Sunday, June 9, 2019

PAY IT FORWARD : Free Clothes!

I started my weight loss journey a little over a year ago when I noticed that, among other things, most of my wardrobe was now too tight. For a while, I tried to convince myself it was because everything had shrunk in the wash and when I ventured to the shops for new clothes, that the reason I must be needing to size up was because of vanity sizing (which, of course, is not how that works at all, but denial is a real thing). Finally, I was faced with going to an event and unable to like myself in the nice outfit I had put together. I stared at myself in the mirror and felt a tight iron ball forming in the pit of my stomach. Finally, I was able to recognize what was going on: I had gained weight.

I didn’t own a scale, so I had to weigh myself at my boyfriend’s place. I thought there was no way I could be heavier than 260, tops. I had never been heavier than that before in my life. To my horror, the scale read 265 (which I would later learn was a faulty reading, and the actual number was closer to 272). For the first time, I saw myself creeping up to 275 and past it, and that horrified me, and motivated me into action. I cut calories, started working out, and lost fifty pounds by November 2018! Go me!

But then something happened. Life happened. It was winter, I left my job, I started treating my depression, a lot of things. For the last six months I’ve been at a standstill.

Or so I thought. That 50 pounds I lost? That amazing, wonderful, exciting 50 pounds? Is now more like 40. How could I let that happen? I thought I was fine, even dealing with the stressors in my life as I was. Hell, the clothes I was wearing were still practically falling off me!

Then it hit me: my clothes were still falling off me. In an effort to be frugal and wanting to only have the expense of replacing my wardrobe once, I hadn’t replaced it at all since I started losing weight. Sure, I had thrifted a piece here or there but nothing had been replaced. My shorts, skirts, pants, tops…..all were falling off of me. No wonder I didn’t realize when I’d gained weight! 10 pounds is a lot, but VERY hard to gauge when it takes shoving both your arms down your pants to fill the gaps your weight loss has produced.

Yesterday, I went to the store and replenished my wardrobe. Not everything, but enough basics to get me through the season. Now, similarly to when I first started a year ago, everything I own is tight. I can wear it and still look nice, but it binds to me in a way that is intentionally uncomfortable. These clothes are my first ever size 16s, and I hope wearing them will be reminder enough to keep going.

I thought about why I was doing this and realized there may be someone out there who is going through what I am, too. Putting off getting smaller clothes for when they’re closer to goal. But the way our clothes fit can be a powerful motivator! One I intend to use.

What about you? Do you need a reminder? Are you putting off refreshing your wardrobe? Are you, like me, stalled, thinking you’re still in good shape because your clothes fit okay? Let me help you: I have 25 items of women's plus size clothes I am giving away – mostly size 2X / 22. You can see a full list of what I’m giving away here, and a few images of what’s up for grabs here. I’ll pay shipping, so it is an all or nothing lot and you are free to giveaway or rehome whatever you don’t want as you see fit. My only hope is that these clothes are tight on you, like they once were on me, to motivate you to better health and a slimmer body. If you are interested, please DM me and I will send them your way.

Let’s keep losing, together!

submitted by /u/appleandcheddar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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