Monday, August 26, 2019

Diet Soda and CICO

Hello r/LoseIt - first of all, thank you for inspiring me to get back to work losing weight. I've had an unhealthy relationship with food my whole life, and I've been fluctuating within a 60 pound window for the past several years. Recently I've found myself back up at my all time highs again, but I'm determined to lose it all again (again). In the past, whenever I was losing weight, I never counted calories. My motto was "Go to bed hungry and you'll lose weight". But this time, I want to do it sustainably, so my question is, can I really drink diet soda? It claims to have no calories and if my only rule is that I have to follow CICO then I suppose I can drink as much diet soda as I want? Before I go ahead and do that though, I want to know if any of you fine folks here have any thoughts about diet soda, CICO, and weight loss. Thank you!

submitted by /u/ThrowAway_2019_07_02
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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