Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Today marks 6 months into my weight loss journey. I have lost 68.8lbs and I feel amazing!

Before and After:


I did this by using CICO (Calories in, calories out). I bought a food scale and I use myfitnesspal like a mad man. I have logged every single meal since day one, including my cheat meals and binges (which happen way less often now). I weigh myself every morning and log my weights into an app called Happy Scale. This app allows me to not worry about weight fluctuation and see the bigger picture based on the curve trend that the app calculates for me. This keeps me motivated. I also exercise 6-7 times per week, including weight-training, cardio and HIIT/kickboxing (High-intensity interval training). I participated in the most recent 8-week challenge on this very subreddit, which I highly recommend you to try. That challenge motivated me more than anything ever has, and I met some amazing and motivational individuals who cared for me and the others during the challenge. Last week I did my first ever Spartan Race, which I used as a goal to train hard for.

Now I am onto the next 6 months of my journey and I more than ever believe I can do anything that I put my mind to, as long as I push myself and don't give up. This really comes down to how badly do you want to do this, and are you willing to put in the work to make it happen? I find that the more research I do, the more photos I take, the more goals I set, the more I open up to my friends, my family, this community, and others, then the more honest I am with myself and the more confidence I gain to keep on pushing. My lifestyle feels like an easy routine now rather than a daily challenge I have to overcome.

Please do not hesitate to reach out for any advice. I find that the first step to making a change is the hardest, especially if you do not know where to begin and how to do it. I'm not saying I have all the answers, and there are no "right" or "wrong" answers - all of our bodies are different - but I have a pretty good idea of what it takes mentally and emotionally.

Thank you r/loseit for your daily motivation and inspiring posts!

submitted by /u/FinnAnotherHuman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IaS8cp

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