Saturday, June 22, 2019

2 months down

I started my weight loss journey 2 months ago today with the sudden urge to make changes for myself. For the past few years lifestyle creep caught up with me and the combination of an office job and a terrible diet that consisted mostly of fast food was leading me a down a path I know I don’t want to go down. I started doing CICO using the my fitness pal app and signed up for a near by gym. I am not sure what I was expecting but the introductory personal training session the provided for free absolutely killed me. And I was really unable to do much for a few days because of the discomfort, however much I wanted to keep working with a trainer the price point he was pitching to me was too much for my budget. So a little bit discouraged I carried on. Started taking a few Bodypump and Spin classes every week for almost a month to get in a groove since I had very little experience in the gym and started to enjoy it. However, the scale wasn’t budging and frustration was starting to set in. I was looking at my diet and tweaks I could make but then my bodypump instructor asked if we could talk about a training plan. Her style was more relaxed and focused on accountability and we only needed to meet 1 time a week as long as I was going to class and doing the extra work she asked for on my own. The best part of training with this gym is the biometric scale they let you use during training sessions. It allows you to see changes in muscle mass, fat mass, and water weight and then how it’s distributed through the body. To my shock, despite no change in actual weight I had actually gained almost 3 pounds of muscle mass and lost almost 5 pounds of fat that month with the difference being a increase in water weight. This has been a huge confidence boost, and now with a more regimented plan of working out through two months I am finally seeing my weight change. My overall changes in two months below

Total weight 210.6-> 207 Fat Mass 77.2 -> 65.2 Muscle Mass 36.2 -> 38.4 Water 97.2 -> 103.4

Patience! It’s not a sprint it’s a marathon. Every healthy decision you make gets you closer to your goal! Keep your heads up friends.

submitted by /u/jnowland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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