Sunday, August 25, 2019

How to stop eating SO much sugar?

Hello guys! I have a serious problem. I have successfully lost about 7kg (15lb) now but I still have about 8 or 9 (18-20lbs) to go to reach my goal weight. I am extremely active, I ride a bike and run almost on a daily basis and in addition to that I have been going to the gym. Shortly, I burn a lot of calories. That’s why the weight loss has been easy even with eating quite a bit of chocolate and ice cream every day.

This weekend I haven’t been able to exercise due to illness but I tried to count calories anyway. I have realized that it’s extremely difficult for me to stay away from sugar. I have a serious addiction. Without exercise it’s impossible to stay under my calorie goal or even at maintenance because I just crave sugar like all the time and after every meal and so on.

I have been able to eat a bit less sugar during the weekdays when I have been working but my job is now over and I’m going back to studying. That’s going to be a heck of a challenge because days studying are not that structured and I have no idea how to follow reasonable eating habits if I don’t have a strict daily rhythm. My weekends are always a mess with many servings of sugar. It hasn’t been bothering the weight loss as I have been able to stick to the maintenance and had a deficit during the working days. But from now on every day is like a weekend to me...

The main reason that I want to quit sugar is that it’s just not healthy. I also eat way too little protein and I think these two things show in my body composition. I don’t think it’s possible to lose much more with these kind of eating habits. During this illness I have had some heartaches (nothing serious, apparently just arrhythmia) but it really made me realize that I definitely don’t want high blood pressure, diabetes or anything dangerous to my health just because I haven’t been able to give up this addiction.

But I LOVE chocolate and cakes and ice cream and I crave them all the time. Any ideas on how to END this??

TLDR: I have a serious sugar addiction. I have no idea how to stop eating it all the time.

submitted by /u/sonjadeliina
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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