Sunday, August 4, 2019

A question for people who have lost and then regained 100+ lbs

Assuming you had loose skin after losing the 100+ (as most do), did the regain fill it back out? If your boobs deflated, did they re-inflate? Did saggy arm skin, thigh, and tummy skin fill out with fat and look 'normal' again?

I ask, because I'm not losing the weight for the reason most people here probably are (health, aesthetic) I'm losing it because I'm transgender (nonbinary) and the gendered way fat collects on my body has caused me a lot gender dysphoria. I've always intensely envied people who were thin simply because they have a better chance of passing as androgynous in our society.

The reason I didn't lose weight sooner is because I was afraid of loose skin and if I'm being honest, I felt and still feel I could be happier with myself fat than with a lot of loose skin.

I've reached the point in weight loss where I'm beginning to notice a good amount of wrinkling in my right inner thigh. I also have 'bingo wings'... they still feel like they have a lot of fat in them yet though so I'm not sure if they will or won't become smaller. My 42 DD boobs have deflated, but I've always intended to either get top surgery (full removal) or a drastic reduction to help me feel comfortable in my body as a transgender/nonbinary person anyway so I'm a little less concerned of that.

I'd already lost 40 lbs over the past few years just naturally after recovering from a severe depressive episode, but only decided to to start making an actual effort to lose more a few months ago.

I guess what I'm asking is, if I decide I can't handle the loose skin and cannot access surgery to fix it, would regaining the weight put me back where I was before the loss gave me loose skin or am I going to be stuck looking weird and baggy even after regain?

submitted by /u/loud-and-queer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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