Saturday, June 8, 2019

Milestone: no longer obese

So this week I finally dropped my BMI below the obese mark to just overweight. I know there's still a lot of work to do to get to healthy, but right now I'm feeling pleased with this progress! I wanted to share my experiences with you all...

I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and just exercise like crazy to keep the weight off. I loved my food and wanted to stay in shape so that worked really well for me. However, I have ME, and as my health declined to the point of using a mobility scooter to get around, I failed to adjust my eating habits, and quickly piled on the pounds.

Adjusting your eating habits isn't easy, and life was increasingly difficult, learning to live with disability. My weight wasn't a priority - of course I wanted to lose weight, but it wasn't a priority. I think I tried to eat better a few times, but I'd just give up, using the excuse that food was one of the few things I could still enjoy in life.

It wasn't until I got past that mental block and framed weight loss differently - as a priority for my health, not my looks. I let myself be scared by the increased risk of diabetes or cancer and that gave me the kick I needed to go to slimming world. This really worked for me, I HATE counting calories - I just don't have the energy and end up giving up after a week or two. So no counting calories and the pressure of a weigh in really helped.

Life got in the way and I stopped going. I put a bit of weight back on, but I soon worked through things and made weight loss a priority again. I went back and started losing again.

As much as slimming world worked, it was also an expense I couldn't afford after having to leave my job (due to the ME) and the effort to go to weigh-ins took its toll. I vowed to keep at it at home on my own... And I did. But the weight loss started to plateau and events keep cropping up where I wanted to eat or drink freely.

But weight loss was still important and so I kept trying new things. I now use Huel for a lot of my meals as I have difficulty preparing healthy food. And I've returned to an old friend - 5:2. This has worked for me before and is working for me again now. The fasting I find easy now, and I have the freedom to enjoy a little indulgence on other days.

So what's my point other than sharing my long story? It's this advice:

1) you have to make weight loss a priority in your life. Most people want to lose weight, but only those who want it badly enough to prioritise it will be successful.

2) find something that works for YOU as an individual. I 100% believe CICO works... But it doesn't work for ME (no not because of genetics or that shitty fat logic) but because the counting exhausts me and I just can't keep it up.

3) what works for you might change over time, or might take a few attempts to find. But remember, it doesn't matter if it's worked for your mum or your best friend or that colleague who looks great, it has to work for you.

4) don't worry about taking the scenic route to weight loss, as long as your heading downwards over time, don't beat yourself up too much. It's hard, give yourself a break, then get back on it! You'll get there before you know it.

Thanks for reading and I hope your journey is going well!

TLDR: No longer obese because I learnt to prioritise my weight loss and find methods that work for me.

submitted by /u/catsncupcakes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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