Monday, August 12, 2019

The last time my weight was this high was 4 years ago.

Here's a graph of my weight loss progress from 2014 to present.

As you can see, while I managed to maintain my initial weight loss for several years (2015-2018), in 2019 it has gotten a bit out of control. There are several factors playing into this such as chronic migraines and being in a relationship with someone whose dietary habits differ from mine. But ultimately it comes down to my own actions and strength of will.

My current weight is at 60.5 kg. The last time my weight was around this number was almost exactly four years ago, on August 18 2015. That was when I was still on my weight loss journey from 89 to 55.

It might not seem like a big deal to some of you, but to me it's a worrisome trend. I've done some calculations and estimated that my weight will be near 63 by the end of the year if I don't make a change. And nothing's going to stop that number from climbing higher if I don't do something.

This is going to be tougher than the previous time. I felt healthier and more energetic when I was 18. At 22 (nearing 23), I'm dealing with chronic migraines and other forms of chronic pain that make it difficult to stop myself from shoving food in my face (it just helps). Nonetheless, I'll just have to grin and bear it and go the distance once again. Being in pain all the time is depressing and demotivating, but being in pain and overweight is arguably much worse.

This time I'm aiming for something like 57 instead of my old weight goal of 55. I'll try to start with a TDEE of 1500 to 1600 per day which should put me around 57 in 3 months or so.

Wish me luck.

submitted by /u/thisnewyears
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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