Saturday, June 8, 2019

How did I get here?

Hi everyone. I am so happy to have found this community as I begin my real fitness journey. I’ve had a fucked up relationship with food/weight my entire life (I’m sure many can relate). My weight has fluctuated over the years reaching a high of 145 at 19 (I’m 27 now). I worked hard to lose the weight, and was then at an all time low of 114 at 25 (this is also the time when I went vegan for a year and literally lost 10 pounds in my first week).

2 years ago I realized the vegan lifestyle wasn’t sustainable for me long term. At this time I also got back with my long time boyfriend (we’re engaged now...woo!) and slowly felt myself letting go of many of the health priorities I had as a strict vegan.

I also began teaching full time and used food and alcohol to “de-stress” after a long day. He is also somewhat of a junk food enabler, and we jointly started to care less about health and fitness.

Rewind to last summer I moved from philly to silver spring, Maryland to take a Montessori certification course that took all summer. I was renting out a room in someone’s basement and literally did not have access to a kitchen. I got subway everyday and just felt myself turning into an absolute blob.

I weighed myself at the end of the summer and I was about 139. “Fuck...” I thought. “Oh well I’ll just get healthy now that I’m back at home” I decided.

Well...that didn’t work. While we’ve had weeks of “health kicks” we still got pizza way more than we should and I still drank and snacked as a means of destressing all year. While it was a great year teaching the weight situation got worse. I recently weighed myself and I am officially at my highest ever weight at 151. This is overweight for my height and I feel like an absolute shit.

After reading stories on lose it and getting more inspired to stick to the CICO lifestyle I am getting my shit together. I’m trying to eat about 1,200 calories a day as well as trying to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Wish me luck!! I will continue to look on the subreddit for inspiration. I am using the loseit app and it’s been fantastic so far. To anyone who has read all of this...thank you for your time and I wish you well on your personal weight loss journey as well ☺️

submitted by /u/justinthyme101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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