Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Lost 3 lbs and I couldn’t be happier

Almost my (28F) entire life I’ve struggled with being overweight. I have constantly, throughout the years, yo-yo’d between the same 20 to 40 lbs of extra weight. I’ve done all the fad diets and have gone through periods of very fast weight loss, always followed by eventually gaining the weight back. But I always, always continued to try.

Until this past year when I hit a low point...I fell into a really deep depression the likes of which I’d never experienced. I stopped giving a single fuck about my appearance...something I’d always cared about. I sought console in food and alcohol. I wanted in my heart so badly to snap out of it but I just couldn’t find the drive. I saw it getting worse, went up a pant size even from my already “fat” pants. I felt lethargic, weak, out of breath, I knew I had to find the source of this feeling and I needed to try to fix it ASAP.

I decided I needed a change in my environment. I sought changes in my life, applied for a new job, cut off toxic relationships, sought out a therapist. Little by little I have been feeling like myself again.

Last week I finally found the motivation to try again...I actually got myself to the gym...I managed to say no to cake at the office...I...I can hardly believe it.

This week I lost 3 lbs...and I did it because finally I feel a little love for myself again.

submitted by /u/i2livelife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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