Friday, August 2, 2019

6.7kgs down in a month, I feel like I’m finally on track.

I’ve posted about my journey here before, I lost 20kgs at one point in time and was proud of what I had achieved. I then met my girlfriend and we have been together for over two years. In this space of time, I let myself get comfortable and ended up putting this weight all back on and more. I felt like an embarrassment.

Throughout our relationship, I attempted to lose this weight multiple times but would ultimately fail after a couple of weeks. It wasn’t until one night my girlfriend told me she had become less attracted to me that I needed to change (I also posted about this before if you want to look back at my previous posts).

On the 8th July, I began my journey to once and for all lose this weight which has had a huge impact on my life. There was no room for failure this time. I started off at 138.1kg (I am 187cm tall, 21 years old). It’s now been just under a month since I began, and I am pleased to say I have dropped to 131.4kg. A drop of 6.7kgs. I finally feel like I’m in routine. I had my first cheat meal last week and it felt fantastic. I think I might treat myself to one every week or two and see how that goes.

As for what I do, it’s quite simple. I go to the gym 4 times a week, do 30 mins of cardio, 30 mins of strengthening exercises. I also play indoor sports twice a week at a moderate-high intensity. My diet consists mainly of a weight loss shake twice a day, and for lunch and dinner usually some sort of fish or meat with vegetables or salad. My partner and I like to keep it simple and so far it has worked a treat. I only drink water and milk. For snacks I like to munch on unsalted cashews or some fruit.

This is just something I wanted to get off my chest. I am super proud of myself but I know I have a long way to go. My end goal is to get back to where I was which was under 100kg, and I know once I reach this stage, I will need to make sure I maintain that weight and be very careful to not put it back on. Feel free to ask any questions, I’m happy to answer 🙂

submitted by /u/CastleOnTheHill123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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