struggling hard. She came to me saying she wants to start again with losing weight, but is to unmotivated. I thought,hey I also could lose the last 10kg I gained in the last 5 years so why not make a compatative game out of it. I give you now a rough idear for rules I had. Would be nice if you could give me some feedback or ideas. Everyone of us has a daily kcal Limit (best with not that big of a deficit) and if you shoot over it for more than 200 you get a minus point. Additionally looking every week if you've got more days over your limit then under you're getting 2 or 5 minus points. To get us both to do sports on a regular basis. If one of us is doing sports a day the other one has also to do something, if not 1 minus point(walking for 30 min is enough, but it has to be something). In the end I would honour sticking to the diet. So if one manages to go a week without any negative points you get 2 positive points and for the second week 4 positive points and so on.

In the end I would make a limit of negative points (maybe 30?) and if one of us reaches this number he/she loses the game. We also probably have to make some bet that the one losing have to do something (no idea what )

So what are your thoughts on this ?

Ps: I hope my German autocorecct did not change to many words :D

submitted by /u/Bluppdieblupp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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