Tuesday, February 28, 2023

So I weighed myself

Hey again (second post this morning) I should probably give a lil bit of background on this. I started my weight loss journey on the 18th of June 2022 at 549lbs. I'm a 5'11 male, 23 years old, I am now 455lbs as of this morning. I usually just do lots of swimming and walking (I do also weigh everything I eat and calorie count, I eat 2000 calories a day, sometimes a little under, sometimes a little over) but over the past 2 weeks I've also started weight lifting too, I also weigh myself every 2 weeks. I was told by a friend and even my psychologist that when you start weight lifting and things like it, there can be a transitionary period where your weight may go up or the stay the same on the scales. I was worried this would happen and I'd feel rubbish because of it, and well here we are. Do you guys think it could just be the weight lfiting causing me to only lose 3lbs in 2 weeks? I know saying "only 3lbs" sounds bad, but at my size with the exercise I do and the amount I eat, 3lbs seems strangely small.

submitted by /u/Krimzonblitz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DprEgB0

the safety in being fat

I never realized how safe being fat was (at least for me). I was never assaulted. I had never ever been catcalled on the street. I never felt unsafe walking alone or near men, as they just never approached me. I’ve never had trouble in the crappy parts of town, or walking by construction sites. The creepy guys outside gas stations wouldn’t even look my way. I never really feared being kidnapped, because who could have the strength to kidnap me when I weighed near 250lbs? I didn’t ever worry about my guy friends ruining our friendship by having “feelings for me,” none of the teachers my friends found creepy ever gave me an inkling of weirdo-ness, and in the gym none of the old men who would leer at my friends made me uncomfortable. My male dominated sport was fun for me, I just never had to worry about any creepy or harassing behavior compared to my peers

I’m losing weight now. I got taller during puberty and I’m way more active. As the weight drops I’ve become curvier instead of just fat. And I’m only noticing because of the way guys treat me now.I was catcalled for the first time a few weeks ago, and to be honest it was just a bizarre experience. I’m never acknowledged like that in public by men, ever. It was so scary to have a guy yell at me from the street. I catch guys looking at my ass. Their eyes stray towards my chest. Service workers will make conversation with me. Guys who have been my friends for years take my usual banter as flirting. Everything I say seems flirty now. My personality is the same, I’ve always been charming and funny to make friends because I was never pretty. But now it's like I have to tone it down, or people will get the wrong idea.

Walking alone at night now is scary. It's like my peace of mind is gone. I took so much for granted when I was fat and now I’m just wondering if its all worth it. Yeah I look better and i’m healthier but whats the point when I can hardly enjoy myself? is weight loss even worth it? I’m not even sure anymore and this revelation honestly caused a binge.

sorry for this rant, the change has been rough for me

submitted by /u/thedeadtiredgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kQNzx8d

Convincing myself that I’m worth the effort has been the hardest part.

I don’t know how much I’m willing to share about myself, so this isn’t my main account. I stepped on the scale today for the first time in a long time…and I saw a number didn’t surprise me but it certainly depressed me. Intellectually I know exactly what I must do; lay off the beer (have cut back but it’s not gone entirely; count calories; get more exercise. Every day I don’t let it happen.

For those struggling with ADHD, depression, etc, well into your 40s and are still managing to keep on a weight loss program- you’re damned heroes.

Anyway…if anyone else out there feels the same, know that you’re certainly not alone.

submitted by /u/Lancerfixer86104
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/XojI20U

Want some encouragement !!

I am 31 yrs old 5'8 inches height . I am depressed but want to get better by making weight loss my focus as i feel unhealthy in my body and to prevent diseases due to overweight. I have joined gym and planning on walking on treadmill for half an hour and then some basic weightlifting. For diet I am trying to consume less food and stop eating sugary food. Just some encouragement from you guys will help me a lot. Also is there a support group online where we can talk on zoom or skype every week and talk about losing weight.

submitted by /u/No-Nefariousness-483
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/PftD92G

I was a little dismayed about my first month of weight loss...

I started February at 265lbs and weighed in today at 263lbs. At first I was really sad and was looking back at all the times I had an extra snack or two after meeting my calorie goal. Those extra snacks really do add up.

I was pretty sad.

I took my monthly picture of myself as I plan to use this as a way to really visualize my weight loss. Then I went to the gym as I do every weekday morning. After changing into my day clothes I realized something. My pants were looser.

Now these pants have no stretch in them whatsoever. So when I was at my heaviest of 273 I couldn't fit into them comfortably. Now they just feel a lot looser compared to the beginning of the month. I realized that even if I didn't have much weight loss, I did have a good bit of fat loss and muscle gain.

It's a small personal win and I'll work on being more strict about my calorie goal, but it's something I felt like sharing. Remember that even if the scale doesn't move for a while that doesn't mean you've reached a failing point. You could be losing fat and gaining muscle without realizing it.

submitted by /u/pumpkinthighs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/HulcDsy

Stretching daily while losing weight

I decided to start doing nightly and morning stretches aside from my daily exercise. A month ago, I would never be able to touch my right foot with both hands with my left leg extended behind me. Now I can do it for 5 seconds without having to bring my foot down.

I don't know if it actually does anything for weight loss aside from increasing balance (my reason) and flexibility, but it feels nice to be able to do that without falling over or lowering my foot.

If any of y'all incorporate daily stretching, I'd love to hear how it has helped- whether it be balance, flexibility or something else.

submitted by /u/Extrovert_89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hOa4ygr

Parent talking about weight loss makes wanna overeat

F (25), 5’5, 225 lbs. Been obese my whole life but it wasn’t seen as a huge problem since played plenty of sports during that time. Had a health scare that almost made me lose my eyesight when i was 18 but was diagnosed and given medication. I’ve been in remission for 3 years now.

However ever since that scare my mom has been talking nonstop about me losing weight and its exhausting. Like 2x a week at the very least. First of all, we never talk about it. More she talks at me for 45mins to an 1hr about trying new diets, challenges, books, apps, videos, working out more, etc.

Now every time the topic comes up i get cravings for all the unhealthy foods that trigger me to overeat.

I’ve been living on my own since 2020 (arguably 2011 since i was in boarding school) but it still feels like Im letting my impulses weight entirely on my mothers words and thoughts about weight loss. Sometimes ill make great progress with eating and exercise, but then lose all motivation from her calling me about a doctors recommended diet she read about…at this point i really don’t wanna share any of my progress with her.

I get that shes worried for my health but now I’m worried about how i’ve been letting her words affect me this negatively. Has anyone else dealt with these feelings? Or been in a similar situation? Where do i go from here?

submitted by /u/ACastlefortheKey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/MLDmH0Z

Monday, February 27, 2023

Lost weight due to stress, how do I keep it off?!

How do I use unintentional weight loss as a jumping off point for further loss? My body seems to be pulling me back to my starting weight!

Background: Over the last four weeks I’ve gone through a super stressful situation and have lost 10 of the 20-30lbs I’ve needed to lose to get to a healthy weight.

I was taking care of a family member that became I’ll suddenly and literally didn’t have time to eat (or food wasn’t available in the health care setting). At the same time I was run off my feet supporting this person.

0/10. Do not recommend.

Despite the stress I feel physically better with this weight gone. It’s easier to get around, I’m not as tired, I feel lighter. I’d like to use this as a jumping off point to lose the final 10-20 stubborn pounds that refuse to move.

As I’ve started to eat more regularly my body keeps pulling me back up. Salads, grilled chicken, hummus, eggs … I’m inching back up the scale.

How do I keep the unintentional momentum going, or even maintain at this point?!

submitted by /u/AndDontCallMePammie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/JD48rfy

Anyone ever feel discouraged because you lost weight, gained it back and more, and now have to lose it again?

I’m sure this is true of everyone. I just looked at my weight loss transformation from august to now. Everyone who I’ve shown the progress photos to tells me there is a huge difference. I’m happy about this, and other smaller wins- like feeling more comfortable in an airplane, fitting into some older clothes better.

But, I used to be incredibly skinny. I can’t help but look back on photos of myself 3 years ago when I was thin and when I had no back rolls and small arms. I feel discouraged because I’m not her again. Like, just the timing makes me mad. I’m doing a good job but I’m just not where I was once before when I was really confident about my appearance.

Sigh. I know this too, shall pass…

submitted by /u/autumnssong
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/vmoBcNz

maintaining a healthy relationship with food

have to say, i genuinely love food and cooking it and looking at it and eating it and just everything about it. natural food and the processes of making it are absolutely beautiful but this has not always been my take. an especially dominant feature of my teens was hating food to the core and being very disordered in the way i ate. i wasn't even my heaviest at the time but it was horrible. the years i've spent since then just being fat and not caring have actually been a lot less painful (although still signfigantly effecting my quality of life) but i can't keep that up either for health reasons. just this past january, my doctor has told me as much and, in response, i've been pretty diligent. since my appointment with her, i've lost over 25lbs now thanks to calorie counting and regular exercise. i still have a lot of weight to go but i think it's been a successful start and things have just really clicked. i'm still going strong and in it for the long term.

the thing that concerns me a little is how strict i've been about this and how i'm experiencing feelings of 'winning' and almost a high from my success. i worry sometimes i'm not actually in control, but developing something unhealthy. control and obsession are themes for me and don't always work in my best interest. adding to that, as part of my process, i rely on the internet (this sub, for example) and that's not always healthy either. there are a lot of disordered people all over the internet and communities can be both helpful and toxic at the same time.

i'm at least critical of media and don't let everything i read soak in. just the other day, i was watching a fitness video on youtube with some tips for long-term weight loss. this guy made a lot of sense and won enough of my trust to make me consider one of the tips he'd given. his advice was that having a 'cheat day' can easily undo progress and isn't a great idea. a cheat meal, on the other hand can do very little lasting damage to the progress made by consistent healthy habits.

i wanted to do this sort of to prove to myself that i actually am in control and exercising discipline and not just using weight loss as a guise for secretly messing myself up and turning it into a mind game. i should be able to eat something i like without beating myself up afterwards or trying to make up for it with hours of exercise (that being said, i did do this right after hitting the gym). so i got two things i really like: a footlong veggie sub from subway and a bunch of chocolate covered jube jubes.

i ate them. i don't care about the calories (not going to even bother calculating). i enjoyed them. i don't think i have to go out of my way to do it again.

submitted by /u/nobodynewknew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/18N07Lu

Stubborn Face Fat

Why is the face fat the hardest to lose weight?

I’m a mid thirties Female at 5’ 2”

I used to have cheek bones showing and my face was pretty thin at 54.43kg, which was my weight for the longest time. I gained weight and got up to 106kg at my heaviest… was that weight for about 5-7years. I recently lost weight last year and am now at 74kg.

I’m planning to get back down to my previous weight or close to a healthy BMI.

I don’t always eat clean, but am planning to be much more consistent this time around. I started eating clean and really reducing calorie intake last week. This will be a lifestyle change… no more excuses.

Workouts I do cardio and weights, not daily. But I also plan to be more consistent there too.

What has worked for you to reduce face swelling? When did you start to see facial fat reduction during your weight loss journey? What exercises made the difference?

Any advice, questions or experiences are welcome! 🙏

submitted by /u/Mhatilda_Morter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/SuYKOJ8

What are some down sides to losing weight?

I know I would never want to go back to where I was, but there have been some aspects of weight loss that I don't care for. Examples: wrinkles, sagging skin, and having to relearn my alcohol tolerance. That last one has been a big one for me. For many years, I could drink heavily without much issue (aside from the occasional hangover). You'd think that being at my current weight for a couple of years I'd learn where the line is. Lol, nope. I can black out now, which is very not fun.

What about you? Anything you don't like?

submitted by /u/Netsirk87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/m2iLWfh

Can someone help me explain the science of “too much” calorie restriction?

What is the science behind your body not losing weight due to “too much” calorie restriction? For instance, my TDEE is just over 2,000 cals, but I thoroughly ensure I do not go over 1,500 cals per day; about 30% of the time I only hit around 1,000 calories due to being busy and forgetting to eat. And yes, it’s whole foods each day- lots of fruits and veggies, only space I could improve on is eating even more protein.

Despite this, I have pretty slow/minimal weight loss despite a 26 BMI, and numerous people in my life have suggested I’m eating too little. Google around a bit and sure enough- many sites advise that eating too little actually impairs weight loss.

So how does this actually work- if CICO is as accurate and magical as everyone preaches, shouldn’t someone lose weight faster if they eat as minimally as possible?

submitted by /u/ColtonsFenceJump
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/IpYBLPo

How to best calculate my TDEE to lose weight?

I am 28F 5’5” SW: 174 lbs (highest weight being 180.6 lbs) CW: 155.6 lbs GW: 135 lbs. I have been working out consistently (5-6 times per week) since November 2022. I target a muscle group for weight lifting and 20-30 mins of cardio for 5 sessions per week and 1 session per week is dedicated solely to an hour of cardio. I’ve been eating about 1200-1400 calories per day (tracking in MFP and using a scale). Last month, I bought a standing desk and walking pad to increase my step count as I am quite sedentary other than my 1-2 hour workouts each day since I work from home. I am aiming for a minimum of 10k steps per day even on my off day for an “active rest day”. I have yet to hit a plateau and I want to try to prevent that, if possible. Originally, I calculated my deficit based off the sedentary activity level on the TDEE calculator but I am wondering if I should continue to base my calorie deficit on this number since I am more active. I also don’t want my body to be so adjusted to the 1200-1400 calories that I hit a stall in my weight loss. I know as I get closer to my goal weight, the harder it will be to shed those last pounds but I would like to at least hit 145 lbs by May, again if possible. If you had my goals, what approach(es) would you take?

submitted by /u/avg-advice-giver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/u8POZQL

Sunday, February 26, 2023

I’m just like irrational scared I’m going to die from being fat.

I mean obviously if I don’t change my dietary habits, it will probably lead to an early death so it’s not that irrational. But at 25 years of age I’m worried that I’ve done irreversible damage to my body, mainly my heart and arteries.

I’ve struggled with weight loss my entire life. I’ve lost hundreds of cumulative pounds from starting over again, and again. I’m just so tired of being in this cycle. It’s vicious. Prior to Covid I was 40 freaking pounds away from my goal weight. I felt sexy, I felt healthy, I could walk into any clothing store and leave with something, I felt alive! My blood pressure was freaking perfect 117/80, heart rate below 70, I was on fire.

As of the other day I am back to my heaviest being around 284. High blood pressure 134/93, high resting heart rate, on bp medication, heart palpitations, anxiety, probably some depression. Like it just sucks, and I can’t seem to take myself seriously enough to start, and maintain a healthy diet. The worst part is that I know what to do, and how to do it, I just can’t seem to keep it going.

I spend so much time worrying about a heart attack and doing nothing about it, I wonder if it’s going to take a heart attack or a real health scare to get my ass in gear.

Anyways. Thanks r/LoseIt for providing me a place to vent about my inadequate constitution.

submitted by /u/Peepo97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/SsiK4fn

Self acceptance during weight loss

I’m currently at my heaviest adult weight and for the past 2 years, have been overweight for the first time in my life. I understand the reasons: too much emotional eating; losing my FIL to Covid; having fibroids and adenomyosis; and finally, getting a hysterectomy. It’s been a … lot. Also, I’m now in perimenopause (still have ovaries).

I understand that weight gain under these circumstances is not the end of the world and even understandable. Yet I feel really ashamed and embarrassed. I hate buying larger clothes. I am sad that I’m a much slower runner now — not that I was ever that fast!

I’m now doing CICO and hoping to get back to the high end of “normal” for my height. It’s slow going. But I hope I can get my emotions under control, too,and don’t know where to start.

Any thoughts? I’ve often heard that you can’t hate yourself thin and stay mentally healthy but I’m find it hard to find self acceptance.

Thanks for reading. This is a great community. ♥️

submitted by /u/BlueKitten1980
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/zFPGCUa

People keep saying I’m under eating, but I’m satisfied, is there really something wrong with my calorie intake?

I’ve been on a weight loss journey since January 17th, today is February 26th. I’m a 15 year old female that’s 175cm/ 5’7 feet. At the start I weighed about 73kg/160 pounds, today I weigh 66,7 kg/ 147 pounds. Meaning I lost just a tad more than 6 kgs. Since the beginning of the journey I cut off all processed foods and minimum amount of added sugars and that stuff. No cheat days, no nothing. I didn’t count calories at first but went solely based off of what I assumed what nutritious and food diet-friendly food. But apparently that was not a too good of a diet, and it lacked a lot of the important stuff. Like calories, healthy fats etc. And I was also eating under 1000 calories as well. Basically, I wasn’t educated at all (not saying I am properly educated now as well, just have a little more knowledge about it). I’ve also been regularly, like every other day, been doing 15-30 minute hiit workouts, and getting at least 6000 steps a day. I drink over 2 liters water a day, and get about 7-8 hours of sleep every night. My diet has improved, and I now track every single calorie I consume through always weighing and cooking my food myself. I’m consuming about 1100-1200 calories a day, with about 100g of protein (roughly 35% of all of the calories). I’m satisfied with my routine, but people keep saying I’m under eating. Last time I checked my bmr was about 2000, and I’m trying to sustain a calorie deficit of 800. I don’t have that many sugar cravings and don’t get too hungry in between my meals, and feel rather satisfied. I’m going to start working out at the gym soon as well. My plan was to get to at least 65kg and then start working out more consistently and do strength training, and slowly increase my calorie intake while still having a calorie deficit. Am I being dumb?

submitted by /u/Lazy_Success8453
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/kqYj32F

190 days, 100 pounds Gone.

Where do I even begin? Before this weight loss journey I had a weightloss journey back in 2017 where I lost 100 pounds I went from 398 to 245. I was 17 years old in the process and this was very eye-opening to me in many different ways from the way people treated me to the way people talk to me .. a year and a half later I got pregnant and gained back more than half of half of the weight so I was back to 300s and honestly I felt horrendous. I felt horrible and I was always tired and I never had the energy to do anything. I made this decision myself to lose weight yet again because I wanted to be happy in my body again I chose to do this weight loss journey yet again, because I wanted to be happy and live a longer life for my daughter and husband. I am very well aware of the diets, of the exercises of everything that is thrown at obese people and honestly I always fall back. I always fell back. I always chose to eat. I never counted calories. I just I wanted to eat I feel comfortable eating and that is why I ended up so big, and I’m not ashamed because I’m well aware of my actions. In August 2022 I chose to start again I chose to do what was best for me and that is veganism. I chose to go Vegan , count calories, I chose to do fasting from 12 PM to 8 PM. I did not eat over 1500 cal the most ever ate during this weight loss process was 3000 and that was a good day but It did not make me fall back into the binge eater I was. It was honestly hard in the beginning. It was very hard and the fact that I was so big because of nobody else but myself, I had to lose this myself I have very high motivation for myself this time around I have motivation to do things differently I do view things in life differently from the way I eat food to the way I see any people eating. yes it’s wrong of me that I was obese, still am but still in the process of weightloss and yet I will be here trying to explain to people how to eat, but me opening my eyes and seeing that the way food is revolving around many people is scary because I am one of those many people. I chose to walk/jog, 1.5 to 2 miles daily. I lifted weights, and I did my legs I chose to strive for the best possible that I could. I also had a high water intake. I drink at least 100 ounces a day if more, if possible, that’s perfect but I try not to be under 100 ounces of water a day. I feel like my water intake has helped me in this process as well. Another Big helper is the fasting I don’t eat before 12 PM and after 8 p.m. hits. I’ll fast all those hours and it has helped me realize how much I over ate out of boredom And back to veganism I have been vegan on and off in 2017 I chose to be vegan for the weight loss and that’s what helped me the most so that’s why I brought it back into my life. I also have became disgusted with eating meat and other products as such so I felt like it was my really in my advantage for me to be able to be vegan and want to be vegan and continue to through this diet because of how I viewed, the other foods around me. That being said I am now Many months into this journey , as I say it opened my eyes to the way food is perceived by many it as well has opened my eyes to the way People perceive those who are overweight. All my life I have been called names and I bet there isn’t a fat name that you can call me that I have not been called because my family themselves have called me names that are just engorged in my brain but the same people that have called me names while being extra big are the same people that still make fun of me for losing 100 pounds, yes I was big and I had huge back fat, but now that I have not as much back fat and it’s not as big but it’s now saggy, there’s other things that people can talk negative about me on and that’s now having loose skin. I have been told that I look better FAT, and Big instead of having loose skin and just looking the way I do , I have been told that my legs look so skinny now and that what am I doing to myself but when I was bigger I would be begged to lose weight. It just hurts in many different ways. I wanted to add that in because no matter what you do to better yourself there will always be negative found within the process from anybody and everybody. Today I sit at 225 pounds and this is the smallest I have ever been since middle school since elementary even I’m not sure because I was way over 195 in elementary. Seeing 225 on the scale and me being satisfied and happy with the way I feel in the motivation I have daily , it is very emotional, I feel like I cry to myself with no tears falling down of the successful, motivational feelings I just get upon myself. I know that this is only the beginning and I do have another goal weight and I will hit that weight. In this process since August 2022 I have reached three of my goals I wanted to go from 325 to 300 from 300 to 250 from 250 to 245 because that was the lowest weight i ever hit . from 245 I want to hit 200 and I will that’ll be my next goal and I will hit 200 and after I hit 200, I have one more goal and that’s it. The process will be done, and I’ll be able to be satisfied within myself and sit daily appreciating the hard work, I’ve done to myself better myself to feel healthier , be healthier to do better and stay better. I chose to say all of this, because I want people to know that it is mind over matter, and no matter what you think. Mind over matter, will always fall in place with the weight loss, with the weight gain, with the way you eat with the way you think of food and how you portray food. When you have the mindset of food being a friend instead of an enemy you’re able to enjoy the food that you make for yourself instead of wanting more when your plate is empty. I’m not saying more is bad because you need to learn how to limit yourself and when you do, you should be able to get more with limitations, but that being said you should know that there’s always a limit and that limit is 100% OK that limit is normal, it’s normal and should always be normal. You don’t need to exceed you don’t need so much to be satisfied with in your hunger feelings. I feel like I have said enough and I just want to thank you all for those who are taking the time to read this and thank myself most of all I thank myself plenty. It’s only the beginning.325 - 225

submitted by /u/fkknhigh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/NTm61JH

Went below 160 lbs for the first time since middle school

I've struggled with my weight for a long time. I grew up poor on food stamps, which unfortunately does not lead to healthy eating as many of the cheapest foods are among the worst for you in calories and nutrients. I averaged around 215 lbs in high school. In college I got my weight down to the upper 160's, but I was exercising all the time and ate like an Olympic athlete (easily ~3,000 calories a day). Because I lived across from the gym, I never taught myself healthy eating.

I worked night shift after college and slowly regained the weight. My first major job after that was extremely stressful, 5 directors in as many years, and my weight ballooned to 226 lbs (at one point I got back down to 194lbs, but regained it all because of the stress of that job). When I finally changed jobs at the end of March last year, I had fought back down to 206 lbs.

This morning my weight is 159.8 and I am so proud of myself. My target is 146 because it would be 80 pounds down overall from my peak weight and it is so close.

I've been keeping track of my weight for years in an Excel spreadsheet. It helped me understand that fluctuations of 2-3 pounds could be water weight and that to lose weight I needed to watch for gradual declines over the course of weeks. (I've even had two 5 pounds swings if I was dehydrated one day and had a buffet with a friend the next). Having metrics is key.

Calorie-wise, it is recommend that I eat about ~2400 calories a day. I've learned that I will gain 1 pound a week doing so. My job and lifestyle are simply too sedentary (assuming I do not exercise at all). 1800 calories is right for maintaining my weight. 1500 has been my target for losing weight. On occasion, I have gone as low as 1200 calories, but I do not recommend it and my understanding is that it is unhealthy to do so long-term.

Fiber has been great for reducing how many calories I eat. When I max out my daily fiber, I do not feel the hunger from lowering my overall calories. It has made all the difference in allowing me to maintain my calorie goals.

Personally, diet was the big part that I was missing. I did purchase gym equipment for my home several years ago, which I know puts me outside the norm. I have a weight rack (dumbbells), power bench, exercise bike, and treadmill. I do much more cardio than strength training to be honest. I try to go for at least 30 minutes a day (easy enough to read a comic book or watch a tv episode on the treadmill!). I've also taken up a bit of jogging. This alone has resulted in a steady 1 to 2 pound weight loss per week (a bit more if I exercise more as well, but I never wanted to burn myself out).

submitted by /u/Baskerwolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/JA36T0v

lost about 47lbs within 6.7 months due to a breakup


I went through a breakup and I decided to go on a weight loss journey to cope with my self esteem.

My exgf of 2 years dumped me and i felt terrible. I didnt know she felt that way and wanted to end things. I was blindsided and depressed and I begged to change. Never had abused (verbal or physical) but i was bad at communicating the way i felt and when I tried to communicate, it made things worse. When i felt frustrated it was difficult to communicate it or if i felt stressed it would bleed into the relationship. She decided to break things off and said i lacked communication and had wished me well. She didnt block me on any social medias which made recovery worse imo.

I couldnt really afford therapy. I worked 24 hrs a week as a vocational nurse in california, helping my elderly parents (who didnt plan their retirement or health issues). I was also about to start my 4th semester of the BSN registered nurse program and it was stressful studying maternity/peds.

I used working out and eating healthy to cope with the negative self image i saw myself in the mirror. Its been almost 7 months since the breakup but i feel so much better mentally and physically since then.

Friends supported me, even the subreddits ExNoContact and Breakups were great places to post.

I made it my goal to do at least 30 to 45 min of cardio every day. Eat high protein meals and to also weight train at least twice a week. I ate around 160g to 200g of protein a day and it helped keep the hunger at bay. Drank lots of coffee or teas. Ate apples or strawberries. Ate 100 cal popcorn bags with the seasonings. Greek yogurt and protein powders. Meats I chose were ground turkey, ground beef, roitesserie chicken from the grocery stores, and packets of tuna. I chose low calorie dressings. My favorite choice of cheese were mozerella. I probably consumed about 1800 cals/day to 2100 calories per day. For carbohydrates, i ate low carb tortillas or low carb breads, i didnt really eat much rice during the cut.

Thanks for reading ! If you're pleateued, know that it takes lots and lots of time to lose fat or weight. Weight loss is marathon and it takes weeks or months for the body to change.

submitted by /u/Every-Housing-1270
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How to handle mood swings while dieting?

I’m about a month into weight loss (23F, 5’10”, SW 199, CW 191, GW 150) and I’ve noticed that I have been way more emotional than normal (slightly more irritable, definitely more weepy). PMS came and went, and I’m still crying at anything and everything lol. I’m eating 1475 calories per day, which has felt good to me (I have a desk job and currently a broken wrist, so exercise has been minimal at best). Is this something that I can expect to go away as my body adjusts to fewer calories? Is it a sign that I should be eating more of something? Or can anyone at least commiserate and tell me I’m not a crazy person? I’m generally not much of a crier, so this has not been fun for me haha

submitted by /u/crazywifeintheattic
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Saturday, February 25, 2023


Back in my old neighborhood (that’s what I’m calling the forums for the calorie app I used to use), we had a term called “wooosh”. You experienced a “wooosh” when you had a big-ish weight loss after a fairly long plateau. Today, I had a “wooosh”!

Now, I’m a very slow loser. I have just come to accept that fact. I lost a lot of weight years ago, and got to about 10-12 pounds above “healthy” BMI. I’ve have been basically hovering around this weight since then. I’ll gain 3 or 4, then lose them again before things get out of control. But I never seem to go below that 10-12 above mark.

Well, for 2023, I decided perhaps it’s time to finish the job I started so long ago. I was up a little bit (December, sheesh) and lost about 2 pounds in January (slow loser, remember). Lost another half during the first few days of February, but then nothing for 3 weeks. Not up, not down. Textbook plateau.

Until today.

Wooosh! 1.5 pounds in one week! I am now at the lowest weight I’ve been in years! I’m officially just about 9 pounds from the goal! Yippee!

Of course, I’d like to go a bit more than the 9, to give myself a bit of wiggle room, but one thing at a time, right? I’ll take today’s little victory and dance (‘cause dancing burns calories, haha)!

Anyway, just wanted to share my little joy with this community. And here’s hoping everyone who needs a little wooosh gets one soon!

submitted by /u/LexiiConn
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Feeling a little stuck in my weight loss journey

I would like to lose weight and I had a couple of questions. Previously I used to be 95 kg(210 lbs) in college. I have cut out processed foods to a lot of extent. I used to have a lot of issue with binge eating and I still do it but the portions are much lesser.

My body statistics:



Height- 5ft 6inches / 167 cm

Present weight- 74 kg / 163 lbs

Goal weight-60 kg / 132 lbs

Body measurements- 39-30-43

My questions:

1). Is my goal weight realistic for my height considering the fact that I have a broad frame(shoulders, hips)?

2). I used the tdee calculator and found my maintenance calories to be 1800(at sedentary). I exercise on and off so i did not take that into account.

So how much deficit would be a good point to start?

( I am not expecting too fast results but too slow progress makes me feel doubtful. I have been tracking my calories consumption for a month and it hugely varies anywhere between 1300-2400 depending on my day)

3). I would also appreciate any tips for controlling binge eating/emotional eating especially at nights.

submitted by /u/Bumblebee4399
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Today’s been a good day!

Stepped on the scale today and got to celebrate two separate things.

  1. I’ve lost 10kg since I started my weight loss journey!! From 70kg Feb 2022 —> 59.8kg today, this is the least I’ve weighed in my entire life.


  1. This is the first time I’ve EVER been in the 50s regarding my weight! I’ve never ever been able to go below the 60s but today was the day. It feels amazing.

Additionally, I went to the mall today looking for an outfit for an upcoming concert. This is the first time I’ve gone shopping after being unemployed for a couple of months. The way that the clothes were fitting and how I felt when I looked in the mirror were things I’ve never experienced. It felt amazing.

Now I’m hitting the gym to celebrate.

Today‘s been a good day.

submitted by /u/bobana-
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Is a personal trainer worth it?

I (24F) went from working a retail job that constantly kept me on my feet to working a sedentary office job. This has been a great boost for my bank account and for my professional life, but it’s been horrific for my fitness and weight loss goals. I’ve regained a lot of the weight I had lost and I just feel awful about myself. I know diet is responsible for most weight loss progress, but I genuinely believe that the shift to a sedentary lifestyle is the reason behind regaining most of the weight I’ve lost. I really underestimated how much the office culture of cupcakes on people’s birthdays and office-wide Starbucks breaks would impact me. I’m honestly really frustrated at myself for not being more strict with myself.

Is a personal trainer worth it? I work unusual hours, so I’m considering booking a weekly session with one. I have zero confidence in the gym, but I absolutely feel like shit over my new lazy lifestyle. Has anyone found a personal trainer useful? I’m worried I’ll embarrass myself with how unfit I am.

submitted by /u/travellingcats
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SV: First week back at it, I'm down 10lbs!

M28, 6'4" (194cm), SW: 274lbs, CW: 264lbs, GW: 175-180lbs

I've been trying since I gained my quarantine weight to get my shit together. Living with my ex was intensely stressful these last several years, plus realizing I hate my job and WFH isn't for me. I was intensely unhappy for a long period. Got back on antidepressants, they helped in some ways and hindered in others. It was one of the most difficult 3 years of my life, right up there with college and my parents' divorce. But, it was a pressure cooker that forced me to look at my life and my direction. I had to realize nothing is going to happen for me in my life unless I go and get what I want. That goes for weight and everything else, at least for me.

I've had two successful weight loss journeys in my life, and this week:

Age 16-17, 315lbs to 275lbs over summer vacation. I discovered the MFP website and learned about nutrition, I went for morning walks and did my dad's 40+ tae bo tape every day.

Age 22-24, 277lbs to 192lbs. I learned a lot. I restricted my calories too severely and did too much cardio in the beginning. It became a "coming of age" time in my life as I lost weight. I was at a big university in a big town for the first time and I got romantic/sexual attention for the first time, that motivated me to keep going. I ate 2600-2900 calories and ran on the treadmill for 1.5-2hrs every night, and lifted weights in the mornings. I've never felt so young in my life, and as the weight came back my body felt older again. I ran a lot because I got addicted to it, the high was better than weed.

Age 28, 274lbs to 264lbs. This is my most successful attempt since I gained the pandemic weight. I feel better about my life and my future than I ever have. I have a sense of my direction in life like never before, and that is motivating me to get my shit together. I'm going back to school, work is going great, not living with my ex anymore, and I'm planning and tracking all my meals. I'm eating fewer calories so I don't have to exercise (because I have homework every night tbh) and it's working great. I'm feeling great. Yesterday morning, I noticed that my pants were fitting looser. I weighed myself, and I had lost 10lbs! I know the loss won't be 10lbs every week, but I'm so happy.

I really don't feel I can be myself when I'm as heavy as I am now. I don't feel as good in clothes, I don't want to date or be social in general, and I just don't feel as good. My joints hurt and stairs are harder. I feel (and probably look) older. Though I will say as someone who was heavy from childhood, experiencing a big weight loss, and then experiencing a big weight gain, has really taught me a lot. It changes so much about your body and how you feel, I never even realized before.

Plans are to get down to 175-180lbs. Then I'll eat at a slight surplus with high protein and mostly focus on weight lifting, eating enough protein to build muscle. I'm not interested in bulking/cutting, I want to eat enough to strengthen my body.

I want to enjoy being young while I'm still young, and I want to age well. So much of what I do now with my body sets me up for later life, and I finally realize that. I see a lot more now than when I was younger.

submitted by /u/FrozenSandwichHater
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Friday, February 24, 2023

Are potatoes actually healthy?

My mom and I argue about this all the time. She says I can’t have potatoes with every meal- they aren’t healthy and the starch just causes weight gain.

I’ve recently seen an article that says the opposite- they’re one the best foods for weight loss because they increase satiety and can be used in different ways to reduce boring food.

So what’s true? (And references would be appreciated if possible)

submitted by /u/Kindly-Bother-9579
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How do I loose weight? Need advice.

I finally got the motivation to get up and start a gym membership. But I’m lost. I go there and just lift weights for like 40 min and go on the treadmill for 20 min. I’m feeling lost since I’m just doing random stuff. I try my best to eat about 2500 calories a day but I think I go a little over. Im starting a job at FedEx as a package handler so that might help me out since it requires some movement. Also I go to school so I get a few steps in. So school + job + Gym = weight loss? Job is 4 days a week and gym is 4-5 days a week. I’m just asking for advice. Does anyone have a schedule they used to loose weight? What did you guys do?

submitted by /u/ComfortableCream4398
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Losing Weight with Recovery from Binge Eating Disorder

hi! trigger warning: binge eating disorder

female|5'4"|sw: 189|cw: 189|gw: 156

i've been seeing a therapist and a registered dietitian for fighting through binge eating disorder. i was in an unhealthy relationship with my ex and dietwise, i would restrict too much (around 1400 calories during the weekdays) and then basically bingeing on sundays in secret. i am no longer bingeing after getting out of my relationship and working through some of my issues and i'm really proud of myself, though i've gained close to 20lbs since September.

the main thing i've been focusing on with my registered dietitian is eating on a consistent schedule and incorporating a well rounded meal with protein, carbs, and veggies. i no longer go 4 hours without eating. according to loseit, my tdee is around 1700-1800. i currently go to orangetheory (HIIT/circuit style workout with the treadmill, rowing machine, and free weights) and burn about 400-500 calories each session. i'm currently averaging around 2100 calories most days, which is why I am of course not losing weight.

my question is - for those who have been in my position of recovering from an eating disorder, how do you lose weight? i have been on my weight loss journey since the beginning of january and have lost no weight so far and have also not been able to cut any inches when doing physical measurements. i'm trying to incorporate 3 meals and 2 snacks, but i can't for the life of me get to 1700 calories and be satiated. i don't want to get back into the eating disorder spiral, but don't know how to make my meals more satiating and keep me full. i'm also having trouble with falling asleep hungry, which is a massive struggle for me. would love some tips and suggestions on what y'all do! thank you so much!

submitted by /u/daisydoll93
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Thursday, February 23, 2023

I gained all the weight I’ve lost

Just like what the title says, I gained all my weight (and even more) that I’ve once lost.

I’ve been on my real weight loss journey again for a week now, starting to count calories again. I’m starting to realize I have an unhealthy addiction with food. I always think about what I’m going to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner even though I literally just ate. I eat even when I’m full. I hate myself so much right now for not being able to resist it.

submitted by /u/anonymousbutterr
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what is more important to lose like body fat or weight loss?

I'm 27 and about 151 pounds but I just don't like what I'm seeing in the mirror. Idk I just kinda look chubby and usually I'm like around 142 pounds but this past year I just been home and eating too much calories especially carbs and junk foods. So I don't know really how to lose weight. I don't like exercising especially cardio. But I do like taking long walks and stuff. In terms of food, is it good to cut down on salt and sugar ?

submitted by /u/Akashh23_pop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hHTNFog

Feeling less wide

(25f)5”7 starting weight: 117kg Down to 109kgs This has been the first time I’ve lost weight properly as I’m doing this as a whole life style change not just weight loss but creating healthier habits. I have been prioritising weight training with slowly building up cardio. I train with a pt 5 times a fortnight & had my first appointment with a dietitian this week.

I’ve been losing weight since November this week is the first week I’ve noticed and felt a huge change with how less wide I am & can noticeably see it I’ve been lighter than this and have been a lot wider than I am now…my question is what was your mindset when you got to this stage of not just seeing small changes but vase differences? Like I feel so good but weird at the same time, I can’t describe it

submitted by /u/LiteratureCold5694
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I started counting calories and it's...fun?

I got the Lose It app and first enjoyed how tailored the daily calorie amount was with all the questions it asked. Then as I started adding food, instead of being boring, annoying or even scary, I just think it's interesting. It makes me really think about what I'm eating. And adding food onto the app, trying to stay below the alloted calorie number, is like a game. So it's like gamifying my weight loss. Being able to add workouts which subtracts from my total number is also cool. I'm sure after a while I will either get tired of it or get used to it, but I'm glad I decided to start counting calories.

submitted by /u/MildGone
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Dramatic drop in blood pressure

In Dec ‘21 I was put on a diuretic for high blood pressure. It was finally the kick in the pants I needed to take my health more seriously. It wasn’t until Aug ‘22 I started CICO earnestly, but my blood pressure didn’t really start going down. Last month it was 150/90 and I weighed in at 345 lbs (I had lost almost 40 pounds at this point). I had another appt today and was still expecting my blood pressure to be sky high, but it was 130/86! Obviously still high but way better. I was so afraid my doctor was going to say I needed another med. I think the craziest thing is the difference in weight between today and last month was only around 7 pounds so it’s kind of crazy to see a big difference with that small of a weight loss.

Anyway I’m looking forward to my bp getting back to normal soon!

submitted by /u/ChiSouthSider43
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It just feels like it's forever to go.

I might be falling into a depression or something, but I feel overwhelmed with guilt about running my weight up so high, and I can't erase that guilt until I'm a normal weight, until I can be a normal person.

I'm afraid of falling into a disorder, because when the rest of my life hits a lull, weight loss feels like a form of pennance that I must do for my failure.

I'm going to weigh myself in a couple days and I hope to see some success. I expect to given the way clothes feel on me. But I also want to cry. I'm a year from my goal even in the best case. I know my life went to shit, I gained this weight because I lived on fast food under a ton of stress, that I should let go, that some guy telling me to "put down the video game controller" didn't really get that my mom died and her illness exhausted me, but I don't know how if I'm working on it like this. I'm taking every negative comment to heart. One of my friends jokes about my lack of fashion sense, but even that's ringing in my ears now.

I'm four months into losing weight, about three from when I first had the courage to weight myself, and I feel like I'm cracking from everything I'm not. Like the more I focus on my faults and try to correct them, the more they hurt me. I don't have creative outlets, so I take an art course, but I'm an absolute beginner; I applied for a higher paying job, but I feel inadequate; I tried my hand at online dating and got a few early matches, but I got bored when they steered the conversation to interview-style questions.

I should feel good that I'm trying. So many people never do. But I don't. I feel absolutely terrible.

submitted by /u/theallnewmattaccount
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Today I hit 20lbs lost on my journey. Why am I such an awful mood?

Over the holidays I hit my all time high of 280lbs. I'm a male in my mid 30s, and have had some moderate weight loss success in the distant past, but this was one step too far. So I set a (loose) goal to get back to 200.

I saw a nutritionist, starting eating healhy balanced meals, and I've been losing weight at what I feel is a safe pace. In two months I've lost 20 lbs as I said. But some days, I just feel so irritable. I eat regular meals, 3 times a day, with some fruit or skinny pop as snacks. I don't feel like im starving myself, but some days my body or blood sugar is just like "fuck you for doing this to me."

I'm proud of myself, I'm not focusing too much on the numbers, just trying to put nutritious fuel in my body instead of garbage.

I guess I'm just looking to see if anyone else has these days where they struggle on their journey. Maybe it's time start meditating again to cope with the hard days.

Thanks everyone <3

submitted by /u/nickoaverdnac
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Weight loss journey - 5kg down!

23/02/2023 SW - 68kgs/ CW - 63kgs/ GW - 50kgs

Measurements Chest - 95 > 91 - 4cm lost Right arm - 34 > 32 - 2cm lost Left arm - 34 > 32 - 2cm lost Waist(across) - 83 > 79 - 4cm lost Waist(down to navel) - 88 > 82 - 6cm lost Right thigh - 60 - 58.5 - 1.5cm lost Left thigh - 60 > 56.5 - 4.5cm lost Stomach(widest part) - 98 > 92 - 6cm lost Weight - 68 > 63 - 5kgs lost

I'm 30f, 154.5cm if it matters and restarted my weight loss journey this year. I lost some weight last year but put everything back on plus some extra. I decided to start again because I didn't like what I saw in the mirror or how I looked in pictures. I started my caloric deficit on 23/01/23 and started exercising on 30/01/23. Above is my 1 month progress. For the 1st time in 30 years I can actually say I like how my body looks and actually look and admire myself in the mirror every morning whereas before I avoided the mirror as much as possible. Before I'd give up after 1/2 weeks but now I've come further in my work out plan than ever before. I will be updating to give me accountability and to push myself to go further


-Not out of breath walking up my steep driveway/up a hill

-Can finish a set without stopping and restarting

-Can complete my whole workout routine

-Do push ups (on my knees but still count that as a win)

-Being consistent (working out 5-6 times a week)

I'm so proud of myself!

submitted by /u/KrabiPati12
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Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Celebrating that I didn’t drink tonight, so I’ll stay on target for tomorrow! 🎯

Social drinking is such an ingrained habit that it’s hard for me to not do it when going out with friends, so I’m counting this as a win.. lol

Alcohol always fucks up my weight loss, so one of my new plans that I heard/adapted is to make it so that I have to “earn” alcohol and other “special occasion food” as a reward for reaching weight loss goals.

With alcohol, it’s a bit harder for me because I’m liable to succumb to peer pressure, even if no one directly says anything, and I did feel it tonight, especially since it was apparently “national margarita day” too, but I stuck with my Diet Coke and Mediterranean Plate appetizer, and I’m proud of that.

I was afraid that someone would say something about it and make me feel weird, but no one did! I was also afraid about being perceived as the “look at me, I’m eating healthier than you” friend, and that’s not what I want. I want us all to feel good about ourselves and not second guess our choices.

Beyond all that, it’s also a win because whenever I drink, I have a bad habit of eating super poorly when I get home (ridiculously large take out orders etc), and gaining back a ton of weight.

Anyway I’m def happy that I’m making progress in changing my unhelpful habits, and I wish everyone reading this all the best in accomplishing your goals too!

submitted by /u/subtlebulk
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Need advice for weight loss

I (18f) have always had self image issues. I was always aware that i was bigger than my friends, and around maybe 6th or 7th grade i decided i wanted to try and lose weight. It started off pretty tame, i would eat healthier and workout a little everyday, but it never lasted more than a few days. I would give up, then try again, and then give up a few days later, and it kept going like that. over the next few years however, it got worse. I got into this cycle where i would eat healthy and workout for a few days, counting my cals and aiming for under 1500, and then after a few days i would lose my self control and eat one unhealthy thing, and then binge eat because i felt like that one snack ruined all my progress. This cycle happened almost weekly for a long time. and then, when i was 16 i got my license and a car, and that was when my binge eating really spun out of control. I started going out and buying a bunch of food (pizza, candy, etc) and hiding it from my family, forcing myself to eat just for the sake of eating. I no longer have any self control, and to this day i can barely even get myself to go longer than a day eating healthy or going to the gym, without giving up or binge eating. Even on the rare day that I do go to the gym, I instantly get bored and leave without even doing much exercise. It sucks because i know i need to lose weight and i want to so badly, but I just cant bring myself to do it. Any advice would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/anonymous5406
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Reminder to measure yourself along the weight loss journey!!

Hi long time lurker and just recently been on my journey to lose some weight and get healthier for the past month. I’ve been doing the Chloe thing weight loss challenge this past month and am on my last week. I was getting a little disappointed looking at the scales since I only lost around 4 pounds. I also took measurements and realized I slimed my waist down by almost 2 inches though.

I’ve constantly struggled with checking the scale every couple days and feeling discouraged. I just want to say if anyone out there feels similar remember to use other metrics to track your journey. Change can be hard and it will take time to see the difference outwardly, don’t count yourself out👏🏽

submitted by /u/AdventurousAd4683
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Always hungry and can’t seem to lose.

Hello everyone!

My wife has been on a weight loss journey and she has done pretty well up until now. She had lost a lot before it just plateaued and then her doctor had put her on Mounjaro to help her lose more. Between supply issues, pharmacy issues, and her insurance covering literally nothing for weight loss, she had to discontinue the Mounjaro. She is just under 200 lbs as of right now, but it seems like she gains so much back just from eating one bad meal. She has said that she has a constant desire to eat, even if she just ate. I don’t know if it’s simply because she isn’t getting what she wants or what. It’s really affecting her mental health and I am really unsure how to help. If anyone has any experience with this, I’d love to know how you handled it.


submitted by /u/relevantlibrarian777
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Lost weight, got gallstones.

I (46m) was recently diagnosed with Nonobstructive Cholelithiasis (gallstones). They are mainly asymptomatic and won't require surgery unless they cause trouble. I lost 65lbs last year in about 100 days with the benefit of Phentermine. I have kept it off now for about a year. It turns out, rapid weight loss (more than 3lbs a week) can cause gallstones to form. I'm not saying this would happen to everyone. But, apparently slow and steady may be a better idea.

submitted by /u/hawkmech67
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Finally managing healthy weight loss by changing my mindset

F 5"7 CW: 188 GW: 150

I have been on and off diets for the last 10 years and never ever happy with my weight. I'd cut down to 1200 cals (TDEE is 1600 for losing), then binge, then go back to eating everything thinking I don't deserve to lose weight and I'm a failure.

I don't know what triggered it, but one day this year I just thought "what the hell am I doing to myself?" I did some digging and realised that I had attached my weight loss to my own value and self worth. So I started telling myself how much I love myself every single day, little affirmations to remind myself that I am worthy of love and happiness no matter what size I am.

I wrote down new reasons to get fit, fix my food relationship and lose weight: - Manage my asthma symptoms - Manage my endo symptoms - Climb the stairs without being breathless - Stop relying on food as a stress reliever - Reduce joint pains, especially knees - More energy to spend time on hobbies - Improve general health and longevity of life - Find my way back into yoga and pilates, hobbies that I stopped during covid and now am too unfit to practice well

I've lost 5lbs in the last 2 weeks since I started adopting a new mindset, I no longer look in the mirror and think of myself a failure; I see someone determined to get their health back and say F you to a life controlled by food!

I think a lot of us use self worth as a factor when losing weight, and I hope you all know you are wonderful, brilliant, unique human beings no matter what part of the journey you are on ❤️

submitted by /u/SoftCthulhu
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Not losing, frustrated.

I’ve been losing and gaining the same 6 lbs for a month. I’m overweight enough this should not be happening. I use CICO and light exercise and track very carefully. I’m 5’8” and 250-256 for 5 weeks, I stay in a calorie deficit between 1600-2100 depending on the day. But am mostly consistent between 1700-1850 on days where I’m not working out. Even with less weight loss, I do take my measurements once a month, and lost a few inches.

I have had a lot of stress and med changes, including a new birth control implant placed. I know logically, it’s probably that. It’s just very, very frustrating. I feel defeated. Any insight or words of wisdom appreciated.

I’ve tried drinking more water, less water, increased potassium, I also take magnesium and glucosamine.

I have had a lot of stress and med changes, including a new birth control implant placed. I know logically, it’s probably that. It’s just very, very frustrating. I feel defeated. Any insight or words of wisdom appreciated. I’m super bloated and just not feeling well.

I’ve tried drinking more water, less water, increased potassium, I also take magnesium and glucosamine. Any ideas on how to break this cycle?

I think I need to eat more protein, too, but we are on a very lean budget. We don’t typically buy meat, but we buy eggs, tofu, tuna. Any other ideas? I’ll also have things like low sugar yogurt or skin mozzarella cheese sticks.

submitted by /u/Competitive-Honeydew
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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

1 year ago I started counting calories

5'3 | SW 192 | CW 150 | GW 117

All my life pre- 2019 I thought I was just "naturally thin". Major undiagnosed health problems that resulted in me being extremely sedentary and stress eating candy and ice cream sandwiches like nobody's business cured me of that misconception, but I honestly didn't put together the cause for ages. I always figured that if you didn't have "thin genes" you had to eat absurdly healthy food 24/7 and exercise a bunch to lose weight, and with my mom being an overweight, physically active vegan even that seemed like it wouldn't work for me. Finally on February 21, 2022 I downloaded the LoseIt app, came over to this subreddit to check out some weight loss tips, and the rest is history.

I feel so much better, both physically due to the weight loss but also mentally just knowing that I'm not actually helpless when it comes to my weight- if I don't like where I'm at, I can just.. change my habits! Wild, right? 🤣

My friends are a lil HAES/fatlogic-y so my post in the group chat celebrating my first anniversary is being steadfastly ignored (not that I really expected anything better), so I wanted to come over here to share my excitement instead 🥳

submitted by /u/NapQuing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/hbUNXSo

For those of you who have lost weight and kept it off…

What is it that someone could’ve said to you (or did say to you) to set you on the right path to making the lifestyle changes needed to be successful? Or more simply put, to take the first step on your weight loss journey?

Some background…

My doctor told me I won’t be able to lose a good amount of weight unless I cut carbs and sweets significantly. Of course this seems like an obvious thing, but I’m having trouble bringing myself mentally to commit to these changes. We’re talking Keto level carb intake which would be a monumental change for me.

I’ve tried and failed at least 15 times in my adulthood to get in shape. Now in my latter thirties, I’m teetering on the verge of acceptance that I will always be overweight.

Any input or advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/BurritoBun20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/AIVW9gv

A Mind Change

You know your mind is changing around weight loss and health when you have this type of a conversation:

Me: I’m just relaxing today. Mom: Oh that’s good. How’s your weight? Me: Good. I’m down another 2.5 pounds. Mom: Oh good. You know you could workout 3 times a day in the summer to really shred that weight and get yourself a husband. Me: Sure…are you going to help me with that? Mom: Oh no I already did that when we lived in Maryland in 2006.

I’m happy with my progress. In 2 months I’m down a shirt and pants size. Slow and steady really does win the race.

Oh and the husband. He’s on his way. He just stopped to get me some Cinnamon Bears, buy me a cabin in Alaska, fight off some bad guys, buy me some props from the set of The 100, and plan a trip to Disneyland!

submitted by /u/Zatana07
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/FzybSHh

Are You an Early Bird or a Night Owl? What the Research Says

Do you find yourself still full of energy even as the clock nears a “bedtime hour?” Or, conversely, are you tired at night but wake up ready-to-go in the morning? While many do consider themselves “in between,” or find that it changes at different points in their lives, a lot of people tend to identify as being either more of an “early bird” or more of a “night owl.” And the fact is, there’s more to it than just personal preference. There is actual science behind why some people feel their best in the morning—and some at night.

Here’s what research says about early birds versus night owls:

It’s in Your Genes


Like so many factors related to the way our bodies operate, the answer just may be written in our DNA. A study of nearly 90,000 people who had their genomes sequenced was able to identify 15 specific loci that were significantly associated with being a morning person. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, loci tell us the location of a specific gene on a chromosome. These study findings, published in Nature Communications, joins a growing body of research looking to understand how our body clocks work. They point to the fact that we just may be hard-wired to perform our best at a certain time of day—making it a difficult thing to change.

5 Ways Sleep Deprivation is Affecting Your Weight

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Can I Become an Early Bird?

early bird

Even though research seems to point toward humans being genetically programmed to have certain periods of “peak alertness,” there are still plenty of people who would like to change their body’s natural timing. Most commonly, the preference is to become an early bird—largely because of life demands such as work, school and children. In other words, just because you’re not hard-wired to be a morning person, doesn’t mean you can start rolling into work late or failing to get your kids ready for school. Many of our life commitments and demands start in the morning—whether we’re feeling ready or not. For this reason, many people look to try and alter their “body’s clock.”

While you certainly cannot change your DNA, there are things that you can do to help get a better night sleep so that you can wake up feeling more energized. For instance, some experts recommend eliminating blue light before bed, which is emitted from electronic devices like your laptop, phone or tablet. According Harvard Health Publishing, multiple studies have shown that exposure to blue light can suppress melatonin and impact the circadian rhythm.

Though it’s challenging, this means that you should avoid watching TV or looking at your phone or computer for up to two to three hours before going to sleep. Adhering to a regular sleep schedule can also make a big difference, says Healthline.

Can’t sleep? Click the link below for five reasons why:

5 Reasons You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night

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Use Your Natural Tendencies to Maximize Workouts

early bird

Being aware of whether you are an early bird or a night owl might also help you to get the most out of your workouts. Plan to perform your exercise when you are at your period of peak alertness. If you are an early bird, get your exercise finished first thing in the morning whenever you can. You’ll have tons of energy and will likely push yourself harder. If you’re more of a night owl, try to fit in a stop at the gym on the way home from work or go for a run in the evening hours. Again, working with your body’s natural clock may help you perform your best and really maximize that workout in order to burn the most possible calories. On the Nutrisystem program, we recommend 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Listen to your Body

man sleeping

In general, just paying closer attention to your body’s signs will help you make better choices and lead an overall healthier life. If your body is telling you “I’m tired,” you might be pushing yourself too hard or trying to pull from energy that you just don’t have. Pay closer attention to what your body is telling you and make the most out of the time where you’re feeling your best.

How to Get More Sleep & Completely Change Your Life Tonight

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The post Are You an Early Bird or a Night Owl? What the Research Says appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf https://ift.tt/2wuFRnS

8 Tips to Burn More Calories by Walking

Walking is seriously underrated in terms of its benefits as an exercise. Oftentimes we feel as though we must get drenched in sweat to burn calories. In reality, walking really can do wonders to help boost your burn! Don’t get us wrong; cycling, running and all of those intense cardio activities are wonderful. But maybe you don’t always have time to hit the gym or go for a full-blown run.

Sometimes, fitting in a couple of walks can feel a lot more doable.

Fortunately, research supports the benefits of walking. A study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, found that those who stuck with a walking program had significant improvements in blood pressure, reduction of body fat and body weight and overall better quality of life.

To help you burn more calories, we’ve rounded up eight easy tips for your walking workout.

Why Stress Keeps You From Losing Weight (and How to Beat It!)

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1. Walk on an incline, a hill or stairs.

Legs of a woman walking up the stairs to burn more calories

Going up? Walking on a treadmill that is tilted at an incline, walking up a hill outside or even walking on stairs can all increase the intensity of your workout. This means you’ll burn more calories than walking on level ground. It may also be better for your health. One study, published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, has shown that uphill walking can help your body metabolize both glucose and lipids, which means it might be beneficial for “the prevention of type 2 diabetes and disorders in lipid metabolism.”

2. Use an activity tracker or step counter to stay motivated.

Older man and woman in a park setting their activity trackers while walking to burn more calories

Wearing a watch or a device that provides activity tracking capabilities and/or step counting can help motivate you to walk longer or faster. Without any sense of how far you’ve walked or how many calories you’ve burned, it can be easy to “quit early.” But if you see that you’re just a few tenths away from the next mile—or that you’re incredibly close to meeting your daily step goal—it can push you to go a little bit longer. That kind of motivation can pay off in terms of your results.

3. Listen to tunes.

man listening to music while walking

Did you know that music can have an impact on your weight loss goals? A study, published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise, found that listening to music led to a 28 percent increase in activity enjoyment. That can equate to walking for longer—and burning more calories. People also commonly report that music helps them increase the speed and intensity of their work. It puts a little zip in your step!

6 Easy Habits That Can Increase Your Metabolism

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4. Walk with a pal.

man and woman walking in the woods to burn more calories

While music can motivate the solo walker, having a friend to talk to can also be motivating. Research carried out by Virgin Active Health Clubs found that exercising with a friend can burn more calories than working out alone. The reason may be that chatting with a good pal is distracting and helps you go further. When friends walk together, they also pace one another. You might be motivated to walk faster than you would alone.

5. Make sure you have the right shoes.

Woman mid-step on the street, with view of her shoe sole.

A good pair of walking shoes really can make all the difference in the world when it comes to inspiration to go further. If you’ve ever walked a long distance in unsupportive shoes, then you know how much your feet started to hurt. But when you have footwear that is comfortable and provides good shock absorption, you can walk longer and faster—and torch more calories as a result.

6. Move your arms as you walk—and pick up the pace.

man and woman walking on a treadmill to burn more calories

Adding arm movement during your walk can help you to go faster. It can turn a regular walk into a power walk—and that can help increase your burn. Research, published in Nature Medicine, found that the intensity of an activity can be more important than its duration. In other words, a shorter power walk can be more calorie-smashing than a long and leisurely stroll.

Hike Your Way to Weight Loss: 10 Reasons to Go for a Hike Today

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7. Take a hike!

Woman and dog hiking in the woods

Instead of walking around your neighborhood or town, why not drive to a local trail and take a hike? Hiking on uneven ground and different terrains can activate different muscles than you’re used to using on flat surfaces. You’ll be strengthening muscles in the knees, hips and ankles—areas that don’t usually get much use. The changes in terrain typically mean more calories burned, too.

8. Incorporate interval training into your walking program.

Woman power walking on the street to burn more calories

If you’ve ever participated in an interval run, then you know it incorporates short bursts of sprinting into your jog. You can do the same thing walking by increasing the intensity to a power walk at each interval. The idea is to keep the interval short enough that you won’t get completely exhausted and can keep going. This can help you burn more calories while walking.

Pair your walking workout with a convenient meal delivery service! Get started with Nutrisystem today >

30-20-10 Interval Training: It’s for Everyone

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The post 8 Tips to Burn More Calories by Walking appeared first on The Leaf.

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