Saturday, June 8, 2019

Week 4: the week of me freaking out over little things

I am documenting my journey each week to keep myself accountable so here´s my week four update.

Last weekend I had some trouble getting down to 180lbs. This week I has trouble getting under that so I am still technically there. I usually try to structure my updates around healthy habits that I am trying to build but this particular update will be mostly me talking about feelings so if that is not your cup of tea, I would not recommend reading it.

I´m in my first exam phase for this semester, just mostly studying either at home or at the library so working out is really out of the picture right now. It has been just a lot of stress (which is not going to change next week as well, sadly), lack of sleep and me freaking out every five minutes over university work. Just not a good time overall so you can imagine how thrilled I have been to not make any process whatsoever. To be fair, I wasn´t even going to make this post but to me not making it sounded like just giving up alltogether, so in interest of progress and accountability, here´s how I felt this week and what I did roughly:

  • I did ask for some advice on here and got some pretty great responses so thank you guys for the support in general. I truly believe that going through this journey alone would have been much harder on me.
  • I made a rough plan for this week and next week that would help me get more walking into my rountine without wasting too much time - unfortunately studying leaves me with little time & energy for anything more serious. I also made sure to have an idea of what I was going to eat - I do IF 16/8 so I made sure my 2 main meals would be 500kcal and left the remaining 500kcal for snacks (and milk coffee, my favorite poison) I don´t like planning that much because it already makes you feel like you accomplished something, when in fact you haven´t done anything but in this case it was important for me to not have to think about my eating habits at all so I can fully concentrate on university.
  • I planned the week starting after the 17th (after my exams have ended) and made sure to fill it with fun, social and healthy activities (like going swimming with my friends, hiking with them in the woods, going to a nearby city to look at museums - all things that would not overwhealm me and won´t feel like a chore but also would get me moving a lot more). I did this to motivate myself to get through this week. Every exam phase I would usually reward myself with some unhealthy food so this time around I am using activities and not food as my reward.
  • Besides that, I made sure I was drinking enough water each day & also was trying to at least wake up at the same time every day (sleeping enough is a big issue for me so setting up a decent sleeping schedule is very important for me - and important for my journey). That mostly worked - though my sleeping hours still wildly vary.
  • overall, I freaked out a lot during this week because I felt like I was not in control of my weight loss yet again. Taking the time to reflect, breath and read about other people dealing with stuff like that helped me calm down. And while next week is bound to be a pretty difficult one, I am looking forward to fully getting back on track. I understand that I need to be patient and consistent to see results.

Thank you for reading this update, as always advice is greatly appreciated. :)

submitted by /u/throwawayfataccount
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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