Monday, June 24, 2019

Weight Loss Snapchat Support Group

Today while I was going for a run I had this idea come across my mind of how nice it would be to have others with the same goal in mind; losing weight, help motivate one another, share accomplishments, tips, tricks and things of that sort with one another to help keep each other on track.

I’m personally just beginning my weight loss journey. I haven’t really told my friends or family much about it because quite frankly, those who are not striving to achieve the same goal, aren’t all that interested in helping you obtain yours. I’m currently 21 years old, 5’11” and 205 pounds. My goal is to be 170 nearing the end of the summer.

I’ve never been apart of a group like this, and I have no idea if anyone else will be interested. I use Snapchat day to day therefore I feel like this would be a very easy way to share our success and goals with one another.

I’ve tried “weight loss” several times before, like I’m sure all of us have. I’m done saying “I’ll start tomorrow after I stuff my face with 3 bags of chips, 2 cheeseburgers and a large fry” it’s time to start today, and I’d love to be apart of a support system where we all share our a common goal, therefore we hold each other accountable.

If you’re interested leave a comment or Direct Message me and I’ll begin to put this group together!

submitted by /u/RNauss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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