Sunday, August 25, 2019

[M / 187 cm / 25 ]On the road down again! (113.5 kg -> 87.1 kg).

Little backstory here:

After I was done with college, I was possibly in the worst shape of my life. Weighing 113.5 kg on the scale, no fitness at all, having messy long hair, pictures of me looking dreadful, ... you get the picture.

Then started work and figured I had to start working on getting pre-college levels of weight and fitness (around 93 kg, still heavy but sorta acceptable chubby). With one of my first paycheques I bought myself an elliptical, having read about those things thoroughly on the internet, i figured this would be less stressful for my joints as opposed to running right off the bat. And so I started training. 2-3 times a week, sessions of 20-30 minutes. Every 2 weeks I visited a dietician who sorted my food habits: chicken meat > all. Stepping away from soda with sugar.

Boy did the weight fly off. 1.5-2 kg’s / week. The dietician that was helping me was always surprised with how fast I made progress, this actually encouraged me to keep going as hard as possible. Stepping up training on the elliptical to 4-5 times a week with increased length ( up to 1 hour sessions). Once I got down to 93-ish kg i picked up running. With the basic cardio exercise i had from the elliptical, i managed to run 5 km in one go in a matter of weeks of interval training.

So I ended up with a, for me, record low weight of 83.6 kg around june last year. Best cardio shape I’ve ever been in. And then, winter came. Losing intrest in the whole losing weight thing and letting myself go at dinner and snacking, I gained around 1 kg / month during the last couple of months of last year and the first half of this year. After our holiday to scandinavia end of may, my weight was back upto 95-96 kg.

So i started cardio again and got back into that state of mind of cutting calories. Currently back down to 87.1 kg and almost back at running 5 km in one go.

Gonna have to force myself onto some weights at a gym soon though I’m afraid. Even though I lost alot of fat in my thighs and belly area again through cardio, my chest (honestly my whole body) is leaning towards ‘skinny fat’. Hope I can find a good gym around my area that does well with assisting in the process of muscle building.

I really do want to get to that point of looking super fit at least one time in my life. Sorta want to keep losing the fat through cardio until 75-80 kg and from then on start working on weights. People will advice me to start weights right away, but Im actually enjoying the cardio alot more atm. I feel super energetic after coming back from a run training.

So here a ‘brief’ summary of the progress, hope to be reporting back later more gains (or should i say losses) 💪.

Weight loss last months

submitted by /u/Whizzeh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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