Monday, June 24, 2019

Body dysmorphia (pics)

Transformation pics:

I’m really struggling lately. I’m no stranger to weight loss. After gaining a ton of weight and ending up at 215lbs on my 5’3” frame, I knew I had to do something. Through diet and exercise I lost 100+ pounds, getting down to 114 pounds. It took me a little over a year and I kept it off for about a year, until I ended up pregnant. I gained about 25 pounds, lost the weight and was able to stay active... until I got pregnant again. This time around, it was not good.

My second pregnancy was HORRIBLE. I had severe hyperemesis and lost almost 40 pounds. I was so very sick. After the hyperemesis went away, I just ate and ate and ate. I gained so much weight and when I gave birth, I tipped the scale at almost 200 pounds. After my son was born, I was just unhappy and continued to binge eat finally tipping in at 207lbs. During this time, I was diagnosed with POTS and Hashimoto’s, so it was almost impossible to workout because of exercise intolerance and it was so hard to lose weight. Long story short, I did keto for a while, went off keto, went on topamax for migraines, worked my way back up to being able to work out again and I’ve been killing it in the gym since. I have been since diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos too, so that’s been annoying.

Now that I’m in the 130’s, I’m finding it so difficult to feel like myself. I still feel like the 207 pound girl I once was. I want to be able to wear cute clothes and show off my hard work, but I feel like my arms are too big, my stomach is too fat, thighs are too chunky. Realistically, I know I don’t look like the old me, but for some reason, I still FEEL like the old me. How can I not feel like this anymore? It really sucks.

submitted by /u/newgirlwhodis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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