Thursday, August 1, 2019

Slowly but Surely.

This has been hard. I'm sorry I can't give you guys numbers to reference my weight loss. I can't talk about how I've journaled my food intake. I can't tell you what specific diet I've been on that has helped me. But I can tell you that for the first time on two years my face looks thinner in pictures. I'm starting to see and feel progress.

When I started college I gained 60 pounds in a year from poor diet, depression, and new medication. When I realized I gain this weight I tried to loose weight by logging what I eat in lose it. And I started cutting back my calorie intake until I was eating less than 500 calories a day, on the days I ate. But this led to binge eating on the weekends and gaining all the weight back because I didn't develop healthy habits for weight loss. I cycled through anorexia and binge eating for a couple years until I got the help I needed to stop.

Slowly I've learned to love myself and my body because I have to, but that doesn't mean I don't want to loose weight. Slowly I've started eating healthier. I've stopped drinking soda and I've cut back my drinking. I've started eating less (don't worry I'm still eating enough). I go on walks for fun now and I've cut out dairy (turns out you're not supposed to get diarrhea after you drink milk). I'm making small changes to be overall healthier.

But how do I monitor my progress now? I can't step on a scale because I WILL slip back into anorexia. I can't log my food because I will stop eating. Well, my pants have gone from too tight to too loose and my face looks more like the me I remember from highschool. And I'm not rushing to loose more weight. I just want to be healthier.

submitted by /u/MacIsOnFleek
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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