Saturday, August 3, 2019

How many times did you start over?

I've been lurking here for almost 5 years, and "struggling" with weight loss for 10 years. I understand now that losing weight is not a straight journey and it involves a lot trials, so I was wondering about other people's experiences! I'll start with mine:

The first time I started was when I was in the 4th grade. I weighed 80KG (or 176lbs) at maybe 5'0 to 5'2. I did a lot of fad diets along with my mother. None worked for longer than a month.

14 yrs old: When my mother got sick, I upped the whole losing weight thing because I wanted to look skinny because I thought it would make her happy. (she always made it clear that I was fat, and that it upset her) She died, and I gave up. Gained everything back and reached my starting weight again. (now at 5'4 though)

I started over again when I was 16, because I wanted to be skinny at 16, you know? I started CICO. That triggered a binge eating disorder but I lost around ~20kg(44lbs) and reached 60KG (~130lbs) for the first time in my life. I maintained that lifestyle of eating only 1200 calories per day for almost a year. Gained half of it back when I got my first job and had to study while working.

At 18, I said fuck it to all the trend diets and picked up a book on intuitive eating. It really reset the way I felt about food, it wasn't all numbers anymore, I wasn't obsessed with food and I felt sane for the first time in a very long time. Only downside is I gained it all back and I'm at starting weight again. 😂

I'm 21 now, and I'm starting over again. This time, I'm combining CICO with intuitive eating, and working out. I'm sprinkling a little Keto because carbs make me feel bloated, but I know myself now- if I cut out carbs entirely, I will binge eat. The big difference now is that I DON'T care what other people want me to weight or look like. When I refuse food, I don't do it out of guilt- out of wondering what will whoever think about my body- I do it for myself, for the sake of health.

Looking forward to anyone who would like to share!

submitted by /u/Ayhei
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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