Monday, September 5, 2022

Down 105lbs

105lbs lost. So much happiness gained. Looking back on my weight loss thus far, I have completely changed as a person. I love and trust myself more. Through setbacks, injuries, stagnation, loss of motivation, through it all I had discipline. I love myself for sticking through it all. I love the guy on the right for deciding to make a change. I’ve done a lot of work regarding my relationship with food vs. my relationship with my body. It changed everything for me. For anyone hoping to make a change in any aspect of your life, my advice is do the psychological work as early and as often as possible. To me a person’s value isn’t based on what kind of shape they’re in, but I will tell you, moving your body and eating healthy does a lot of good for your brain chemistry. If happiness is the goal, I believe treating your body with love and respect is half the battle.

submitted by /u/bmclain19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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