Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It's finally started!

Back in late january I decided I needed to lose weight. I was unhappy in my skin, didn't feel like I deserved to buy nice clothes, so I was stuck buying mens cheap T-shirts and basketball shorts until I "lost the weight" (I'm female, age 21, and into feminine aesthetics) I finally realized that the weight wasn't magically going to disappear. Crazy, I know, but at the time I didn't really understand my weight gain that took place over a year and a half. I wasn't super overweight, just thick, but I couldn't stand the image in the mirror. I couldn't stand how after I was done with my shower I had to immediately put on shorts cause my thighs chafing together while walking around was too uncomfortable.

It was my brother's graduation photos that made me start researching how to lose weight. I hadn't taken or seen a picture of myself in 2 years. I know in this day and age that sounds insane, but I'm not on social media. I don't go out with people who want to take pics for their insta, purposely, and I 100% do not take photos of myself ever. When I saw those photos I knew it wasn't a few pounds, or water weight. There was a good amount I had to work to lose.

I got a personal trainer, and was excited to train and lose weight. Here's the difficult part. I weighed myself when I started and got a new nutrition plan that I religiously followed. When I weighed myself the next month I had gained 6 pounds. I've never felt as defeated as I had then. My personal trainer explained to me that it was all muscle growth and my fat percentage had actually stayed the same. For me, I didn't really process what he was saying because I just saw the number on the scale.

For the next few months until June I had remained the pretty much same weight except for a pound or two, although I was gaining muscle mass. It was really depressing for me, but I was determined to keep going to my personal training sessions and sticking to my diet.

In June I had my first significant weight loss which was a measly 4 pounds. In July I had l lost 4 pounds again. This month I've lost 5 pounds. I've lost 14 pounds so far! I know that sounds stupid because I've been trying since January, but it's happening, I'm losing weight! My trainer said because it's going slowly it means I have a better chance of not regaining the weight and thinks I'm doing really well despite what I think.

I started at 42.2% BF and 24.9% MM. Now I'm 36.5% BF and 28.2% MM

I know it's not the best, but I am very happy and proud of my progress and the fact I've stuck with it. I still have a long way to go, but the past few months have shown me this is possible and I wanted to share it. Thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/mlimes87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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