Monday, June 10, 2019

Plateauing very early on and I’m going crazy!

Hey guys, I guess I’m mostly here to just rant. I see on here all the time that people have hit plateaus later on in their weight loss, but I’ve hit one less than a month in and I’m going crazy.

I started this process on May 12th and initially dropped weight really quickly. I’m a 5’8” 23 year old female and I started at 295 pounds. My TDEE is about 2800, and I’m eating around 1600ish calories a day. Some days when I exercise a lot and I’m extra hungry, I’ll eat closer to 1800 or 1900. I haven’t eaten above maintenance once since I started this.

So anyway, at first the weight was just kind of falling off (though I’m sure some of it was water weight) and by May 30th I was 280 pounds. I was so excited to see the scale changing so quickly.

But now, I’ve been stuck between 280-282 every day since then. I haven’t changed anything, and I’m tracking my foods really well on MFP. I’ve even gotten stricter with tracking since I’ve gotten a food scale and I measure everything. I’ve been at the gym about five times a week, and I’m just seeing no results. I’m feeling so frustrated because I’m definitely putting in the work, and every day I think “Okay, I worked my ass off today. Tomorrow will be the day that the scale says 279.” And then I weigh in the next morning and it says 280.4 or something.

I know plateaus are normal and I’m doing my best to just push through this one and remember that if I’m still doing the work, the scale will change eventually, but I didn’t expect for my weight loss to stall this early on. Has anyone else experienced a plateau this early on? Is there anything I can do to break it or do I just keep working until eventually the weight drops? I’m feeling really discouraged.

submitted by /u/throwaway555907
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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