Thursday, August 15, 2019

[SV] Hit my first milestone, wanted to share it with the community that's helped me

Good Morning, r/Loseit. I've been lurking around here while I've been on this journey of regaining my health. I reached my very first milestone today and wanted to share. While in the service, 10 years ago, I (38m) hovered around 200lbs. When I got out, two things happened. I quit smoking and went on rotating shift work. Over the past decade I ballooned up to 255 at my heaviest. Interestingly, and somewhat shockingly, the math says that 55lbs over 10 years is only an extra 53 calories per day!!!! Anyway, I began this journey a few years ago and have, through injury, life circumstance, or plain conscious decision to jump off the wagon, gained and lost the same 20lbs over and over again. This time has been different. For the past 48 days (SW 242) I've been focusing on discipline rather than motivation. I've used MFP to log every calorie, prepped meals, and used IF 16:8. The milestones I set for myself are 231, 220, 199, and a goal weight of 195. The significance of 231 is that it's the lowest I've gotten in the past few years of on again/off again weight loss. Today, I reached 231. 11 lbs down in the last 48 days... not very fast, but a very consistent pound and a half a week. From this point on, I'll be losing "new weight" if you will. If you've read this far, thank you stranger! This community really has helped me.

submitted by /u/ntw1981
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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