Saturday, June 1, 2019

Throwaway. Weight loss and friendships? Remarks and odd behaviour?

This is a quick throwaway postm long time lurker here. I’m 17, female and 5’4 who weighed 145 lbs just about to turn 18. I’ve started my weight loss journey several months back after realizing unhealthy I was, and even getting so upset with myself to the point where I wanted to skip prom. Thanks to this sub, I’ve lost 14 lb, my mind feels great, my energy feels great, I just feel great and won’t be missing prom.

Some people at school have noticed my weight loss, I think some made fun of me to, (“I heard you’re losing weight”) With a smirk and obviously holding back there laughter.

With my friends though, I noticed they’ve been behaving, differently? Since I’ve told them I’m going to lose weight.

The first five pounds my one friend remarked, “that’s how much people lose when they take a shit.” I completely zoned out when she said this, probably laughed it off until my brother told me. Which made me feel like shit thinking about it.

Another time, she’s randomly was like one day, “you have dimples? Since when did you had dimples?” In a slight passive aggressive tone. As of recently, she said she wanted to lose some weight herself, just out of the blue, even though she was already and is extremely skinny?

Another friend of mine, who is closer friends with the above friend threw a fit in our group chat, after I said I lost weight, she was going on about how she’s a high weight, tried many diets, and basically trying to eat the same things I was I tried to help her out, but she refused to listen, and did a thing (I know this sounds mean) Where she got everyone’s attention on her in the chat, so they could feed her compliments and totally made it about herself, while guilt tripping me.

Is this normal? Are friends suppose to behave this way, or, am I just being a shit person? How do you handle stuff like this? I barely talk about my weight or health in general, only when people bring up to me that I lost weight and, say I look different that’s when I talk about it for a minute, so I’m not sure why there behaviour feels, cold?

Am I overthinking?

submitted by /u/DetoxThrowaway1813
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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