Thursday, December 1, 2022

Learned something I think is vital

Hello everyone. I'm a teenage girl and towards the end of 2021 (can you believe it's been a year already?) to now, I've been losing weight.

I was a full 80-85kg last year. This was mostly because my food options were limited to high glycemic food. I grow up in an overweight family so when it's not my turn to cook and they cook for me, they tend to apply their dietary habits to my food

I remember looking in the changing room mirror and feeling disgusted.

So I worked to lose the weight I lost 25kg and I'm at my goal weight (I'm born more muscular so 65 kg is lean for me and not overweight).

I just wanna share my peanuts of wisdom and say that losing weight requires you to change somehow. Usually positively. To ignore the hunger pangs, you have to get busy. Take a walk, read a book, okay a game, listen to music, something. If you choose the right mind occupier, you'd have achieved more than just losing weight

An important thing in learning to is that food is gonna be there when I wake up the next say. I'd rather eat it later and have no consequences than eat it now, and then learn for the umpteenth time that the food wasn't worth the sacrifice. Actually, food's taste is never worth the consequences. In a few days or weeks, you'll be enjoying your body and not thinking twice about the chicken nuggets

I also read this book that said "Some people like to pretend/act/ignore that their actions don't have consequences". I relate it to weight loss

Also, my pants and blazer used to be so tight on me and now they're falling off (I got new ones) Thank the Lord.

My classmates have noticed my weight loss too. Although, being secondary schoolers, they didn't phrase it the nicest way.

I used to make loads of excuses but my main one was that "it won't matter if I eat right today because in the next few days, there's nothing I'm going to be able eat that's not gonna make me gain weight".

And these verses helped me completely

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’... do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:31‭, ‬34

That's it for me though, always happy to look through this subreddit. It's nice to know that we aren't alone on this journey. 💗

submitted by /u/Ok_Independence_8638
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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