Saturday, June 15, 2019

Why is CICO logic not as widely known/accepted as expected?

So many people still say 'I wanna lose weight, let's eat healthy & workout' without even considering calories at all. I went from obese to lean over the past 2 years myself and so many people who ask me 'how did you do it' and nobody really seems to understand what I mean, if I tell them 'eat less calories than my body needs on a daily basis'. People's eyes grow big when you tell them (for example) consuming 3000 calories worth of vegetables might make you gain weight and consuming 2000 calories worth of junkfood makes you lose weight.

Why is something that's literally PROVEN, (barely) undeniable science, way less generally known than we'd expect? Why is it 2019, and still there's people not knowing how weight loss works when you can literally Google things in 2 minutes? It kinda baffles my mind.

submitted by /u/emresslnk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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