Tuesday, November 30, 2021


15F SW 231 CW 188 GW 150 Height 5’4

Hi everyone, Over the last 6 months I have lost 40lbs. During the pandemic I gained so much weight and thought I would never lose it, but I found the sport of boxing and was able to lose those initial 40lbs with ease. Although I feel much better with myself now and am extremely happy with my weight loss thus far, I still want to and need to lose at least an additional 40lbs, so I am basically half way there.

I have noticed that in the last 2 months my weight loss has slowed drastically. I’ve only lost about 10lbs, and am hovering at 188-190ish constantly. My grandparents are here from out of country and I will admit that I have been eating slightly more unhealthily than usual, but I have not gained anything since they’ve been here. I will also add that I was facing this plateau long before they arrived.

I know this is very common with weight loss, and I’ve tried to do some of the commonly suggested things to get through this difficult plateau, but I feel I may need to take additional measures to keep my weight loss moving. I’m extremely glad I have not gained any weight, but I don’t want to be at a standstill any longer. Daily I’m eating anywhere from 1600-2000 (not tracking but have gotten pretty good at guesstimating) and am consistently doing intense cardio based workouts with slight calisthenics mixed in at least 3 times a week but usually closer to 5.

Please, if anyone has any advice, ANY, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you redditors of r/loseit !

submitted by /u/emylee1010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pddry9

Obese no more

8 months ago, I weighed 169lbs and I’m just 5’3”(F), you could imagine a ball walking when you saw me at that time. I was grossed out by every detail in me but I’m glad I have a very strong support system, thanks to my friends and family who never left me in this entire journey.
It all starts with our mindset. I was devastated when my doctor told me that I was obese. But I realized I have to take my power back and not be in a victim mentality. A healthy lifestyle is a choice and I should stop making excuses for myself.

I started counting calories using a food scale and freedieting calculator, intermittent fasting and one meal a day on a raw vegan diet and did a lot of working out. Our coach from the gym told us to find a sport that we will enjoy. My friends and I tried and explored different activities until we tried rock climbing and calisthenics. Rock climbing became our favorite sport because it requires strength, creativity, and problem-solving. It's also a great way to meet new people. We also do calisthenics because it helps with rock climbing and can unlock moves, like the ability to do a one-arm pullup. I feel like I’m a different person because I finally hit the normal BMI range after a lifetime of being obese and had to toss out my entire closet!

For the past 8 months until now, I have continued everything. I never thought that my weight loss journey would also make our friendship stronger. I even influenced my friends to go on the healthier side of life. As we welcome the year 2022, we are already the better version of ourselves in all aspects because losing weight is also letting go of all the negativity and bad habits.
I feel more excited to go on as I see evident results in my body. It is easier for me to move since I am now 127lbs, which makes me gain more confidence. I realized that if we want something we have to work hard for it and until now I’m still a work in progress.

submitted by /u/Melanynavfam
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Update: 5 months later/Advice

Update: Weight loss

Hey y'all, I made a post here roughly 5 months ago about my weight loss journey. I was starting off at about 234lb. I got down to 211lb 5 months ago, and currently I am 201lb. I'm really happy about this, but unfortunately in recent days I've kind of been letting myself go. I really don't want to regain that weight. I've come back here for 2 reasons; one being to thank everyone here for being such helpful and kind human beings, even if you didn't respond to me 5 months ago, you're still absolutely amazing. The 2nd is that I really need advice on the most effective way of getting rid of body fat, and also a good diet that you can suggest. I've pretty much been on eating chicken (not fried) and the occasional greens. lots of waters, etc. I'm 5'9, and 18, I've still got a ways to go. In my house I've only got a treadmill, bench, and barbells.

submitted by /u/KingOfZ101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3I4JZDc

Ideas for when you’ve hit a bit of a wall?

Hi everyone,

First time posting on this sub. I just wondered if anyone had any tips that helped them when they felt like they’d hit a bit of a wall with weight loss?

I am 5ft2, and started at 11 st 7 pounds. I am now at 9 stone exactly, which I am super pleased about. However I REALLY want to get to 8 stone; I’m not doing anything differently than I have been, but the last few weeks I’ve stayed around the same and can’t seem to drop below 9.

I eat between 1000-1400 cals per day (I aim for 1200 but sometimes a bit above or below) and exercise every day - usually for between 1-2 hours and this can be anything from gym workouts, running a 5K, long speed walks, or indoor swimming. Usually my watch tells me I’ve burnt between 400-900 calories from active exercise per day. I know this may not be 100% accurate however this was all working for the first 2 stone and a half - why has it stopped now?!

If anyone has any tips or ideas that they have turned to when hitting a wall or losing motivation when not seeing results, I would be grateful. Thank you x

EDIT - forgot to add, I am female, 25 years old

submitted by /u/livingontheradio96
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how much would having a birthday cheat week affect my progress?

i feel like the title says it all.. but my 21st birthday is coming up and i want to treat myself kindly and eat things i missed for the first time ever since i started counting calories (not sure if this is relevant but my relationship with food is not the best, finally accepted that it might be a problem and i am going to the doc soon don’t worry). I am not sure if i will actually be brave enough to have a cheat week but i am wondering how it might affect my weight loss journey if i did. and im not talking about incredibly hugeee amounts of food i just mean like for example if i had one vegan medium pizza, one vegan burger king meal, one fried vegan chicken bites from my fav restaurant and ofc some of a low cal bday cake im planing to bake with my friends spread out throughout the week. all while minimizing other meals that day or doing an OMAD. Would that significantly affect my progress? Sorry if thats a stupid question.

for reference i eat 1200 right now, im 155cm and 50.5kg and i walk 10k+ daily

submitted by /u/damnthatroy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/31gvuvl

Losing all motivation, help!

Little backstory:

I started out my weight loss journey initially at the end of 2017. I had been in a relationship for a while, and when it started I was at approx. 175, I looked good and felt good. But I got stagnant, I was like 16 and didn't know anything about how my body reacted to what I was eating, so over the course of 2 or 3 years I put on about 50-60 pounds. I started the keto diet as the first diet I would ever attempt, it worked really well and I got down to like 185 over the course of 9ish months. I didn't feel super great but I looked pretty good. That was when I got stagnant and let go again, I have trouble in my life with overdoing good things and not being very aware of my physical world, whether that be my senses, habits, or physical surroundings. I'm working to improve that. 2 years later, I got back up to like 215 after a long battle with my fluctuating diet that I inevitably gave up on. After a nasty breakup, I decided to try again, this time doing calorie counting, which has been much easier than keto, I can eat smaller amounts of food I actually like, yipee! Over the summer I bottomed out at about 187, and since then I've fallen back into apathy again and let go of my life and habits once more. I haven't weighed in for a bit, but It's probably not great. How can I keep on the right track here? I need the motivation to not become apathetic and make positive changes in every area of my life, but most importantly and foremost, my diet.


submitted by /u/xmusicsnobx
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protein affecting weight loss?

Hi everyone. I (5’3 F, 22, CW: 134 lbs, SW:155.5, GW: 120) recently upped my protein intake as I’ve started doing more strength exercise than cardio. For context, I’m not super athletic to begin with so this is something like 0.6g/lb and pretty low stakes body weight exercises. I’ve been meticulous about CICO, and am consuming around 1225/day. Despite all of this, I’ve noticed that since consuming more protein, my stomach looks…bigger? and not in a newly muscular or bloated sort of way. It looks like I’m gaining fat around my middle again, and the scale has gone up a few pounds, even though that should be thermodynamically impossible? Again, it’s definitely not muscle gains of any kind yet (i wish!). Most of the protein I’m consuming is from things like greek yoghurt, tuna, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc but I also am drinking a dairy-free protein shake (muscle milk, 25g) with coffee daily. I’m drinking plenty of water and am not having digestive issues of any kind. Has anyone else had the experience of gaining weight after increasing protein? I know protein can’t be stored in the body except as fat but does this still apply in a calorie deficit? Does this weight gain go away? Thank you!!

submitted by /u/thesoutheastcoast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pc7zFv

I pushed myself too hard and its ended badly - NSFW

Hello all,

TW - May not be required but as it gets on you'll see I got ridiculous.

I'm after some advice and just a place to admit a few key errors I made.

Me female 30 5'5 Starting weight - 13 stone 10 - date 30/08 Current weight - 10 stone 3 (today) Goal - 10 stone 1

So I'll start from the beginning. I started this diet with NOOM and then got cross at constant mis information from their food. So I moved to the Loose it! App.

The first 2 months my weight loss was quick and amazing. I was so happy and eating 1000-1400 calories a day. I started exercising and fell in love with it and it's now a permanent part of my life.

Very beginning of November I had a girls trip away, so the week before I pushed it harder than ever. Limited calories to 800 for a week, intermittent fasting for 22 hours. I lost 4 pounds in that week. Got to the girls trip and trusted a fart. Yep.... I pooed myself from one sandwich that wasn't in my stupidly strict plan.

Anyway got back and had gained 4.5 pounds, I was furious with myself. So since then I restricted to 500 calories a day. Well today out of know where I pooed myself again. It wasn't even a fart, just a instant moment of serious D*. This time it wasn't at a friend's house, oh no. This time it was in the middle of a shopping centre.

So this evening I've made the difficult decision to delete the fasting app, and eat 3 meals a day, accepting that those last 2 pounds may not leave me again. I'm aiming for 1200-1600 calories but on a steady increase. I will look to increase by 300 tomorrow so 800, then next Monday 1100 and so on and so forth.

If I'm honest I'm terrified it's going to all come back. But the starvation I've put my body in is so much more scary. My skin is ruined, my time of the month was a week late, my face looks old.

I have questions though.

1 - has anyone maintained after being as ridiculous as me 2 - how do I get my brain into eating mode 3 - has anyone else pooed themselves (this is purely so I feel better)

Thank you for listening. I also hope this was allowed as it's not diet as such, it's just a massive error.

submitted by /u/Zoeandcats
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Small Victory & life lesson

Small victory first: Down to my lowest weight since late 2016, at 192. Feel the need to celebrate, especially in the midst of this time of year that is traditionally tough on us.

I'd lost 100lbs in the past (down to 174), but then got a bit lazy on maintenance and put back on a good 35ish lbs or so. Since April 1st I've taken off 31lbs. My thinking is basically that I want to settle in the mid 180s and continue to reshape my body with strength training (which I've been doing all along through the weight loss this time and has definitely made it take a while longer than if I was just crashing down).

The month of November was basically one long plateau (192 on Oct 29, 192 today). And that brings us to the life lesson.

Through trial-and-error I realized that I actually haven't been eating enough. I mean I thought I was eating a good mix of macros to fuel myself, and I was never hungry at all, but I wasn't consuming enough calories (even at say 2200 a day) for the exercise I was doing. A 1500+ calorie deficit was messing with my metabolism and slowing it down too much. Bumping that up to 2500, even just having like a half dozen dried figs or something like that at the end of the day if I'm still short, has made the weight start to come back off again.

Happy journey everyone!!!

submitted by /u/daddytorgo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3rvWe5I

65 down, 70 to go....

I thought I'd be a lot more hype about this? I started at about 367 pounds, probably rounding up to 370 would be a safe bet. That was last January, at my heaviest ever. I had gotten down to 315 and 330 before, but then I would yo-yo back, and covid made it even worse. It honestly clicked this time, in combination with getting on the right medications, so with a lot of hard work at the gym and some (probably less than stellar) dieting... I'm now 303/304 pounds and a certified gym rat. Honestly, I'm not going to celebrate until I get back into the 2's, but it's just so stunning to me to look at the numbers. The last time I was this weight, it was my junior year of high school. And I'm in my 4th year of college now. My goal weight? I haven't weighed that 'little' since MIDDLE SCHOOL. I was always big and stress ate because of bullying etc, it became my identity. My self confidence and self worth was entirely built around it, and I know better now, but... I think I'm going to talk to a counselor at the university once I start getting close to my goal weight. I've heard a lot about people getting treated better, get more attention, get invited out more, etc when they've lost weight, and I'm honestly scared and unprepared for that, so I want to be prepared. But like... under 300 pounds? It's almost scary, lol. If I hadn't hit a plateau I would have already been there, but that's OK albeit slightly annoying. I know weight loss isn't linear, and any progress is good progress. Though I kinda wish I could just 'rip off the bandaid' so I can get it over with and buy my new wardrobe already LOL. These 3xl sweatpants are already falling down my butt when they were tight before.

I was stuck at 311/312 for probably over a month, but looking at it now, I think I just hit the point of overtraining. The last couple of weeks before break, my sports practices made me feel like I was out of gas, stuff that I was doing well at, at the start of the semester, was killing me all of a sudden. I couldn't focus, I just felt heavy at the gym and exhausted for no reason. It was like a crawl to the finish line to get to Thanksgiving break, and I only went for one 20 minute jog/walk that whole week and slept in a bunch... granted I ate like shit and I shouldn't have, but whoops. I thought I would have surely gained weight and prepared for the mental hit, ready to see 315... but it was 303 instead. Bodies are weird, man. I'm easing myself back into exercise this week, so hopefully I'll get back on track and will have minimal hiccups to the end of my goal.

I guess I don't have any questions, I just needed a bit of a soapbox to share this with someone; sorry it's kinda all over the place. My family doesn't really understand it and most of them are the types that can breathe and lose weight, so whenever I share my struggles, it's either an awkward conversation or I get the usual 'well you just need to diet and exercise more'. Or constantly offering me candy.

Happy tuesday!

submitted by /u/Riskitall101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/31fayVI

Body dysmorphia or plain underestimating truly exist

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I was last active in this sub. During the summer I posted in here a lot and you people have helped me a great lot in losing the first (easiest) bulk of my excess weight. I'm 27F, 155cm tall (5'0) and went from 87 kg to 70 kg (191 lbs to 154 lbs roughly), between June and September. It was really great to discuss weight loss in here with so many people from all over the world and always receiving so much support and sweet words.

I always thought that body dysmorphia had to be related to other psychological issues or heavy lack of self-confidence, but my scale proved me wrong yesterday.

Since mid-September I grew tired of counting calories as my life became busier and I decided I'd switch to maintenance until I felt like going on a bigger cut again. In short, various things happened and the maintenance lasted more than planned, and while I didn't fall back into depression or binge eating (big victory for me), I had a lot of moments where I snacked more than I should have, or enjoyed bigger and fatter dinners more frequently than advised.

In the last week I was feeling so fat, and bloated, and felt like my waistline went back to when I was 87 kg. After deciding I'd start seriously cutting calories again I obviously had to take my measurements and weigh myself. I was sure, REALLY SURE, to weigh at least 72-74kg.

Well.. both my scales, after many tries because of disbelief, read 69.5, my lowest weight ever since 2013. Measurements are the same or slighly smaller on my thighs.

I don't know how this happened. But after putting the pieces together I realized that there were probably many different factors in this, such as having beaten depression, learning to eat right during my diet, learning to manage cravings and choosing the right food or simply bearing hunger more effectively.

But the thing I can't really fathom is how I was so freaking SURE to have gotten so fat, and having ruined all of my progress. Turns out I probably just got used to my "new" body and it's time for another challenge.

EDIT: grammar (not a native speaker, I'm sorry :c )

submitted by /u/Objective_Usual_1789
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Time to start again, hoping to start caring about my appearance

I’ve lost and gained weight a ton of times through my life. I was 215 for a while and finally got the right dosage of insulin for my diabetes and in 4 months I have gained 17 pounds…

Doctor said insulin can lead to weight gain. I think she’s just being nice.

I also realized I have cared about my personal appearance less and less the past 3 years. I shaved off my beard tonight which I had been growing for at least 6-9 months.

I want to feel good about my appearance and want to want to look nice when going out in public.

I have some slight body dysmorphia issues so maybe some weight loss will be the answer

Wish me luck I follow CICO every time and signed up for the local gym!

submitted by /u/smallfranchise1234
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3d0BI51

Losing weight at 40ish

They say losing weight as you get older is harder, but seriously I don’t think it is. Today I turn 40 years old. I am at the healthiest weight of my sober adult life even though I still have a ways to go. I am in a smaller size pants than I have been since I gave birth 17 years ago. I am in such a better headspace than I have ever been. And…. I am so proud of myself.

I started losing weight in late March or early April. I am down over 65 lbs. None of this has been torture. I maintained for a month through thanksgiving and hopped right back on track to keep losing.

I’ve made it through one major plateau, I’ve maintained a pretty large deficit, and easily adjusted when continuing that large of a deficit would have become unhealthy. I weigh every day, and don’t freak out when the scale goes up a little. I manage bad news, bad moods, and pms cravings; and I’ve done it pretty gracefully if I do say so myself.

I never could do this in my 20’s and probably not in my early 30’s. I wasn’t clear headed enough to leave the emotions out of weight loss. I would have stressed every bump on the scale, and agonized any over eating.

If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to separate your emotions from your weight loss journey.

I started with a 1000 cal deficit and when my weight dropped enough that the deficit would bring me under 1200 cal a day, I simply ate above 1200 knowing full well that my weight loss would be slower and now eat at a 750 cal deficit. When weighing everything became tedious, I just ate basically the same thing and took a break. I don’t do cheat days because I’m not married to my food, so there is no cheating; just days that I eat more and days that I eat less. When I know I’ve ate too much, I enjoy it and move on doing better the next day. There is no guilt or shame in my food.

My second piece of advice is to really evaluate what you are doing, you may be making this much harder on yourself than it has to be. Being in the right headspace has made this so much easier.

You can do it. You are doing amazing, you are making progress (even if it’s slow). Remember to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

submitted by /u/Contemplating_emu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3G0qbiA

How much has walking impacted my weight?

M / 5'11" / SW: 270 / CW: 200 / GW: 185

Over the course of this year, I have lost 30 lbs. I have made some significant changes in a number of areas, but there are two that stand out for me most:

  1. Reducing my drinking (though somewhat replaced with marijuana that comes with the munchies)
  2. A lot of walking

I set a target of 10,000 steps/day average over the course of the year. So far, I've crushed it and I'm averaging around 10,900 steps/day YTD. Last year, I averaged 5,350 steps/day.

It got me to thinking how much of my weight loss this year is related specifically to my increased walking this year. So, I did some math, but I'd love for thoughts on whether my thinking is reasonable or whether I'm making any incorrect assumptions.

This article gave me a formula for calculating calories/min: calories burned per minute = 0.0175 x Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) x weight in kilograms

I got my MET from this site and while I think I typically walk at a very brisk pace, I'm using a conservative MET of 4.0.

0.0175 * 4 * 90 kg = 6.3 cal/min

6.3 cal/min * 90 min = 567 calories /day

567 / 2 = 283.5 (this is roughly the difference between this year and last year)

283.5/day * 365 days = 94,405 additional calories burned due to walking this year

94,405 / 3,500 calories in a lb = 27 lbs

Is it accurate to say that my walking for the past 12 months has contributed to 27 lbs of weight loss vs. if I had just maintained my walking pace from last year? Or put another way, I would have lost 3 lbs if I only had my diet changes?

submitted by /u/crazy_canuck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3I7xerC

Monday, November 29, 2021

30 Day Accountability Challenge - December Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers!

It's almost December, which means it's time for a new DAC!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!



And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remove moral judgement/stigma/shame directed at yourself about it:

Maintenance calories:

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work 3 days a week): X/X days.

So I know it's not November, but I'm going to keep working on this. Is that weird? Maybe. Nanowrimo -1,666 words a day(replacing the journal goal for this month): 54561/50000 words.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for

Express gratitude to today me for good choices: Thanks, I hate it. Today I'm glad I choose to

How about you? What are your goals for the final month of 2021?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xE3FJ7

Kinda lost. Any advice welcomed.

I’m honestly feeling a bit down. My primary Dr called to tell me that my blood test came back as pre diabetic despite losing 20 pounds since the last time we saw each other. I’ve been prescribed, Metformin to help regulate sugar/ help with weight loss but I’ve been holding off on taking it because I always believed that if I worked hard enough, id be able to be healthy without constantly relying on medication. At my heaviest, I used to be 310 pounds. Now I’m stuck in the 260’s for about 2 months now. I weight lift, cardio every other day and sometimes train with a coach. My gynecologist suggested I count calories with an app called, “Lose it” and I sinked my fit bit. My calorie budget is 2,418. On average I step 14k-20k steps. So while my activity goes up, the calories that I consume go down and most of the time I eat my last meal at 6:00pm and won’t eat till the next morning. I replenish some of the calories I consume but since I’ve hit a plateau I’m kinda lost. I keep track mainly of my protein, carbs and fats. And I mainly prioritize my protein/water intake. Supper sorry for the long post! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/HakunaArtNessie
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Weight loss after recovery

Hi all!!

(CW: eating disorders)

I’m posting here for some advice from the most positive weight loss sub I can find - I hope that’s ok! Disclaimer - I know no one here is a professional, I’m just looking for some honest thoughts or opinions from people who may have been through some similar things/just have some genuinely healthy ways of losing weight

To keep a very long story short, I (F23) developed various eating disorders from the age of 11 - unlike most, the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns were the shock I needed to sort my eating out and - while it is still a long road ahead - I have for the most part recovered!! I still have many food-related issues, but no longer any physically damaging behaviours, which is an enormous win! Unsurprisingly, my metabolism cannot handle this, and I imagine I also probably don’t really understand portion sizes or intuitive eating etc. My recovery has led to my (previously healthy) weight increasing exponentially, and I have shot up about four dress sizes, to the point where I am borderline overweight, and have been for maybe six months. As the world has opened up again, this has led to an avoidance of social situations - especially those where I have to look nice!

I need to lose weight, not just for how I look or to improve my own self esteem, but to keep my body healthy. I want to get fit again, but I haven’t exercised in a year, and I find the knowledge that I will not be as strong or as fit as I used to be (while also being way heavier!) is something that keeps me avoiding the gym at all costs. No doctor I have spoken to has anything other than generic unhelpful advice (‘eat less’ - objectively correct, but a dangerous thing to say to me)

I know the solution is to be kind to myself and be gentle, but that approach seems to result in me sitting around the house and not doing anything! Short of the self-love approach, every other weight loss tactic I’ve come across seems to be based in the self critical - something I know will end in a relapse or total hatred of my body, which obviously isn’t something I am willing to entertain with my history. Does anyone have any ideas for motivated, but kind, weight loss? Has anyone been through anything similar? I would appreciate any and all advice, or even any thoughts that you have!!

submitted by /u/rososie
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What kind of digital environment do you build for yourself to inspire your health journey?


When it comes to keeping your health and weight loss as a priority, how do you build a digital environment for yourself? For example, do you use specific boards on Pinterest or follow specific YouTube channels? Do you change your screensaver to something health or fitness-related? Are you on certain discords or do you have health-specific social media accounts that you keep separate from the rest of your stuff?

Especially during COVID I'm curious how you maintain the idea that you're part of a community that's focused on health (beyond this particular subreddit).

submitted by /u/poppa_di_corn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3D6XcaI

I feel like I can't move on with my life until I lose weight. Does anyone else feel this way?

F / 36 / 5'5 / CW: 152 / GW: 128

I feel like weight loss has been hanging over my head my whole life. My weight has been up and down many times. I've ranged anywhere from 139 - 178 lbs as an adult (when not pregnant).

Even when I'm gaining weight or plateauing, I'm in weight-loss mode. You know, worrying about it, attempting to fix it, always thinking about it. I've never been at a point where I'm intentionally trying to maintain my weight.

I feel a bit lost lately. For example, I used to be very driven at work. I still work hard and have a good job, but I no longer have the desire to climb the ladder, or possibly even work at all. I feel like I don't have a purpose. I don't know what my goals are, with the exception of one thing: reaching 128 lbs.

I want to know what life is like without that constant routine in my head. What is my real purpose in life? I feel like weight loss is blocking my view of it. Maybe climbing the ladder IS for me. Maybe it's not. Maybe I need to volunteer part-time. Maybe I should go into politics. Maybe I should start a YouTube channel. Maybe I should buy a farm. I feel like I can't know until I get this monkey off my back.

Or you know what? Maybe weight loss ISN'T stopping me from finding my purpose. But I won't know that either until I'm finally done with this!

In the past, my motivation for losing weight has been my appearance or health reasons. Now, my main motivation is wanting to move past this HUGE obstacle. I'm doing it for my mental health. I'm doing it so that I might figure out who I am when so much of my brainspace isn't dedicated to it.

It's said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I've been doing the same thing over and over (staying in perpetual weight-loss mode) and expecting different results (figuring out my purpose). Well, I'm ready to stop the insanity, wrap this up, and try something new. I am excited to find out what life is like on the other side.

submitted by /u/Pale-Artichoke
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3o5gtW4

I'm having a hard time accepting my new skinny self and I get anxious about seeing the scale drop any further although I haven't reached my goal weight yet.

Hi, hopefully someone won't feel bothered by my post but I don't know where else to post it, please do not down vote it, I do not want to brag or make those of you who are struggling with weight loss feel bad, it's not my intention at all. I have lost more than 120 lbs in over 3 years, I'm currently around 130 and I want to get to 123, I'm a 5'5 girl if that helps.

I don't even know how to put it but I'll try my best. I have reached a point where I eat very little like 3 poor meals a day and I can see my body getting skinnier day by day. I'm also convinced that the reason I'm skinny is because I undereat not because I'm on a healthy diet (that's true actually). If I were to eat normal I wouldn't be as skinny and I'd easily start gaining again. I couldn't wait to reach this point when I started my weight loss journey but now that I am skinny I feel weird. I am a very active person and I keep losing weight no matter what, every time I see myself in a mirror I am shocked that I look the way I do, I'm like "who is that person?!" and although I should be happy..somehow I am not. I want to get to 123 so I can jump straight into my maintenance calories which should be around 1600 so hopefully my weight will stabilize itself around 127 and I'll be maintaining that for the rest of my life.

A while ago I did something that kinda shocked me and I sort of feared my own self: I was at my parents' and I wanted to stuff myself as much as I could for some reason so I could see the scale go up and stop feeling vulnerable and bad for being skinny now. I don't know If I wanted to see proof that I can easily gain the weight back. I truly do not understand this behavior. My counselor says I want to punish myself for some reason and I do not know why. Everybody complimented my super flat stomach or skinny legs but all I could think in my head was that I undereat that's why I have the tiniest stomach and waist and I can touch my bones and that my body got used to tiny amounts of food. My legs are super skinny just because I walk like a machine because I love walking and it keeps my anxiety at bay. If I were to sit on the couch for a month my legs wouldn't look this skinny anymore. (I hope you get what I mean)

I truly do not know why every lb I lose makes me feel bad at this point. Even when I eat at my current maintenance I keep losing weight and it's also hard to determine what my daily intake should be in order to maintain the same weight forever because there's periods where I log 10 -15k steps per day and some where I move less so I wouldn't know how to balance everything.

As an anxious person, I always need to have answers to everything.. Why do I feel so vulnerable as the scale drops? I currently look like a walking skeleton, I'm able to see my ribs and it feel weird and I authomatically think I have an issue or that I look ill. Sometimes I tell myself I'm skinny because I barely eat but If I started to eat at maintenance I will gain some of the weight back and lose my current physique. My body keeps changing and as I get skinnier it's even more noticeable, it feels like I'm even different than what I looked like last week. I'm not even sure what the point of this post is to be honest with you, maybe I just wanted to get this anxiety off my chest or see If someone has been through a similar thing and can explain what this is all about.

Again, don't be offended by it, I know this sub is to celebrate weight loss achievements rather than complain because I'm scared of getting too skinny. Some of you might actually tell me to stop losing weight If I'm happy the way I look but I wanna get to 123/125 so once I'll start eating like a normal human being and naturally gain some pounds my weight will stabilize at the number I want. I'm currently 130 and whenever I eat at maintenance my weight goes back to 143 and that number just triggers me because it's close to 154 in my head and it's easy to bounce back around 150 and I do not like the way my body looks at 150 nor do I wanna see that number again on the scale. As soon as the number exceeds 138 I freak out.

submitted by /u/SweetPoppy011
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xz0rH4

I’m terrified of getting back in the gym

I was overweight all my life. When I was 19 I finally had enough and I lost 130lbs over 1.5 years and maintained that until I was 23. I had mental health problems during that time but when I was 23 they got worse, I was diagnosed with binge eating disorder, and I gained 140lbs back.

Back in July 2020 I started losing weight again and at my lowest I lost 90lbs. Due to binge eating I’m currently sitting down only 57lbs. At least as of an hour ago, maybe a little more since there’s water weight from last night, water I drank, and I was clothed.

This whole time I’ve done it in a calorie deficit only with no exercise. I know this hasn’t been any help for my weight loss or mental health. But I’m absolutely terrified of getting back in a gym. Honestly all I want to do is swim. I love swimming. But I remember how differently you’re treated skinny vs. fat, and the thought of walking up to a gym desk to sign up, or walking into a new gym locker room, or taking my shirt off to swim right now makes me want to throw up.

I want to go tonight SO BAD but I binge ate last night and I’m so bloated. I feel/look more disgusting than normal. I know it’s the first step to stop hating myself but I can’t bring myself to do it.

submitted by /u/Wooden_Cantaloupe_39
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3d11dD7

Overpronation with exercise because of obesity?

Hi everyone. Background, I’m 5’8”, 295lbs, 26 years old and wanting to lose around 145-150. I started gaining excessive weight when I was 15 because of a medicine I was put on and the cycle never stopped. My lowest since then was 200lbs at 19-20 years old. Before Covid I was 230 and could walk comfortably despite being obese, would go miles a day no problem, but once the pandemic started I stopped walking and ate a lot so I gained 60+ lbs pretty fast…

Now that I want to drop it I’m starting to walk again. Part of the problem is, my right ankle started rolling inward and overstretching the bottom right part of my right leg after like 0.2 miles. Now I have extra wide shoes and can go like ~0.5 miles without it hurting at all but by a mile I’m done it hurts so bad. Looked it up and it’s called overpronation, basically like flat feet even though I have a good natural arch (hence why I was able to walk normally until now).

Does anyone have any advice for exercise while getting this problem? I have the wide shoes that I like. And Like I said my preferred method is walking, especially for how big I am and I can get my heartrate to a fat burning level but I just can’t maintain the ability to walk. Pretty frustrating. I am changing my diet so idk if the natural weight loss from that will help but I want to be able to go at least a mile without limping…

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/StrikingCheesecake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3FSmr2q

I had a moment of disbelief at how much I've lost

I weighed myself after Thanksgiving, and somehow miraculously didn't gain. I swear I ate an entire half of a pumpkin pie by myself, how is that even possible 😂? I was expecting a gain of like, +2 lbs. So I do a double and triple take at the scale and I read "175.0" over and over. And then, it like really hit me that I'm 175 lbs. I'm only technically 15 lbs overweight, which feels fucking bananas to type out. I have days when I love my body, which has never happened (and to be fair, that hasn't solely been because of the weight loss). I video chatted with my parents the other day and thought I looked nice in the webcam. I'm just kind of in shock honestly. I haven't weighed this little since high school, like 10y ago.

It's just crazy. Where am I, who am I, and how did I get here?! Hahahaha.

submitted by /u/lavender-pears
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3o3j42u

Successfully losing 10lb per month for the last 4 months

Just thought it would be good to keep a record here. I've lost 40lbs now over 4 months.

I do an hour of cardio 6 days per week with a rest day on Friday.

I also do 15-20 mins weight training every other day.

My calorie intake is around 1000-1200 per day, consisting of as much fruit as I want throughout the day, a couple of espresso shots in the morning, a main meal around 3pm high in protein, and then something light with fibre and vitamins/minerals in the evening.

My body fat percentage has dropped by around 3% per month, and my lean body mass is increasing around 2-3% per month.

On my Friday rest day I have whatever I like to eat within reason, often graze on around 500 calories of chocolate throughout the day as a reward to keep me sane and keep my metabolism used to higher calorie intake during the process.

I've noticed that when I weigh myself and do a body comp the day after my rest day I have still lost weight in comparison to my measurements on the morning of the rest day itself, so it looks like my metabolism has increased (possibly due the increase of muscle mass) so that the rest day treats aren't effecting the weight loss.

I'm about half way to my goal weight now.

Good luck to everyone else. Keep motivated and reap the rewards of your hard work.

submitted by /u/Spikeyfish99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3FU3fRW

Working out and dieting on makes me feel miserable. Help & tips?

I've been fat pretty much my whole life so in a way its normal for me. But i want to lose weight for multiple reasons. Army will be a lot easier, (Army training is required in Finland) i will look better, feel better, maybe get a girl friend and i can have the self confidence to buy new clothes.

I have tried everything but nothing seems to work. I have eaten far less than i need to, fasted and so on. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the past month. But everytime i eat less, exercise or deny snacks from myself i feel miserable and like im wasting my time. Currently im about 110kg and while I've been going to the gym I've actually gained like 6kg of weight. My diet isn't that different from before i went to the gym so that also made me feel unmotivated. And almost always food, candy and so on are the things i most look forward in a day so that doesn't help either.

So any tips on how i could lose weight when everything related to weight loss makes me feel miserable? Like sometimes i even think that i might be happier just remaining fat...

submitted by /u/throwaway7383920
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pdRYVI

Has anyone ever dealt with becoming happy with your weight before you reached your goal?

One of my biggest motivators to lose the 31lbs I have so far was just how unhappy I was looking at myself in the mirror, so unhappy I would avoid looking at myself shirtless. Well, I would like to continue my weight loss if possible, however, I have to admit I'm a lot less motivated to do so because I am pretty happy with how I look now. I don't know if I should be, I'm 32lbs from my ideal body weight range, but I'm not UNHAPPY with myself anymore. Can anyone relate to this, and if so, what did you decide to do about it? Thanks

submitted by /u/TheChatCenter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3rjYkWr

8 Tips to Make a Healthy Cup of Coffee

Coffee is the ideal healthy weight loss food.

Not only does one cup of black coffee have negligible calories (that makes it a Free Food on the Nutrisystem plan), but a Harvard study also found that drinking up to four cups a day can actually reduce body fat by about four percent. Researchers theorize that this is done by boosting the rate at which we burn calories (metabolic rate).1

Keep your coffee healthy with smart indulgences.

Unfortunately, coffee is one of the easiest healthy foods to make unhealthy. All the mix-ins can turn your daily pick-me-up into one big fat calorie bomb. For example, if you have two cups a day with cream and sugar, you’d better add an extra 300 calories to your food diary. Two ounces of cream is 120 calories (with 12 grams of fat) and two teaspoons of sugar are 32 calories. Switching to whole milk saves you a bundle of calories—two ounces is only 38 calories.2

There are plenty of other, better fixes to help you to get the coffee taste you want with less of a hit on your weight loss efforts. Check out these eight tasty tips for making a healthy homemade coffee.

Does Coffee Boost Metabolism? The Benefits of Coffee for Weight Loss (Plus Recipes!)

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1. Try flavored beans.

Flavored coffee beans

You may not miss the dairy and sugar if your coffee is ultra-flavorful. Most supermarkets and specialty stores carry coffee beans and ground coffee that is already flavored (think hazelnut, vanilla and caramel) and contain no sugar. It’s a simple swap that can really pump up the flavor in your cup of joe!

2. Replace sugar with natural sweeteners.

Natural sweeteners for light coffee

Stevia and monk fruit extract are both plant-based sweeteners that bring the taste and satisfaction but none of the calories of sugar. Skip artificial sweeteners if you can. Studies have found that they really don’t help when it comes to weight loss.3

3. Spice it up.

Pumpkin spice coffee made healthy

All those “pumpkin spice” coffee drinks that appear every fall use spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves to approximate the basic flavors of pumpkin pie. Who says you can’t replicate your pumpkin spice latte at home? You can easily add those spices to your mug. Feel free to also be adventurous with our spices. Cardamom, ginger, allspice, ground orange and lemon peels all make great blend-ins. You can add them to the ground coffee you make or sprinkle right in your cup.

Hitting the Local Coffee Shop? What to Order to Stay on Track

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4. Check your baking shelf for mix-ins.

Vanilla extract as a low-cal coffee add-in

Extracts aren’t just for making cakes and icing. Add extracts of vanilla, rum, almond or coconut to really dress up your morning brew. Even a small sprinkle of unsweetened cocoa can add big flavor! You can add it right to your ground coffee before you make it.

5. Choose the right syrups.

Zero-calorie, zero-sugar syrups

One pump of a sugary syrup can add loads up calories and sugar to your coffee. If you really love your coffee to taste like dessert, consider zero calorie, zero sugar syrups that are available in supermarkets, specialty stories and online. They come in great flavors too, from plain old vanilla to mocha, caramel, toffee and even amaretto.

6. Lighten more lightly.

Use light coffee creamer and reap benefits

Just switching from cream to skim milk could save you almost 100 calories (and you still get the calcium and vitamin D benefits).2 Unsweetened almond milk  is another option. Two ounces only adds about nine calories.4

Cold Brew Coffee: What Is It & How to Make Your Own

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7. Go decadent.

Fat-free whipped cream for a safe indulgence

Fat free whipped topping adds only about five calories in each two-tablespoon serving, plus a whole lot of creaminess and satisfaction.5

8. Foam it up.

Foam skim milk for the best coffee froth

Skim milk makes some of the best foam (it’s a food chemistry thing).6 And it’s easy to do, even without a cappuccino machine or a foamer!

Simply pour some milk into a jar (about jam-jar sized) so it’s halfway full or less. Screw on the lid, then shake until it froths. This should take 30 to 60 seconds. Remove the lid and pop the jar in the microwave for 30 seconds. This helps to “stabilize” the foam. You can then easily spoon the foam onto your coffee.7 You can also use a whisk, a blender, an immersion blender or electric mixer.8

From Frapps to Capps: 8 Coffee Types & How They Fit in Your Diet

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  1. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/four-cups-of-coffee-modest-loss-of-body-fat/
  2. https://www.consumerreports.org/coffee/calories-in-coffee-wake-up-call/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2892765/
  4. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1097550/nutrients
  5. https://www.reddiwip.com/classics/fat-free
  6. https://www.ricardocuisine.com/en/articles/food-chemistry/521-the-facts-about-milk-foam
  7. https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-froth-milk-for-cappuccinos-in-the-microwave-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-100716
  8. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/cooking-tips-tutorials/a91134/8-ways-to-froth-milk/

The post 8 Tips to Make a Healthy Cup of Coffee appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/3jBt67G

Sunday, November 28, 2021

~1 month progress - 268 to 234. Challenging myself to lose about 1 pound per day. Pics and details included

Before / After 1 month


Background Info:

I know a lot of people will probably talk down about this kind of rapid weight loss but I truly believe you should do what feels best for yourself. I consult my physician regularly and according to him I’m the healthiest he’s ever seen me currently inside and out. Been seeing him for years

Starting Weight / Date - 268 (Oct 26, 2021)

Current Weight - 234 (Nov 28, 2021)

Goal - 190 (Sometime in January)

I weigh myself daily at the same time. I do not take pre workouts, supplements, protein shakes etc

Age: 24

Height: 5 foot 10

Main info:

So I’ve always been pretty large for the majority of my life but I never really tried to diet or exercise

Recently though I felt as if I had reached a “peak” in size. I was constantly just pounding down insane amounts of food probably 6000+ or so calories per day.

Im talking 2 pizzas a day, hamburgers, chicken tenders, 2 to 3 large sodas, pounds of chocolate and candy I just loved eating and trying new restaurants

This came with constant headaches and tiredness always lazy wanting to sleep.

Not being able to do a lot of things physically. Bending over seemed like it was slowly beginning to be a challenge.

So many dates and lost opportunities with women all because they would change when they saw my body. Absolute disgust on their face

I knew it was time to make a change for me most importantly

I began researching diets / exercise and decided to go with CICO / Calorie in Calorie Out

I wanted to push the boundaries of typical weight loss. From what I read online people were recommending a weight loss of like 1 to 2 pounds per week. That means i would need 8 to 16+ months just to meet my goal which seemed insanely slow to me. I want to be finished with the majority of the work in about 60 days.

Here’s a breakdown of what a typical day looks like for me in terms of what I burn


As you can see I am burning upwards of 5000-6000+ calories per day

This comes primarily from the 2-3+ hours a day I spend on the elliptical. About 10 to 15 miles on average every single day as you can see an example of here.



Loose skin is one of my fears so I also throw in a lot of strength training. Lots of chest / ab related exercises to keep things tight though I don’t document those through my watch. I’ve made great progression in this regard - lifting weights I was never able to handle before

I am only consuming ~1200 to 1500 calories per day depending on my cravings. On occasion will push the limit to 2000. This comes from a mix of proteins, salads, and low calorie sweets like Halo Top / zero calorie sodas.

This means on average I burn about 3500-4000+ calories per day. Been going strong for over 30 days now without any feelings of weakness and I definitely feel the best I ever have mentally + physically. Today was my best day in fact! Over 6000 burned and it’s only about 9pm where I am


TLDR: 3500-4000+ calorie deficit per day

submitted by /u/likmybunghole
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3E2EmCZ

Best inexpensive lean protein (40lbs loss)

5’10 209lbs 1,352 Calories per day MALE

I lift for 30-60mins alternating 2 muscle groups about 6-7 times a week & each day I run on the elliptical for 30-60mins (core every other day)

Recently have been considering getting into protein powders to have something quick in the mornings. I’d plan on taking it an 1 before workouts. I’ve been hesitant on purchasing any due to my goal being weight/fat loss. I’m a noob at nutrition and often think it’ll hinder my results and I should just get it naturally from foods I eat until I shed a few pounds??

I was researching & going through reviews on several different proteins and saw Syntha-6 (lean) & Phase 8 (whey) as being something close to my budget. Both are very similar in the calories and amount of sugar,calcium,& carbs. Have you guys used these at all for weight loss or have any personal recommendations??

I’m just trying to get rid of this fat man. I’m trying to fit in my clothes again. plz help :(

submitted by /u/angrypnutbutter23
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3I0yU64

I’m the highest I’ve ever weighed and don’t feel comfortable in my body anymore.

I’m fortunate I’ve been skinny most of my life. In my teens and early to mid 20s, I was 125-140 and a size 2-4. I also have another blessing: I’m tall for a woman. 5’8 to be exact.

I weighed myself today and drum roll... 171. It’s the most I’ve ever weighed and also officially puts me in the “overweight” BMI category. I wear sweats most days and feel bloated almost every day. I eat too many carbs (my boyfriend loves pasta), and need to eat more vegetables and less overall. I’ve always loved food, and it’s definitely a joy for me. My metabolism has definitely changed/plummeted from 25 to 27 going on 28. Also, I started a new job in March that’s stressful and now work 50+ hours week, so I’ve made not so great food choices (late eating, overeating) as a result of that.

Ugh, this sucks. I’m so unhappy with my body. From age 12-20, I had disordered eating as a result of modeling, so I unfortunately have still associated counting calories with unhealthy dieting methods (ex: eating 800 calories a day) from those years and need to relearn how to do it. I’ve tried to lose weight last year, but have given up cause it’s made me sad/frustrated/unhappy and this overall year has been difficult to say the least.

Anyway, as of tomorrow, I need to start counting calories again. Will start with 1500 since I’m fairly sedentary (30 min walk per day is my exercise). I also need to relearn counting calories and being kinder to myself as this is a process and won’t happen overnight.

Anywho, thanks for reading/listening and look forward to being more active in this community and sharing my weight loss journey with you all.

  • CW: 171
  • HW: 171
  • GW1: 155
  • GW2: 145
submitted by /u/tatertot94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pbGzWw

I read an old journal entry from the last time I lost weight. I am so mad at myself for gaining weight again.

My basic weight loss journey is I went from 320lbs => 180 at age 18. At age 21 I went from 240 => 190. At age 24 I went from 225 => 180. Starting this June I was at 285 and am now at 230, target weight 180.

I went on a long hike today and thought up some new goals for myself. Once I got home, I journaled and wrote all of these goals down. This made me think back to 6 years ago when I was in the lowest point of my life and came up with a ton of very difficult goals for myself, and then was able to achieve all of them in a year.

I opened my old journal to reminisce and celebrate these old achievements. What I found instead has me fucking pissed at myself. Back in 2015 when I wrote the journal entry, I had just broken up with my girlfriend and was 225 pounds. I wrote how I was disappointed that I let myself gain weight during a relationship for the second time. I wrote that this is a terrible loop that I need to identify and never repeat. I wrote this would be the last time I lost the weight for good. Spoiler alert: I repeated the same cycle again. Today I had the mindset that I am losing weight for good, and that I will never allow myself to gain it back. Seeing that I identified the same issue 6 years ago and then repeated it is absolutely devastating. At this point I wonder if I really am doomed to repeat the same cycle.

Sorry if this is a bit of a rant, but I needed to share this. I wonder if anyone has been through a similar experience.

submitted by /u/Fat2Thin2021
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ZAcTd2

It's time I finally take care of myself.

For as long as I can remember, I've been overweight. I was bullied a lot through school and from family members for it. I turned to food for comfort because I grew up in a home where there was always conflict and many times abuse. Food was the only safe and comforting thing.

I've attempted the fad diets and accepted defeat. My whole life it's been yo-yo dieting. Wanting to get skinny fast and starving, and then binging a few days later because I was restricting too much. And the just giving up all together and getting back up to my highest weight.

I've been feeling SO uncomfortable in my body. It's hard to move. I recently had foot surgery and it's even more difficult to move because of all the extra weight. My back hurts a lot, I can't sit for more than a few minutes without my feet and legs going numb...it's a lot. I can't keep up with my son. I just feel exhausted constantly and weighed down. I can tell that my body desperately needs healthy food and not take out.

I've been doing a ton of research recently and realized that my approach was not going to work. I needed to make changes that would build habits overtime and make life long changes. I also needed to reframe my mind. I needed to write down why I wanted this, and exactly what I would need to do to get to my goal. I realized I absolutely need to track everything I eat, at least for now, because I have no idea how to eat in a healthy way intuitively. I am hoping that after I've done this for a long time and reach my goal of losing 90lbs, I will be able to continue that pattern of eating without having to track everything.

I'm mostly just posting this for myself because I don't want to forget how I feel right now. I feel ready to take this on, and I'm not afraid for once. I know that the method of weight loss is simple, calories in vs calories out. I know that it's simple, but it's NOT going to be easy. I want to enjoy the journey and learn from the lows, I want to be proud of myself for overcoming challenges along the way, and be able to say...I did it.

submitted by /u/garysanthropology
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/31bO6fT

Can anyone tell me about their experience with Orlistat and exercising?

I am a 27f, 330lb. I have been strength training for 6 months now. I've lost barely 10lb, but have hugely increased my fitness ability. I am a lot stronger, doubled what I can lift, have better balance, my movements feel lighter and more controlled, which I guess comes from my muscles being able to support my weight more easily now they are stronger. I am also more toned, though being my size it isn't hugely noticeable.

My doctor is pleased with my exercise and diet progress and thinks that my PCOS is contributing to the lack of overall weight loss, as the condition does make it very difficult to lose weight. She recommended Orlistas 120mg for me to try. I've looked up all the reviews, but I can't find anything from people who combined Orlistat with strength training, or any exercise in general. In every experience I read about, no one mentioned exercising in any way other than they were thinking of starting.

If you have tried Orlistat combined with exercise, particularly strength training, can you please tell me your experience?

submitted by /u/Clopidee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3E1djbe

I'm Committing to Start Today Despite the Upcoming Holiday Season.

I've been 'trying' to lose weight for years now. I keep telling myself that today is the last day, or that I'll start on Monday, on the 1st of next month, on the weekend, ect. Basically any future date that wasn't the current day would be a license to binge and not pay attention to what I was eating. I know that I need to stop starting tomorrow, and start today, right now. With Christmas coming up it is tempting to postpone until new years.

I am saying NO. I am starting NOW. I don't expect to drop a ton of weight over the holidays, but I am aiming to kickstart my weight loss journey by losing 5 kg (11 lbs) before the new year.

My current weight is 109 kg (240lbs). My ultimate goal weight is 65 kg (143 lbs) for now but once I reach 65kg I'll reassess and adjust up or down for maintenance with what suits my frame. I haven't been a healthy weight for 7 years now, so I don't know what my ideal size is yet. Currently I am tired all the time, have deep red stretch marks all over my stomach, thighs, and arms from gaining weight, have awful chubrub between my thighs, and developed anterior pelvic tilt due to my size which causes lower back pain and other posture issues. I need to lose weight for my future.

I'm wishing strength upon anyone else choosing to start their journey just before the holiday season :) Let's do this.

submitted by /u/TheFirstTacoSlice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xy1vuT

Highest weight in my life

Yesterday i measured myself at night and i weighted 100.9 Kg (222.4 lbs). First time ever i have seen three digits on a scale. First time in the obese BMI category.

Now 19, i've been struggling with weight since about when i was 12. Although i reached what i thought was the end of my weight loss journey last june when i hit 70 Kg (154 lbs), i gained the weight i lost and a lot more.

I somehow got into a negative spiral at the beggining of this year when i gained some weight back, combined with depression. Got into binge eating that even occured today. Promising every night that i won't get back into it, while breaking it every single day.

I'm sick and tired of being fat and unhealthy. This time i'm making a permanent change in my eating habits and i will excercise more. Weighting myself when possible every monday until reachingm my ideal weight range and taking pics to compare. I got to say, the time when i was at my goal weight, that was so satisfying and life was genuinly easier those few months. It's more than worht it to have a healthy weight, believe me. Now good luck everybody and let's get to work!

submitted by /u/Zindaz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3FVPwtO

To those worried about being judged

I’m on my second round of weight loss about ten years ago I went from 270-190. I was a big fat dude. This time I’m from 293-223 currently. I trained at planet fitness until I was fit enough to even try to run, then I started running the same path in a park, a beautiful two mile loop.

Anyways the only people who ever and I mean ever had anything discouraging to say were those closest to me. My gym staff was hugely supportive and a complimented not only my weight loss but my work ethic. Strangers would approach me and compliment me, not because I was super fit, but because they saw me putting in work. At one point I got stopped mid run by a random guy who was a regular at the store I worked at to comment on the change.

People aren’t judging you if they see you doing work. We all do have to do it and go through it. I found so many supportive people out there, and made friends along the way.

Don’t be worried about what people are thinking because if they are paying any attention to you at all most of them are thinking you’re kicking ass.

submitted by /u/Physical_Selection88
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27 pounds down and still unhappy (need advice)

So im 23 5'0 and I'm weighing 158 pounds. I haven't been around that weight in a long time and I'm proud of myself. I used to weigh 185 pounds. At the same time...i don't feel happy and I feel more hesitant when eating any kind of food. Yesterday i overate and today I'm at 160 which i know is just water weight that will go down once i get back into my routine but still. I was really happy during my journey but even with the continued weight loss I've lost the excitement. I think its due to the stress of finals but also because i don't see the physical changes yet. i do feel smaller in my clothes and i see some changes but..i still have my belly. Sometimes, on dating subreddits i see girls asking if guys will date bigger girls. Some say yes, some say no, all with valid reasons. And then some guys just say that chunky girls are turnoffs and are grossed out by their bodies. It makes me look at myself like I'm gross. I'm ok with people having preferences, but when people insult body types similar to mine it makes me feel bad. IDK does anyone have these mental struggles? Feeling pretty down.

submitted by /u/Inevitable-Tomato-81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pdUHyO

How to get energy to exercise when always sleep deprived?

I am 32F weigh 177 lbs and am 5'2. My goal weight is around 130 lbs.

I understand CICO and I know most weight loss has to be done in the kitchen...

But I need to exercise too. My parents both have coronary artery disease and my dad dropped dead of a heart attack at age 58. I feel my health is at risk and I need to incorporate real exercise.

The problem is I'm always so exhausted. I work three 12 hour shifts a week as a nurse. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and neither of them sleep through the night. On my days off I'm just trying to get to nap time so I can lay down for 45- an hour most of the time.

I just don't know how to find the energy and motivation to even exercise.

Any advice ?

submitted by /u/Mcnursekat48
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3o7G1C1

Being tall is a... Mood... (23F)

Last January I was 78kg, I wasn't too overweight for my height (178cm) but I felt sluggish, unhappy and just... Not great. I decided to watch what I eat and to exercise regularly (which I did do quite regularly until June) and ended up losing 8kgs this year! The last few came off randomly but I suspect the reduced levels of stress, anxiety and depression due to me taking steps to overcome a severe B-12 and Vit D deficiency have helped!

Overall I feel more confident, clothes fit better and I would like to get back to my exercise routine soon. However, the weight loss isn't really evident on my frame. Maybe it's just the way I'm built, but do the other tall women here maybe feel the same way? Let me know!

submitted by /u/sunsetbarrage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3nWSpVe

Random 1.5lb gain overnight after a volume eating dinner??


I'm currently on a weight loss journey. My TDEE is around 1,700 (I'm sedentary and short), so I'm eating around 1,200 on a daily basis to lose 1 lb per week. I'm nearing my GW and I'm feeling optimistic.

In the past week I've been doing more exercise than usual - not "formal" exercise, I've just been active and busy due to work and family stuff. I've also been eating slightly less, around 1,100, due to stress. It was maybe due to this that yesterday I was feeling hungrier than normal, so I had a volume eating dinner w/ rice, chickpeas and veggies and my daily total for yesterday was 1,500kcals. I thought, no big deal right? It's just one day and my weekly total is still on a deficit, so I should still have lost...

...but then today I gained 1.5 lbs since yesterday! How is that possible? This sets me back one full week and it's frustrating. My body normally loses weight like a clock - the weight stays super stable over the week, then I drop it all at once on Sunday. It's very reliable and honestly has been keeping me so motivated so far. So today it would be the day but instead I gained. Uggh it's so annoying to be randomly gaining when I'm so close to my GW! I cannot increase my deficit or my exercise because then I'll just be too hungry and it won't be sustainable so what should I do now??

submitted by /u/upperfex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ZvJnVP

Loose Skin is really scaring me. Any advice?

Hello all! So I stepped on the scale and felt amazing today! 8lb loss this month, 3 months in a row! Then I looked in the mirror and bottom of my belly is starting to droop? Like the middle but is fine but both sides are starting to go lower and feels loose.

So uhh my wife has bad loose skin due to weight loss in the past and has huge problems because of her skin - it’s not just a superficial thing but a real pain, like skin rash for example.

Has anyone got any ideas on how to lower the chance of loose skin or limit it? My wife has no clue because she was supposed to get surgery for her skin but I won’t be eligible for it(and don’t want it).

Any kind of lotion to put on or tablets or should I lose weight slower? I though 2lb a week would have been safe?

Thanks and kind regards, Shaun

submitted by /u/punkmilitia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3nXJu5H

Starting weight loss attempt #a lot

I'm starting a diet change and a weight loss attempt again. I have the tendency to binge, stress, and boredom eat, laze around, while I have a hormonal imbalance and take medication that increases weight gain.

Its 28th Nov, tomorrow I'm seeing the doctor about changing meds and writing a grocery list. I've tried being vegetarian but found I prefer a pescetarian diet. I'm starting a medication for my hormonal imbalance that also is meant to help with weight loss, the issue is they make me pee a lot and in the first few days give me diarrhoea as a side effect.

Current weight 116kgs, checking in next month.

submitted by /u/CactusT3a
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3nWymGu

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Cycle of Regaining

I’ve noticed an interesting trend on this subreddit and would be interested in people’s input. I lost around 25lbs (of the 30 or so I wanted to lose) successfully last year and felt great. I made all these lofty promises to myself about never regaining the weight etc but as you could have guessed by me being back here I did not succeed. In fact, like many of us I regained it all and more within the year. I am now at my heaviest ever and feeling every pound.

I see so many of the same stories here- people coming back time and time again to lose the same however many pounds. Most people seem to be well educated about nutrition and reasonable about their goals. A lot of people make comments about how this time it’s for good but the statistics aren’t with them- I forget the exact percentage but aren’t the majority of people who lose weight doomed to regain it? It’s not that I want to be pessimistic or to discourage people from trying. I obviously still have hope that I can make this work and I wouldn’t want to take that away from anyone else. But I can’t help but feel this sub lacks a bit or realism or self awareness? Most of the commenters talk about avoiding yo-yo dieting and how CICO is a permanent lifestyle change. Yet for most of us it clearly isn’t. Maintenance is arguably a greater challenge than the loss in the first place- how do we overcome this?

I think in some ways that my constant desire to lose weight and to change myself actually perpetuates my weight gain in the first place. I’ve obsessed over food for most of my life- I did when I was weighing every gram of food during my weight loss and I do now that I’ve regained it. I’ve been starting to think that it would actually be a more positive change for me to accept the body I live in and it’s fluctuations and stop demonising the food I put into it- it hasn’t made me happy even when it’s made me smaller. Is this just another way to torture us for succumbing to the same influences and food addictions that most of the world has? Is there any point perpetuating this need to lose x amount of weight and in the process making all of us hate ourselves if it’s not likely to work in the long run?

Edit: my flair is now obviously completely wrong oops

submitted by /u/Fragrant-Holiday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3nXEYEs

"Maintaining" motivation - just in time for the holidays!

Background: I've lost about 70-75 lbs. since August 2020, but I've been feeling really discouraged in the midst of a longgggg plateau that's had me fluctuating between 220-225 lbs. since February 2021. I briefly got all the way down to 205 lbs. in July (so close to Onederland!!) but have bounced back up to 222.4 as of my weigh-in this morning.

So as you can imagine, I've been feeling frustrated and disappointed in myself lately. Self control around food has been a real uphill battle, which is the only kind of 'uphill' I've done recently as my exercise habits are all but non-existent these days. The negative self-talk has been brutal. All the usual inner critic stuff... What's wrong with me that I can't keep positive momentum? I was so close to Onederland, and I'll never get back there! I've only lost 10 lbs. in the last 12 months - all the rest of my weight loss happened more than a year ago...

And then it hit me.


If I had asked my 295 lb. self in July 2020, "Would you be happy if you lost 70 lbs. and kept it off for more than a year," my answer would have been a resounding HELL YEAH!! And if that's the case, why the hell am I sitting here feeling like I've failed yet again, telling myself that since I've fallen off the wagon, I should just steer into holiday excess?

No! Not this time, inner critic! I have every reason to be proud AF of what I've already accomplished, whether or not I lose another pound. My body has gotten a whole year of respite from 70 extra lbs. worth of wear and tear; I've gotten a year's worth of pictures of me and my family now that I no longer flee whenever a camera comes out; I've been able to shop exclusively in the "straight size" clothing section for a whole year. All of these things make a difference. These are gifts I've given to myself by doing something I've never done before: MAINTENANCE.

Am I at my goal weight? No. Am I happy with the way I look and feel right now? Nope, not really. Will I continue to struggle with motivation and self control? Oh, absolutely.

But for now, I'm reminding myself that the most important aspect of that last sentence - continuing to struggle with motivation and self control - isn't the struggle part... it's the continue part!

Much love to all of you in the r/loseit community for giving me hope - the kind of hope that makes me want to recommit to this gift I've given myself for another year. So I'll see you here next year! I may not be any closer to my goal weight by then, but that's okay. I'll continue to struggle anyway!

submitted by /u/FITtingItIn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lasjfy

Struggling with changing my mindset from “desire to be skinny” to “desire to be healthy and strong”

A few months ago I learned I was obese and it prompted me to get serious about losing weight and health. I’ve since lost 20+ lbs, bringing me out of the obese category and solidly into the overweight category for my height. According to my InBody measurements I have a greater than average amount of skeletal muscle mass, but still have an excess amount of body fat to lose.

I’ve hit a point where I am struggling to transition my thought process and mental goals from weight loss to health. For ages I’ve thought about being skinnier and not put much thought into health. I’m finding that most of the weight loss material I’m looking at reinforces that, especially since I’m a woman.

Does anyone have any advice or experiences? I’m losing motivation.

submitted by /u/obtusemoonbeam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3FTus7e

Friday, November 26, 2021

NSV new glasses

I hadn't anticipated what a big difference weight loss could make in the face! I knew that my glasses were getting looser, but I was quite surprised to find out at the opticians that the frames are now way too wide for me. For many years it's been a hassle to get nice glasses frames because not much variety was available in the size I needed. I had to settle for styles that weren't my taste and didn't suit me that well. Now I have lots to choose from. What a great surprise! Really looking forward to getting my new glasses soon.

submitted by /u/Rambling_Bear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3xuSouY