Saturday, August 24, 2019

23 lbs down 57 to go

M/30/357 lbs (was 380) on mobile.

Edit: I am mildly gluten intolerant.

So on the 29th of July I got an expected diagnosis, type 1 diabetes. That day I said fuck you beetus and fuck you fatass for getting yourself here.

So I went cold turkey off sugar, corn syrup, all gluten, and started carb counting (50g soft limit and 90g hard limit per day). My only source of sugar is honey and fruit. I try to keep my carb intake to fibrous carbs but this is not a strict rule.

I don't count calories, this is because I dropped my food intake to the point where I was riding the high end of a hypoglycemic low for the last few weeks. For those weeks I was eating around 1000-1500 calories a day (estimated for this post). I did this because I was addicted to eating, feeling full and I needed to shrink my stomach. Unlike alcohol I have to eat, so I had to become ok with hunger. Weeks of feeling hungry made me get over the panic I felt when I would get hungry. The addiction is due to childhood events that I am not going to go into right now.

Today I am moving into intermittent fasting and starting careful workout. I will be doing this while maintaining my current diet, though my estimated calorie intake is going to likely be around 2000 per day, according to my carb counting app.

I do not plan on remaining on such a harsh diet indefinitely, but I will be on a similar diet that is less strict likely for the rest of my life. Fuck the beetus.

If anyone has any tips on accelerating weight loss in a way that is not worse than my current methods I'd be interested in hearing.

Also, regarding the excess skin after weight loss, does anyone know any non-surgical means to deal with this? Aside from time.

Thank you.

To anyone dealing with weigh loss or maintenance, you rock, keep it up.

To anyone who is considering starting weight loss or on the fence. You can do it, don't look at how much others have done, they aren't you. Other people can be inspiration or can give you ideas and information. What you lose is your victory, be it 1 lb or 100+ it is significant and nothing anyone says can change that. Jump in (safely) and keep pressing, never stop, no matter what. You won't miss that burger, pizza, pop, cake, or whatever gives you that breakup feels every time you think about giving it up. It'll feel like hell for the first week but then it gets easy. Then the next thing you know broccoli is one of the most delicious things on the fucking planet and you don't want to eat so much that you hurt. I cried the day I jumped into this, I was so scared I'd die when the hunger set in. But I'm ok, I didn't die, I can serve cake to people without taking the largest slice that is socially acceptable at that moment. You can do it. You can push on even when the "fuck yeah, I can do this" wears off after a few weeks. Everyone can lose weight, even the fat red head kid (me).

Tldr: I got the beetus, fuck the beetus, fuck my weight, anyone can lose weight. How do you deal with excess skin after weight loss?

submitted by /u/mesoterra_pick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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