Monday, June 24, 2019

Reassurance please...

Hello all!!! I am in need of some reassurance- the impatient part of my brain is really overpowering the rational part of my brain and I just need someone to tell I am doing ok or not!

So last year I lost about 25lbs, but I’ve put the weight back on over the past 6 months. I’m at it again. Current stats: F/5’7”/163- not severely overweight but definitely need to drop some lbs to be in a healthy range. I only restarted about a month ago- but I’m just not seeing much progress as I did before.

Last time I lost the weight: I cut calories to 1200/day and rarely went over, I weighed everything I ate and logged it, I met with a personal trainer once per week (before the personal trainer I was doing mainly cardio, after I was doing mainly weights).

This time around: I’m not cutting calories as much- only cut to 1600 (500 cal deficit). Sometimes I eat the 1600, others it’s around 1200-1300. Still weighing all food and logging. My gym activity is pretty much strictly weightlifting 4x/week with a circuit style workout 1xweek leaving 2 days of rest. During weight lifting sessions I am getting cardio in between sets via running/mountain climbers/kettleball swings/etc. I am not working with a personal trainer though- just using knowledge I learned from before. I make sure to consume anywhere from 8-12 cups of water per day.

Factors that may be contributing to lack of results: 1. I don’t think I’m consuming enough protein- I’ve looked back at my log for the few weeks. I’m getting enough for if I wasn’t lifting, but I don’t think I’m getting enough to help from muscle breakdown. 2. Stress. Before it was the stress of getting married- but I had a goal (look good on our big day). In the last 6 months I moved across the country with my husband, who now has some medical issues we have to address. We’ve been traveling a lot for his treatments. there was a lot of stress eating and drinking to cope at the beginning and also during travel- now I’m trying reign that in and to focus that energy on the gym instead. I can’t control a lot of things, but I can control how I handle stress. Additionally, I’m still looking for a job which is contributing to some financial stressing. Stress may be an excuse though, but it is a difference between then and now. 3. I only cut to 1600 calories as opposed to 1200.

Long story short- I know progress is going to be slower but after about 1 month I thought I’d see some more results. Not even weight loss so much as some body changes. I know I need to be patient and trust the process. Now reading back the post, I think I’m doing everything right, but advice/reassurance would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/lion121010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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