Friday, August 9, 2019

Is anybody else extremely thirsty while losing weight?

First of all, I don't have diabetes. I check my blood regularly and I checked it two weeks ago. I'd like to find some people who are in the same boat just to share the experience. I started my weight loss "program" last week and a couple of days later the thirst happened, so it can't be sudden diabetes which coincides with the start of a completely new regime.

My weight loss story is kinda funny. We own a VR set and last week we bought Beat Saber, which is a very physically demanding dancing game where you have to cut cubes with two sabers fast as they're coming towards you. I was fairly unsuccessful with weight loss until Beat Saber happened - it was the first time in years I did something which made sweat drip down my legs. So, positively inspired by this, I also decided to also start tracking calories since now it was possible to actually have a weight loss strategy.

So far, it's great. The workout is one of those where it gets you in the fat burning zone, you get hot and sweat a lot but don't overwork yourself. I started with the strategy of having green tea or coffee first thing in the morning and working out on an empty stomach. I also kinda lost my appetite. It's been almost a week and I've been eating around 1300 calories a day and working out. This is totally crazy for me, I'm a serial overindulger and I could never imagine losing my appetite so much. However - I can't stop drinking water. It's crazy. I can drink four glasses in a row and keep refilling throughout the day. I haven't counted, but I'd say I drink 3 liters at least. I read somewhere that it's your liver turning fat into glucose which requires water all the time.

Thoughts? Anyone with a similar experience?

submitted by /u/kalimanka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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