Sunday, August 4, 2019

Gentlemen avert your eyes: this is a thread about periods.

I could use the community’s gathered knowledge and experience here. Has anyone Elese experienced this?

About a year and a half ago I started losing weight. A year ago my period stopped. It has not started back.

My stats: Went from 5’6” 31year old , 150lb and 26% body fat to 124lb and 20% body fat over the course of 6 months. Then back up to 128lb 21% body fat.

I work out 2x a week doing a boot camp and walk to work about 3 minutes every day.

Situation: My doc is convinced that my drop in estradiol (stuff that makes periods) is caused by my weight loss. I was tested for everything from PCOS to endometriosis to thyroid problems to pituitary gland lesions. All other hormones are in perfect balance except estradiol.

I’m skeptical because I am not underweight and I don’t over workout.

I also had an iud for about a year and a half during all this and had it taken out after my period stopped thinking it was just the mirena. The doc said my period was supposed to come back in 3 months after removal. It did not.

Looking for some similar experiences and what you learned from it.

submitted by /u/Mayya-Papayya
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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