Sunday, August 25, 2019

6 Months in, 54 pounds lost

For a long time I would come across posts from /r/progresspics and would tell myself that it would be me one day. I would "someday" start a journey to lose all this weight and be one of those people. Then I found /r/loseit and CICO finally clicked in my head.

In February, I got my tax return and I really wanted new computer parts or a 4k screen, but I kept thinking about how depressed I am about myself and weight, and that there was no point in spending that money if its just going to make me stay in my room more. So instead, I got a gym membership and also a food scale and downloaded MyFitnessPal.

I weighed myself on the first day and I was 395. I started with walking on the treadmill for 20 minutes and 30 minutes lifting weights. Slowly I reached a point where I am walking 2.5 miles or an hour (whichever comes first) and then doing PPL for another hour. I eat 1800-1950 cal and measure every single thing.

The hardest thing for me has been dealing with my family. They're all 30-50 pounds overweight, but no one has ever been my size. Since starting this, their attitudes towards me have become so negative. For decades I was told to just "move more and eat less", but now that I'm doing CICO, they all tell me I'm doing it wrong.

  • They've argued that I could lose way more doing KETO, fasting, SlimFast, Atkins,etc the whole time

  • Told me to not eat protein and focus on fats, then told me to focus on protein only.

  • At my heaviest, I would be invited every where, but now I go weeks or months not hearing from anyone.

  • Every time weight loss has come up and I've started talking, they tell me "ok we get it" sarcastically. Once every couple months someone will ask me if I'm still going to the gym and that will be the only mention.

  • An uncle of mine was bragging about losing 15 pounds in 6 months, then called me a liar when I said I had lost 40 in 4 months (while he ate 6 slices of pizza at a family event).

  • I'm always told to live a little and not to worry about what I eat, while they stuff their faces and feel miserable.

Even after all that, I FUCKING LOVE LOSING WEIGHT. I love going to the gym, I love the new food I'm learning to cook, I love that my body is changing for the better and that I am in control. I am stronger and faster then I have ever been.

Thank you /r/loseit

submitted by /u/IUpvotedOddNumbers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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