Monday, September 5, 2022

Non-existent period

So, a question for my fellow women and/or everybody who menstruate.

I don't. I'm supposed to, being a cis woman with a reproductive system. But I don't. I don't ovulate, like, at all. It's been going on since I got my first period, 20 years ago. My hormones are ok, have a bit too much testosterone, but nothing extreme. I was on a pill for years, and did get "periods" every month, but stopped taking them bc they effed with my mental state. Haven't had a period since (6 months). When I asked my gyno why is that happening, he said, and I quote: "I don't know". Well thank you, mister doctor sir, I'm a cultural studies MA and I don't know either, guess we're the same.

Is there anybody with the same problem as me? And/or does anybody know how much that can interfere with weight loss? Or weight gain?

I feel that like I'm physically in a perpetual PMS state, with random bloating, constipation, and pain, no matter what I eat.

submitted by /u/QueenOfBurgundyRealm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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