Wednesday, June 12, 2019

I'm looking for an accountability buddy!

Hello r/loseit!

I started my weight loss journey this past Monday after stepping on the scale at a routine check-up and being clinically overweight for the first time. I was a skinny kid growing up, and capped out at 170lb 6'2" in highschool. But four years of eating like a college kid has really done a number on that. I'm still 6'2" but now sit at 220lb. I stopped working out after highschool because of the time it took from my college schooling, but maintained my caloric intake from highschool. As a bench mark to see how much physical ability I still had, I committed to see what my 1 mile time was and do my warm up that I would do before the gym while I was working out. My mile time has plummeted from 6:45 to almost 15 minutes and I had to take nearly half an hour to catch my breath. My warm up, which I promise isn't really that complex, took even more out of me and I couldn't even finish the three sets that used to be my minimum before hitting the weights.

After 4 years I have lost all the muscle I had except what is needed to barely move my body, I've gained 50lbs, and my resting heart rate is dangerously high. So, as it says in the title, I'm looking for an accountability buddy. Someone who I can message when I'm struggling with getting to the gym, or feeling discouraged, or when I inevitably slip on my CICO, and can count on being there to help me through it. And hopefully, I can do the same for them. I'm in the US, so my messages would primarily be during the times it's normal to be councious here.

My goals currently are to get down to at least what is considered a healthy weight, 185lb, and then focus more on building and toning my muscle back up.

Thank all of you for being a wonderful community. The posts that I have seen in this sub today while trying to plan out this post really drove home that anyone, including me, can achieve these goals if they are willing to put in the work. I admire all of you and hope that I can make you proud by reaching my own goals.

submitted by /u/Northmace97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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