Wednesday, August 14, 2019

I finally understand making a “lifestyle change” and I’m a little less worried about maintenance

I’ve been on my weight loss journey since the beginning of the year (actually right after Christmas because I didn’t want it to technically be a New Years resolution I was bound to fail on).

I just hit my goal weight today! I’m super pumped and so happy that I actually made it.

A few months ago, I remember making some comments about how I was almost terrified of reaching my goal because that meant going into essentially a lifetime of maintenance. At least while losing, there was a goal, but at maintenance, there is no end and that was scary.

I always heard people talking about making it a lifestyle change instead of a diet and I guess I never really understood what that meant. I just equated it to continuing to count calories once I reached my goal weight and that was the only plan I had.

Calorie counting was the only strategy I had for my weight loss. At the beginning of my journey, it was tough to stay to my calorie limit because I didn’t want to feel like I was eliminating foods or depriving myself. After a while, I started seeking out lower calorie meals. After a while, that turned into healthier meals that were naturally lower calorie. With the majority of my food being healthy, whole foods, I was able to fit in the occasional glass of wine, cookie, ice cream, or chocolate. I didn’t really work out at all to reach my goal, but I do like being more “active” going for walks or doing yoga instead of sitting on my couch. This all happened very slowly over this period but started to make more sense and become easier.

This morning, while driving to work and reflecting on the fact that I had done it and was beginning to strategize how I would move forward, I was contemplating this idea of it being a lifestyle change, when I suddenly realized that it had been this whole time.

I don’t have the desire to go back to eating deep fried and carb heavy foods. Not only because those don’t make me feel good anymore, but also because I’m choosing to live healthier. Just because I can add a few calories back into my limit doesn’t mean I throw out all the changes I’ve made over the last months. I’ve already made the changes, and I’ve found even more foods that I love and ways to fit in the stuff that’s not so healthy that I still love in moderation. I didn’t even realize I was creating good habits this whole time and now I feel so ready to take on maintenance because it’s not something different and unknown. It’s something I’ve already mastered and I’m excited to keep doing it.

Also, I have to add in a thank you to this sub. I didn’t get really serious about my weight loss until I found you guys about a month in. When I’ve been frustrated, I’ve gotten inspiration reading people’s success stories and found comfort in other people’s rants. I appreciate all of you.

submitted by /u/emcait730
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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